Sidhartha Mallya, son of fugitive Indian businessman Vijay Mallya, and his fiancée Jasmine were seen indulging in a shopping spree in London on Thursday, just two days before their upcoming wedding. The couple appeared was seen walking on a street holding several shopping bags and talking to each other ahead of their big day.
The photo of the couple shopping was posted on Instagram Stories by their friend Chelsey Schlesinger. “Two more days,” she wrote.
The couple took to Instagram earlier this week to announce that their wedding will take place this week.
“Wedding week has commenced,” they captioned the joint post, along with their photo.
Take a look at the post here:
(Also Read: All about Sidhartha Mallya’s wedding and his girlfriend Jasmine)
Sidhartha Mallya and Jasmine got engaged on Halloween in October last year. In a post on Instagram, Jasmine had written, “October. There were obviously other things that happened in October, but nothing else really matters anymore. Best day of my life….”
She shared several pictures from the day. In one of the pictures with Sidhartha, she can be seen flaunting her engagement ring.
The groom-to-be’s father Vijay Mallya, a former liquor baron who owned Kingfisher Airlines, is wanted in India for defaulting bank loans worth ₹9,000 crore.
The senior Mallya fled India in 2016 when public sector banks approached the Debt Recovery Tribunal. He is in the United Kingdom and the government is making an effort to extradite him. Mallya’s Kingfisher Airlines collapsed in 2012.