The sooner you release your frustrations, the better. As the moon collides with Pluto (the planet of upheaval), opportunities emerge to purge your mind...
The methodical Capricorn moon moves in time with strict Saturn, encouraging you to follow a linear and productive routine. Learn from your past mistakes...
The heart-pounding alignment of Venus and Mars strengthens, setting off a wave of intense and seductive energy. Quality time and affirming physical touch are...
Your intuition is lighting up. The moon slips into perceptive Scorpio, supporting you through a deep and introspective morning. Read between the lines, but...
This October packs quite the punch. Beginning under the solar eclipse in turbulent Libra on Oct. 2, your relationships are getting a much-needed fresh...
Amorous autumnal affairs and fun fall flirtations are aplenty this month, thanks to the synergistic magic of October’s astrology. But there’s a high chance...
The productive Virgo sun makes contact with Uranus (currently retrograde), sparking an unpredictable start to your day. Strike a balance between following your fluctuating...