Sunday, February 2, 2025
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Your special fall equinox 2024 horoscope is here | CBC Life

So long, summer. On Sept. 22, we'll greet the fall equinox, when day and night become nearly equal in length. We may feel driven...

Your horoscope for the week ahead: A powerful new moon will help you close the summer out on a high note | CBC Life

A fresh start could be on the horizon this week. So when the intuition-ruling moon begins a new cycle in proactive Virgo on Monday,...

Your horoscope for the week ahead: It’s time to establish more balance in your relationships | CBC Life

Ready to hit the ground running? On Monday, when the habit-driving moon wanes into her third quarter in lively Gemini, we'll be motivated to...

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Slow down to focus on what truly matters | CBC Life

The skies will be quieter than usual this week, with just a couple notable astrological events on the horizon. Take this as an opportunity...

Your horoscope for the week ahead: It’s a brilliant time to forgo your routines and test your limits | CBC Life

Have you been longing to escape the ordinary? You could get the push you've been waiting for when explosive Mars conjuncts innovative Uranus in...

Your horoscope for the week ahead: Unleash your charms and see what happens | CBC Life

Letting your inner rebel out to play could do wonders for your mood at the start of this week, particularly as love-and-beauty-ruling Venus sextiles unpredictable...

Your horoscope for the week ahead: It’s time to make some grand plans | CBC Life

We'll be off to a running start this week. As reason-ruling Mercury sextiles disciplined Saturn on Monday night or early Tuesday — depending on...

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