

Hires, promotions, appointments
Courtney Francis, Stephanie Joyce and Kelly Pelletier, certified public accountants, were promoted to principal at Baker Newman Noyes, an accounting and advisory firm in Portland.



Gail Frongillo, a financial adviser at Morgan Stanley‘s wealth management office in Portland; Deanna Harnett, a financial adviser and certified divorce financial analyst; and Cameron Shorey, a financial adviser and certified financial planner, were promoted to vice president.
Matt Holbrook was promoted to vice president of data and analytics at MEMIC. He joined MEMIC in 1996.

Beverly Shadley was appointed vice president of philanthropic consulting firm Demont Associates, the fourth in its 31-year history. Shadley has been working in fundraising and development with conservation and other nonprofit organizations for 34 years.
Girls on the Run Maine, a nonprofit that empowers young girls, welcomed Jamie Bowden, vice president and marketing manager at Camden National Bank, and Nicole Nadeau, vice president of people and culture at Good Shepherd Food Bank, to its board of directors.

My Place Teen Center received a $10,000 grant from Atlantic Federal Credit Union Foundation. The center is a nonprofit organization providing a year-round, free, out-of-school-time program for youth, with academic support, leadership development, job and life skills training and financial literacy. My Place Teen Center President and CEO Donna Dwyer, center, stands with AFCU Foundation representatives Chris McGorrill, left, and Rachel Newman. Contributed / AFCU Foundation