News Photo by Darby Hinkley
Members of the Alpena High School Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Team, UR2, gather on Friday to judge entries in the third annual Alpena Area Brick Build Competition. Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary is hosting the live build portion of the competition from noon to 3 p.m. today at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center at 500 W. Fletcher St., Alpena. The public is welcome to attend the free event. Pictured, from left, are Dawson Smolinski, mechanical engineer, Benalli Gabara, lead mechanical engineer, Lydia Thomson, CEO of ROV Underwater Research Robotics (UR2), and Taylor Widajewski, chief design officer.
News Photo by Darby Hinkley
Members of the Alpena High School Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Team, UR2, gather on Friday to judge entries in the third annual Alpena Area Brick Build Competition. Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary is hosting the live build portion of the competition from noon to 3 p.m. today at the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center at 500 W. Fletcher St., Alpena. The public is welcome to attend the free event. Pictured, from left, are Dawson Smolinski, mechanical engineer, Benalli Gabara, lead mechanical engineer, Lydia Thomson, CEO of ROV Underwater Research Robotics (UR2), and Taylor Widajewski, chief design officer.