Saturday, March 15, 2025

Pisces, January 2025: Your Monthly Horoscope

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For romantic, dreamy, and intuitive Pisces: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of January.

Several planetary retrogrades usher us into the new year, including Mars, Uranus, and Jupiter. The first of these will likely prove to be the peskiest, considering its physical proximity. Like Mercury retrograde, Mars retrograde can create unforeseen delays and mishaps that stall progress. But unlike Mercury’s regressive period, the red planet’s retrograde can zap motivation and decrease energy levels, making handling these roadblocks even more difficult. Keep this in mind as you navigate the first month of the new year. While it might be tempting to sprint forward, the cosmos seems to be calling for a slower, more thoughtful entry.

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Meanwhile, Jupiter retrograde’s ongoing influence from Gemini calls us to entertain—and perhaps even adopt—new ideas and perspectives. Be wary of holding on to any beliefs or concepts too strongly during this time, Pisces. A flexible sapling is a lot more likely to weather a major storm than a rigid oak, despite the latter tree’s superior age and wisdom. Just because a feeling is strong doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the absolute truth. Don’t underestimate your ego and anxiety’s abilities to dissuade you from reality. Finally, Uranus retrograde lends a chaotic flavor to this cosmic mix. Its presence increases the urge to rebel against expectations, whether ones you or others have placed on yourself.

Your celestial domain receives two new visitors on January 3 as the waxing crescent Moon and Venus both enter Pisces. The waxing crescent Moon is an action-oriented lunar phase, pushing you to move toward outcomes and goals that the previous days’ new Moon hinted at. Venus’ placement in your sign suggests these goals likely have to do with major emotional or financial investments. What better time to get a jump on these endeavors than at the start of the new year? You have the perfect opportunity to make great progress right now, Pisces. What’s keeping you from doing so?

The cosmos offers a boost of creativity and imagination as the waxing crescent Moon conjoins with your ruling planet, Neptune, under your ruling domain on January 5. For all its potential downfalls, Neptune can be an incredibly beneficial celestial player to have in your forecast. While this planet can be deceiving at times, this deception is often created in the pursuit of love and happiness. Neptune tends to favor idealized versions of reality, which can be a cosmic blessing or a curse, depending on how you wield this energy.

As this planet conjoins with the waxing crescent Moon, these celestial bodies’ influences play off one another. Work on finding a balance between the extremes. There is a way to entertain your imagination without letting your head float above the clouds. Moreover, there are great discoveries waiting to be found even if you don’t crane your neck all the way into the cosmos.

The likelihood of tension or conflict increases around January 12 when a nearly full waxing gibbous Moon forms a tense square with your ruling planet. This negative alignment locks into place one day before the full Moon reaches its peak potency in its native Cancer. The full Moon is a powerful celestial event even without Cancer’s help. But the combination of these two celestial figures exacerbates their influence, increasing emotional clarity and heightening sensitivity. A challenging alignment like this one harkens back to the task presented to you in the previous days’ cosmic events: finding balance. The Moon and Neptune’s square is a potential sign that maintaining this equilibrium will be easier said than done. You must continue trying even if—especially if—you don’t get it right the first time.

Fortunately, your efforts over January 12 and 13 will not go unrewarded. On January 14, this commanding lunar cycle culminates with an auspicious trine between the nearly full waning gibbous and your ruling planet in Cancer and Pisces, respectively. Notably, this fortuitous alignment is largely dominated by water signs, which will make its effects seem more familiar than overwhelming. Make sure you give yourself time to enjoy the benefits of this celestial energy, Pisces. The first two weeks of the year were not without their challenges. You owe it to yourself to savor the fruits of your labor.

Aquarius season begins to settle in around January 19 as the Sun begins its trek from Capricorn to the latter, air-ruled celestial domain. This cosmic season is a time for experimenting, exploring, and blazing trails. Capitalizing on this energy will require you to juggle strengths and weaknesses in tandem. On the one hand, your creative spirit and strong intuition make it easy and enjoyable to maintain a spirit of curiosity even in uncharted territory. But on the other hand, your heightened sensitivity can easily turn molehills into mountains, placing you at risk of falling into self-deprecating rabbit holes. Acknowledge this elemental shift as it’s happening around January 19, and go with the flow as best you can.

Most importantly, adapt to the subtle clues and signals the cosmos provides you. Around January 26, your ruling planet finds itself in two corresponding and paradoxical alignments. The first is a square with the waning crescent Moon, and the second is a sextile with Mercury. Interestingly, the latter alignment would typically suggest greater mental clarity and communication skills. But paired with the tense square with the waning crescent Moon, the stars seem to be signaling an inability or unwillingness to act in your own best interest. You can only use the “I didn’t know any better” excuse for so long, Pisces. Typically, that excuse expires after the first conflict. After that, you’re shooting yourself in the foot. 

January 30 ushers in major celestial shifts as Uranus turns direct in Taurus, and the new Moon enters your celestial domain. Uranus’ direct return shifts its rebellious spirit outward. It encourages us to find traditions, behaviors, or expectations in our daily lives that no longer serve us. You are the steward of your own ship, Pisces. If you don’t like the way something is panning out, you have the opportunity to change course. Listen to your gut. As the new Moon enters Pisces, this restorative lunar phase will help nudge you toward things in your life you could stand to lose for your own gain.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Pisces! See you next month.

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