Saturday, February 22, 2025

November’s Full Moon in Taurus Is Prime Time for Self-Care

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For millions of women processing the results of the 2024 presidential election, the future for females feels unclear. You might have found yourself cycling through every stage of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s grief model in the span of an hour. Denial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Back to denial again.

While settling on a lasting emotional state might still be a struggle, defining what you stand for? That part feels crystal clear for many right now. And those personal ethics will be thrown into sharper relief on Friday, November 15, when the full supermoon in tenacious, principled Taurus lights up the skies.

The zodiac’s Bull governs our core values, the ones we consider fundamental to our identities. What do we believe in? What do we consider valuable, from our material world possessions to the moral code we live by? Our self-worth is also Taurus’s domain. This full moon is certain to be clarifying, for many in a way that redirects the compass of our 2025 plans. Where do we feel heard, appreciated, empowered? There could be a journey for many women ahead, whether we shift friend groups, change jobs, or move to another part of the country.

Getty + Design Emma Noel

Here’s some good news for those who feel stuck in silence. Taurus also happens to be the zodiac sign that rules the throat chakra, so get ready to find your voice again. With this full moon landing right next to renegade shock-jock Uranus, what comes out could sound like a revolutionary cry you didn’t know you had in you. Unleash!

Some women will also be emboldened to voice their formerly quiet support for President-elect Donald Trump under this potent supermoon, as we now know that more than half of white women voters helped elect Trump.

So what can we do next? For a moment, the answer might be simply to stand still for a day or two—not as a means of slipping into denial, but rather to get back to a centered place. Earth sign Taurus helps us to feel more rooted, and that is a good thing. While we might want to rush to organize or fundraise, it’s also OK to take a moment to gather strength. Taurus is slow and steady. Sensible.

Grassroots efforts are what this sign is all about, but that doesn’t have to turn into an instant campaign. It might begin with simply coming together to find comfort in people who share our principles. From there, we can dissect and converse.

With Taurus ruling our values and sense of worth, this full moon also encourages women to own their power and prioritize what truly matters to them. What systemic changes or personal boundaries do we need to set to ensure we’re seen in our relationships, workplaces, and communities? Concrete actions will reveal themselves, even if they don’t materialize overnight under this methodical lunar light.

The Taurus full supermoon prescribes unapologetic self-care for all. It’s far from indulgent to book a healing treatment for the weekend under this luxuriating full moon. As you let yourself relax, you never know. The vision of the revolution could materialize in your mind while you’re lying on the massage table.

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The AstroTwins 2025 Horoscope

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