New York state recently awarded $290,000 to two local communities for infrastructure improvements.
The village of Potsdam will get $104,000 for a comprehensive plan with sustainability elements, complete streets policy, planning for bicycling and walking.
“The Village of Potsdam will complete these three certification actions to guide the community’s growth and development in the face of rapid changes due to ongoing economic and demographic shifts. The village recognizes the urgency of investing in resilience and sustainable development through application of Smart Growth principles,” according to the state’s list of awards.
The town of Colton will get $186,000 for a pedestrian infrastructure improvement project.
“The Town of Colton will replace 1,715 feet of sidewalk along NY-56 with new, 5-foot-wide ADA-compliant sidewalks. The existing sidewalk is in various states of disrepair and cannot be properly maintained due to unlevel surface.
Creating a safe pedestrian corridor along this route was identified as a need in a recent community-wide walkability survey,” the award list says.