HOPING TO CELEBRATE AGAIN — Indian Creek’s baseball team celebrates with the trophy after winning the district championship game last week. The Redskins play...
Fredonia’s Jaelyn Davis (9), Callie Draggett (18), Jordan Lucas (21) and Danielle Palisin, left, congratulate Jenna Fryberger after her first-inning grand slam in the...
Dalton Kashmer <!-- SHOW ARTICLE
Using a 6-iron, Dalton Kashmer, pictured above, aced the 186-yard 11th hole at Tri-County Country Club on Tuesday.
New Jamestown Tarp Skunks manager Ben Julian, left, is pictured with Randy Anderson, Jamestown Community Baseball board member. Julian will manage his first game...
A tarp covers the infield at Comerica Park, where the baseball game between the Pittsburgh Pirates and the Detroit Tigers was postponed Tuesday, May...
OBSERVER Photo by Scott Kindberg
North Collins pitcher Derek Ebersole, right, and catcher Vincent Montaldi celebrate after the Eagles’ 4-1 win over Franklinville in the...
West Virginia receiver Preston Fox prepares for contact during a game against Oklahoma last season.
(Photo by Kevin Kinder, BlueGoldNews.com) <!-- SHOW ARTICLE
OBSERVER Photo by Christian Storms
Fredonia’s Sophia Gullo shows off the Section VI Class B1 championship plaque with teammates following the Hillbillies’ win over Depew...