Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sagittarius, January 2025: Your Monthly Horoscope

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For charismatic, moral, and curious Sagittarius: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of January.

The first month of the new year is dominated by multiple planetary retrogrades, one of which is your ruling planet, Jupiter. This faraway planet’s retrograde period pushes us toward new perspectives and ideas. When direct, your ruling planet governs outward expansion, prosperity, and good fortune. When retrograde, Jupiter calls us to seek those things within ourselves. The results don’t often feel as gratifying without the external validation of its counterpart. But these internal shifts can be far more rewarding in the long run. Giving up your immediate satisfaction is a relatively small price to pay.

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In addition to Jupiter retrograde, Mars and Uranus are also on a backward trek through the cosmos. Mars retrograde, much like Mercury retrograde, can thwart our progress by throwing metaphorical wrenches in the cogs of our daily lives, so to speak. Motivation decreases, and energy levels wane. This isn’t necessarily the most palatable energy for someone as aspirational as you, particularly at the start of a new year. But the stars urge you to follow their speed as best you can. A more thoughtful approach can make all the difference in saving yourself from unnecessary heartache further down the road.

Finally, Uranus retrograde serves as an extra layer of potential chaos as it pushes us toward a state of inner rebellion. What parts of yourself have you been denying out of fear of breaking expectations? These standards that you’ve placed on yourself—or that have been placed there by others—needn’t dictate the trajectory of your entire life. Some traditions deserve to be questioned. Some rules deserve to be broken. Uranus’ retrograde period is a time to find these exceptions to the rules. Prioritize innovation. Stay outside the confines of your comfort zone as much as you can bear. Great transformation awaits if you do.

The first few days of the new year look to be especially tumultuous. Your ruling retrograde planet cycles through a series of alignments with the waxing crescent Moon. From relatively positive but inactive sextiles to more challenging squares, tensions will begin to strengthen as you go further into the week. This series of events culminates in a square between the Moon and Jupiter. As the lunar phase pushes you forward down your life path, Jupiter retrograde brings up an important question. Is the direction you originally set out on still the one you should be taking? Given the tension of this particular alignment, the stars seem to signal no.

By January 10, Jupiter retrograde forms a potent conjunction with the waxing gibbous Moon under Gemini. Unlike the waxing crescent, which tends to favor action over analysis, the waxing gibbous is the opposite. This phase serves as a celestial pause, encouraging us to assess our progress thus far before the solidifying effects of the upcoming full Moon make permanent the consequences of our actions. The cosmos forms a crossroads of sorts, leaving you with two options. Accept and start to acclimate to this new reality as it has made itself known, or opt to live in fantasy-driven falsehoods.

Three days later, on January 13, the full Moon reaches its peak strength in its native Cancer. A full Moon is already a potent celestial event on its own. But in its ruling Zodiac sign, these effects become even more tangible. The revealing glow of the Moon will tell you whether the path you choose a few days prior was the right one. Be sure you’re paying attention when the big reveal happens, stargazer. Pay attention to emotional cues. Look for subtle hints. There are more guideposts than you might realize.

Your ruling planet forms a challenging square with Venus the next day, January 14, creating conflict within areas of love, finance, or self-image. Making investments requires accepting the risk of loss, Sagittarius. You can’t have one without the other. The universe simply doesn’t operate that way. If you keep waiting for the opportunity that presents no possible drawbacks whatsoever, you’ll end up waiting forever. The stars urge you to start learning how to take the bad with the good. Finding the balance between them is crucial.

The Sun begins its trek from Capricorn to Aquarius around January 19, ushering in a new celestial season a couple of days later. Aquarius season is a time for exploring, experimenting, and defying expectations. When you can find no path before you, forge one yourself. If there’s no blueprint to be found, make one. This innovative cosmic era rewards courage in the face of the unknown. It favors the bold and authentic. You won’t be able to fake or rush your way through this process, Sagittarius.

On January 25, Jupiter retrograde forms a direct opposition to the waning crescent Moon under your celestial domain. This alignment signals toward a need for balance between your desire to grow and evolve and your desire to cling to the past for comfort. Fortunately, the cosmos offers some much more positive celestial energy by way of a fortuitous trine between your ruling planet and Makemake retrograde in Libra.

You can’t change what’s already happened (or didn’t) to you. The universe doesn’t guarantee closure. But sometimes, it gives you the chance to use your past experiences to make someone else’s life easier. With Makemake’s governance over our activist spirit and philanthropy, the stars seem to be pointing you toward the type of self-fulfillment that only comes from putting others before the self.

The positive cosmic energy only strengthens later in the month as Jupiter forms another harmonious trine with the new Moon in Aquarius. This restful lunar phase in innovative Aquarius encourages planning, preparation, and recharging as you get ready for the necessary steps to come. The positive alignment between your ruling planet and the new Moon suggests you’re moving in the right path, emotionally and mentally speaking. Focus on your intentions and keep your values close to your heart.

Indeed, great changes are on the horizon, ushered in by Uranus retrograde turning direct in Taurus on January 30. This long-awaited end to Uranus retrograde shifts our innovative and rebellious spirit outward. It encourages us to push back against social and societal expectations. How will you use this energy to your advantage?

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Sagittarius! See you next month.

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