by Braden Carmen
Superintendent Dr. Katie Ralston has designed and implemented a new organizational chart for Silver Creek Central School District employees.
SILVER CREEK — After running things for more than a year, Superintendent Dr. Katie Ralston put her leadership skills to good use in designing a new plan for the Silver Creek School District to ensure that District employees have a clear understanding of where to turn for guidance.
At a recent meeting, the Board of Education adopted the District’s new Administrative/Managerial Organization Chart for the 2024-2025 school year
Ralston, who possesses Doctor of Education in Organizational Learning and Leadership degree from Vanderbilt University, designed the chart throughout her first year with the District and presented the chart to the Board of Education earlier this summer.
The organization chart shows the Board of Education as Ralston’s supervisor, while Ralston supervises four administrative positions: Director of Special Education, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology Integration, Director of Positive Interventions and Family Connectedness, and Business Manager. Each of those four administrators are responsible for their own branch of staff members within the District.
Michelle Helmer, Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology Integration, also discussed the District’s Technology Committee and its goals over the next three years. The group began meeting last spring. The District hopes to identify ways that technology can differentiate instruction. This fall, the group will analyze data – including budgetary information, current trends and innovations, operational efficiency, infrastructure, and policies and procedures currently in place – in order to draft a plan for the District moving forward.
Ralston was also approved to attend the New York State School Boards Association Annual Convention in New York City from Oct. 20-22, along with Board of Education President Martha Howard and Board member Michael Grisanti. Board member Brian Boedo will attend virtually.
The Board also approved the provisional appointment of Jason Conklin as 12-month School Secretary at a rate of $16 per hour; Ashlynn Powers was appointed as a Substitute Teacher Aide; and Ana Szymanek was appointed as a Lifeguard. The Board also authorized Phil Cook to serve as a volunteer Assistant Soccer Coach.
Katie Burke and Shannon Near were appointed as Co-Elementary AIS Coordinators. The appointment of Samantha Scanlan, My Brother’s Keeper Mentor/Family Liaison, was amended to reflect a commencement date of Aug. 28. Denine Vara will resign as Bus Monitor on Oct. 1 to serve as a Teacher Aide within the District.
The next meeting of the Silver Creek Board of Education is Thursday at 7 p.m.