This story was originally published on the Benzinga India portal. Inc. AMZN has announced the launch of its artificial intelligence-powered shopping assistant, Rufus, in India. This...
The past week has been a whirlwind of tech news, with artificial intelligence (AI) taking center stage. From former President Donald Trump’s shock at...
Alphabet Inc.'s former CEO and Chair Eric Schmidt on Tuesday pointed to Nvidia Corporation NVDA as a significant player in the AI market. The original video of his conversation...
Earnings Results
Palantir Technologies Inc. PLTR reported second-quarter revenue of $678.13 million, beating the consensus estimate of $652.1 million and adjusted earnings of 9 cents per share,...
Experts believe that Japan’s increasing dependence on foreign digital services like Amazon AMZN Prime and YouTube Premium by Google Inc. GOOGL GOOG is contributing to a rising “digital...
Alphabet Inc.’s GOOG GOOGL Google has been testing the integration of Ultra HDR image capture into a limited camera API for Android 14.What Happened:...
The Department of Justice announced that it had disrupted a Russian disinformation campaign backed by the Kremlin and managed by state-controlled media.China has emerged as the...
Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s AI startup xAI is planning to construct a supercomputer in Memphis, Tennessee, to bolster its AI development efforts.What Happened: The...