Sunday, March 9, 2025
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In The Know: News, updates from Greenville area businesses and nonprofits

Kathy Laughlin  |  Marketplace GreenvilleReport Addresses GSP Transit HubThe Upstate Mobility Alliance recently released its GSP Transit Hub Feasibility Analysis, which took eight months and...

Infrastructure upgrades announced to address ‘catastrophic failure’ with residents ‘smelling sewage multiple times a day’

In short: The Malinauskas government has committed $59 million in water and sewer infrastructure upgrades in Adelaide's northern suburbs.Many home owners in Angle Vale are...

Our Town Hastings: Downtown Development

LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) - A historic building in downtown Hastings is being transformed into a shopping destination, and it’s an example of the unique...

Dallas suburb residents crush developer’s dreams of turning a historic farm into a strip mall

Residents of a quaint town outside Dallas have scored a major victory — forcing a developer to scrap plans to bulldoze lush farmland and...

Columbia Pike development plans fall through at beleaguered Fillmore Gardens Shopping Center |

An abandoned storefront at the Fillmore Gardens Shopping Center (staff photo by James Jarvis) A notice condemning the old Atilla’s restaurant on Columbia...

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