Sunday, February 23, 2025

November Is Critical Infrastructure Security And Resilience Month

Must read

Effingham, IL-(Effingham Radio)- From the Effingham County EMA:

This link explains the critical infrastructure sectors.  Nearly everything we do relies on critical infrastructure and we can all play a role in keeping it strong, secure, and resilient.

Below are some recommended actions for the Private Sector from CISA.

  • Improve security through a series of steps, including:
    • Know Your Infrastructure and Dependencies. Organizations should identify their most critical systems and assets for their operations and understand their potential dependencies on other infrastructure systems and assets that enable the continuity of their own operations. 
    • Assess Your Risk. Consider the full range of threats and hazards that could disrupt your organization’s infrastructure operations and evaluate specific vulnerabilities and consequences the threats and hazards could pose.
    • Make a Plan and Exercise It. Organizations should perform dedicated resilience planning, determine the maximum downtime acceptable for customers, develop recovery plans to regain functional capabilities within the maximum downtime, and test those plans under real-life conditions.
    • Continuously Improve and Adapt. Organizations must be prepared to regularly adapt to changing conditions and threats. This starts with fostering a culture of continuous improvement, based on lessons learned from exercises and real-world incidents and evolving cross-sector risks.
  • Add your voice to social media conversations by using the hashtag #BeResilient to critical infrastructure issues and how they relate to your mission and to the security environment of your office.
  • Encourage clients, stakeholders, and state, local, tribal, and territorial government counterparts to learn about critical infrastructure, dependencies, and the importance of a whole-of-community effort throughout the month by visiting
  • Integrate cybersecurity into facility and operational protective measures.
  • Build resilience into facility design and operations.

This link provides simple tips for strengthening your passwords

Please check out the CISA website at and share the great information you find with your friends and loved ones.

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