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“Forever Fishin” won the big box and biggest walleye first-place prize at the annual Northern Chautauqua Conservation Club Walleye Invitational. Pictured, from left, are: Bud Marsh, Joe Kramer and Bob Rustowicz.
As each summer fishing season turns toward hunting adventures, the guys and girls who fish at the Northern Chautauqua Conservation Club gather to hold their annual Walleye Invitational Tournament.
This weekend’s great weather welcomed the small fleet of anglers vying for “Big Fish” bragging rights for this in-club fun tournament. From Sunset Bay to Barcelona, most anglers found the walleye ready for a “hungry meal” of special-color stick baits and spinner/worm rigs fished near the thermocline. Anglers across the board had an enjoyable day of fishing by using lead core lines, diving planes, and downriggers to reach the fish-laden depth of 70-75 feet down in 80 to 100 feet of water. The calm waters allowed anglers to fill many coolers with a daily limit of walleye. The daily Lake Erie bag limit is six fish/angler, 15-inch minimum. A substantial percentage of September walleye caught right now are 21 to 24 inches long, but every now and then, a whopper of 26 to 30 inches is brought to the net.
This year, the team of Captain Bob Rustowicz, Bud Marsh, and Joe Kramer, fondly known as “Forever Fishin,” emerged as the champions, bringing home the biggest walleye and heaviest box for first-place accolades. This group, led by the experienced Captain Bob Rustowicz, is always ready to share their knowledge and tips with fellow anglers, making them a mentor to many. Their victory is a testament to their dedication and love for the sport. As the humble Rustowicz put it, “Lots of fish, lots of fun.”
The participants were keen to express their heartfelt thanks to Captain John Forbes of Times-Two Fishing Charters. His charters, specializing in fishing for Eastern Lake Erie Walleye from Dunkirk, have been a significant part of local fishing fun for his clients for many years.
President Dwayne Bobik, the board of directors, the ladies auxiliary and the usual cast of always-ready volunteers do an excellent job each year with continuous activities at the “Con Club.” Hats off to this fine outdoor community group. The club offers a beautiful high-rise view of Dunkirk Harbor from its patio/deck and is committed to the local community. Its mission is to promote and educate area sportsmen about conservation programs, hunting, fishing and the outdoors.
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Located on Dunkirk Harbor on the foot of Mullet Street, members of the Northern Chautauqua Conservation Club gathered last weekend to enjoy their annual Walleye Invitational Tournament.
Gotta love the New York outdoors.
Sept. 14-22: NYS Early Antlerless 2024 Deer Season — firearms, crossbows and vertical bows allowed in specific Wildlife Management Units 3M, 3R, 8A, 8F, 8G, 8N, 9A, 9F; Vertical bows only allowed in 1C, 3S, 4J and 8C. Https://
Sept. 19: Southtowns Walleye Association monthly meeting, 7 p.m. start, 5895 Southwestern Blvd., Hamburg.
Sept. 21: Chautauqua lake musky contest, NY Muskies – Chapter 69, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., Lakewood Community Park, $40 entry for members, $50 non-members; pre-register online at
Sept. 21: Southtowns Walleye Association of WNY, one-day walleye tournament, 12:01 a.m. to noon. Weigh-in noon-2 p.m., 5895 Southwestern Blvd., at the clubhouse. $45 registration. Info: Paul Sanchez, 716-228-6520.
Sept. 21-22: WNY Walleye Association, Lake Erie Walleye Tournament, Contact Ron Kucinski: 716-545-5925, or email:
Sept. 25 & 27: NYS Hunter Ed Course, 5:30-10 p.m. Free. Northern Chautauqua Conservation Club, Info: 716-366-3397.
Sept. 28: NYS Bowhunter Ed Course, 930 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Free. Northern Chautauqua Conservation Club, Info: 716-366-3397.
Sept. 28: National Hunting and Fishing Day celebration
Sept. 28: Hanover Fish & Game, three-bird fall fun shoot, Registration 8 a.m., Shooting starts 9 a.m.; 780 Overhiser Road, Forestville, N.Y. Open to public.