New York Muskies, Inc. – Chapter 69, has plans to provide these updated handling signs for placement on New York musky waters around the state. They are looking for public opinion and thoughts regarding the project. Visit their website.
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Habitat support is vital to maintaining healthy and sustainable fish and wildlife populations, and Chapter 69 of the New York Muskies Club is directly endorsing the sustainability agenda with a signature signage program.
The new sign alerts all inland waterway anglers where muskellunge swim to consider practicing catch and release. The sign educates anglers that musky can grow to 60 inches, that’s 5-feet long! The sign provides a reminder that the minimum size limit is 40 inches for musky, and the season runs from June 1 through Nov. 30 with a bag limit of one per day.
While the open season, minimum size, and daily bag limit on this new sign program apply to Chautauqua Lake, anglers should verify each waterway for specific rule changes. The sign also provides the proper areas of the fish to hold the fish for a quick picture – if you dare, they have so many razor-sharp teeth – with a restrictive reminder not to hold the fish vertically. That could kill these majestic fish.
Adherence to these guidelines is crucial in sustaining a healthy fishery. Kudos to this conservation-minded club that visits Chautauqua Lake twice yearly for a semi-annual formal musky competition where all the fish are released alive.
Remember, supporting sustainability with a contribution matters. When we purchase a hunting, fishing, or trapping license, we are not just gaining access to our favorite outdoor activities, but also supporting DEC’s conservation projects.
DEC encourages outdoor enthusiasts to consider purchasing a Habitat and Access Stamp each year. The $5 from each stamp goes a long way in supporting projects to conserve habitat and improve public access for fish and wildlife-related activities.
This year’s Habitat and Access Stamp features the brook trout, the State’s official freshwater fish. Purchase of this stamp directly contributes to the preservation of our natural habitats and the enhancement of public access for outdoor activities. Take a kid fishing.
Last, the NYS southern zone bug game early big game archery season opens tomorrow, Oct. 1. Good luck to all!
Gotta love the outdoors.
Outdoor Calendar:
Oct. 1: Special Early Big Game Season (Archery) begins in Southern Zone NYS.
Oct. 1: NYS Small Game Season Opens for cottontail rabbit, ruffed grouse and coyote.
Oct. 1: Zoar Valley Public Education (Logging Plan), 6:30PM, Crane Branch Library, 633 Elmwood, Buffalo; 716-903-5524.
Oct. 1: Final Day to apply for deer management permits. Leftovers available Nov. 1 at Clerk’s Office.
Oct. 12-14: NYS Youth Hunt Weekend for junior hunters 12-15.