Digital price tags: Innovation or price-gouging tool?Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bob Casey challenge Kroger's new pricing technology, fearing it could enable surge pricing.Money Talks...
Forget any ingredients for Thanksgiving dinner? Good news — several grocery and international specialty foods stores in the South Bend area will remain open...
CINCINNATI, Nov. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — In preparation for Thanksgiving, The Kroger Co. BB #:100073 surveyed customers to see how they plan to shop and what...
Video: Civil War marker unveiled in LafayetteCapt. Arthur W. Marsh, a fallen soldier, was honored by his great-great-son near Pont des Mouton Road and...
Holiday shoppers want deals. A new survey of Kroger customers reveals how they plan to shop for the holidays.84.51°, Kroger’s data analytics subsidiary, recently asked...
CHICAGO (CBS) -- The chief executive officers of Kroger and Albertsons both say their merger would save consumers money.Kroger CEO Rodney McMullen and Albertsons...
Grocery giants Kroger and Albertsons are facing off against the Federal Trade Commission in federal court, with the two sides fighting over the largest...