Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Pisces, October 2024: Your Monthly Horoscope

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For romantic, dreamy, and intuitive Pisces: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of October.

Two potent retrogrades this month dominate your sign, creating an overarching pull toward introspection and reflection. Not only is your ruling planet, Neptune, in retrograde the whole month. But you also have Saturn retrograde flying under your sign. The former planetary retrograde calls you to nurture your dreams. It flies in the face of schedules, logic, and expectations, encouraging you to focus on what it is that you want—not what you think you should be doing. Now is an excellent time to review where you’re giving too much of your emotional or mental energy. 

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October ushers in a sense of ending as a waning crescent Moon opposes Saturn retrograde under Virgo and your sign, respectively. This shrinking lunar phase encourages closure and finality, while Saturn’s ongoing retrograde movement has been calling you to address undesirable but necessary obligations and responsibilities. Indeed, it doesn’t take much for letting go to become a massive undertaking. 

Fortunately, you have celestial good fortune in your corner as Saturn retrograde forms a trine with Mars, currently flying under Cancer. This potent alignment encourages self-assuredness, motivation, and perseverance in the face of hardships. As difficult as this closing chapter might seem right now, the stars are lining in your favor. This transition won’t last forever, despite how it feels at the moment. 

As the old adage goes, when one door closes, another opens. That certainly seems to be the case in the second week of October, when a waxing crescent Moon forms a harmonious trine with your ruling planet, Neptune retrograde, on October 6. The antithesis of a waning crescent Moon, the waxing crescent Moon encourages planning and preparation. Rather than letting go, this lunar phase calls you to hold on. 

Neptune’s ongoing retrograde movement has been strengthening your imagination and wishful thinking for weeks now. Paired with the growing Moon, the stars urge you to take time early in the second week of the month to identify tangible ways you can turn your dreams into reality. Adding logistics to fantasy is especially arduous for someone as feelings-based as you, Pisces, but you must try anyway. Otherwise, all this wishful thinking is liable to turn into self-pitying rumination, which serves no one. 

Of course, the transition from an idea to reality takes effort—even discomfort. On October 9, the ever-growing Moon forms a square with your ruling planet. This aspect can bring about challenges and conflict. Be prepared to encounter and push through obstacles on this day. There would have been days like this, no matter which life path you chose. Try not to let your pride convince you this is a mistake. 

Notably, your ruling planet has been in a sextile with a nearby retrograde Pluto for months. On October 13, the latter planet turns direct, shifting its transformative energy outward once more. All the work you’ve put into the celestial call to evolve within will pay off as this metamorphosis transitions into the external world. Feelings of stagnation and restriction will begin to ease. A sensation of moving forward will return. 

Pluto’s transition back to direct couldn’t come at a better time. One day later, on October 14, a waning gibbous Moon enters your celestial domain. This lunar phase promotes analytical thinking and enhanced emotional clarity. Did the decisions you made under the shadow of October’s New Moon hold up over these last couple of weeks?

You might be surprised by how much insight you can gain from even half a month. Use the Moon’s informative energy to your advantage. If something isn’t working, it’s better to find out about it sooner rather than later. 

Fortunately for your sign, the stars are pointing to a generally positive revelation. Two potent alignments lock into place on October 16. One is a trine between your ruling planet and Venus. The other is a conjunction between Neptune and the still-waxing gibbous Moon. Considering Venus’ domain over love and finances, these aspects indicate prosperity in romantic relationships or in regard to money. If your lunar insights involve making plans, conversations, or important decisions, now is a good time to do it. 

By October 20, the Moon will have reached its fullest phase and swung into conjunction with Uranus as a waning gibbous. The sextile between this conjunction and your ruling planet is generally positive but not necessarily action-oriented. Keep your mind and heart receptive to new ideas and perspectives. This day won’t be for exerting control. Instead, this is a celestial opportunity to absorb, learn, and grow. There will be plenty of time for action later, Pisces. What can Uranus’ rebellious spirit show you in the meantime? 

Neptune forms a prosperous trine with passionate, assertive Mars on October 28. The fiery red planet calls you to act on the discoveries presented by Neptune retrograde. Indeed, it isn’t enough to figure out areas where you’re sacrificing too much or being deceived. What’s the point of identifying these pitfalls if you do nothing to avoid them? Calling out the problem is the first hard part. Fixing it is the second. Without the latter, there’s no point in pursuing the former. 

Your sign will end the month in a similar alignment to when it started. Whereas the waning crescent Moon opposed Saturn retrograde under your sign on October 1, the same lunar phase will directly standoff with Neptune retrograde, also flying under your sign, on October 28. A lunar-Neptune opposition suggests an inability or unwillingness to let certain ideas or people go. Again, reflection without action is all but meaningless. Allow Mars to assist you in finding a balance between the familiar and unknown. 

While the stars might have thrown you for a challenging introspective loop this month, they offer a small reward for your efforts by October 30. On this day, Mercury forms a trine with your ruling planet. Mercury and Neptune make for a powerful celestial combination, increasing mental clarity and curiosity while expanding your imagination. All things will seem possible under this aspect. And frankly, it’s not a bad idea to act like that’s true. The stars call you to pursue your ambitions, no matter how lofty. Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Ask for them. Even if it’s a “no,” that’s not the end of the world.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Pisces! See you next month.

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