The Committee WithinWhen you desire one behavior and exhibit another, it’s not for lack of willpower, rather it’s because you house a committee within...
Pride’s BluffIf the prevailing squares have something to teach, it’s that arrogance is just fear wearing a clever disguise. While it’s typical to feel...
Chiron’s Complaint BoxSome complain to show their exceptional talents of discernment and flex the implied intellectual superiority. Complaining can also be the refuge of...
Your Halloween HoroscopesMercury and Neptune rule this Samhain with a dreamy trine of shadow, fog and other illusions. The tricks will be skillful, the...
Tests of IntuitionBetween the water-sign trines, the stressful squares and an opposition to Neptune, the tricks begin before Halloween with slow burns, confusing emotions...
Warrior MoonThe Aries moon swelling to tomorrow’s super status is a symbol of individual strength. Have faith in yourself as a person of resourcefulness...
Countdown to Jupiter RetrogradeWhile there may be absolutely nothing wrong with a relationship, unless it’s growing, it’s also not quite right. Because a relationship...