See what the stars have in store for your sign.
What kickstarted itself during the 11/11 portal ( November 11) will see loose ends tying themselves up as we approach the 12/12 portal (December 12). Now what do you need to do to be seen by what you seek? Be the satellite that reverberates through the cosmos, reflecting it’s bright light upon whatever comes along. See yourself as worthy and step into overflow to embody the sparkling spirit of December.
Here are your guidance based soulcopes for December 2024. Remember to read your sun, moon and rising sign to make the most of the month that lies ahead.
Explore more about your horoscope here.
Aries Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
As we wrap up the year gone by, Aries, won’t you take a minute to pause, learn, evolve and grow into your next big chapter that you will write soon enough? Your heightened sensitivity may signal changes occurring at your very core – releasing pent up emotions and memories, relaxing from being hyper aware of your surroundings because you may have been stuck in survival mode for way too long or any other narrative that may be changing for you. By choosing to remember and carry forward who you are naturally born as, helps you weave a new story with ease.
Power Crystal: Unakite, for divinely nurturing support and healing.
Taurus Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Your intuition is likely to be on fleek as is your confidence, as you allow it to take the lead in your life. You instinctively know what is for you and what isn’t, so why not embrace it with all your heart and faith, surrendering to the process and paths that are unfolding right in front of your eyes. Earmark this month as the one that changes your destiny and as huge as it sounds, it is the tough little decisions to know when enough is enough that help you change the course of things forever.
Power Crystal: Aqua Aura, for clarity in thought and communication.
Gemini Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Adopting a more natural and rhythmic lifestyle that may be a far cry from what you may have been exposed to early on in life, holds the key to the doors you’ve been banging on for eons. On analysing carefully, you will realise that the problem may not have been inherently yours in the first place and may have been imposed on you subtly over time. The good news is – now that you can see clearly – what are you willing to change, or leave behind from this persistent pattern in your life, and perhaps even ancestry? Honour traditions that feel integrative and be unafraid to walk away from mindless power games.
Power Crystal: Blue apatite, for taking one day at a time and finding your inner voice.
Cancer Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Shine bright like a diamond, Cancer, for you hold the magic lamp that helps you be all you can be from this point on. When you put on your thinking cap, use it to find solutions instead of giving it the power to talk you out of your convictions and visions. This December, rewrite your story, weave a new web and magnetise all your dreams filtering out the junk swiftly. Your prayers are being answered at Godspeed, now just hold your ground and buckle your seatbelts.
Power Crystal: Diamond, to remember your worth, shine bright and stay protected.
Leo Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Of all the things you can keep alive, fan that fire that burns within, Leo. Your power to create is not only amplified this month, but also the fact that you create best when you are buoyant and happy is validated time and again. Carefully jot down all that you want to attract, and then ask yourself why you feel you cannot achieve these goals. When you have your answer, use your mind power to focus on becoming the version of you that feels deserving of all these deeply held desires without limitations. You can be good and live a great life – you just need to be unapologetically you!
Power Crystal: Citrine, for willpower, magic and manifesting.
Virgo Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
It’s the month to celebrate and let loose, Virgo. You may find your irresistible charm being turned on and magnified drawing in everything and everyone who fits well in your current journey. As you overflow, you touch everything around you with love and joy creating ripples of good vibes and positive energy. Nope, you don’t jinx it, so lead with confidence and find success through your charismatic, aligned action.
Power Crystal: Fluorite, to embrace who you are fully.
Libra Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
When you cannot see a sign in your reality, tune in to listen to the music in your heart, it is there that you will find your answers, Libra. It is your time to kick up your heels, don your most playful hat and dance to the tunes of the cosmos. You are breaking patterns big time and nope, it doesn’t need to feel like martyrdom. Your angels want to prove to you that healing can feel as lighthearted as recreation, if not always, at least this time round.
Power Crystal: Titanium rainbow quartz, to see all the beautiful colours that make you up.
Scorpio Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Sometimes doing some heavy duty generational healing feels brooding and lonesome, and sometimes, it just means turning into that inner fire to go achieve all that your heart desires but your mind says you cannot. December is that kind of month for you where you tap into that oneness, fearlessly speak your truth while zooming out to see the larger picture that holds the details to your next steps towards your biggest dreams.
Power Crystal: Opal, for joyous, playful manifesting.
Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Incite your connatural feminine power – irrespective of your biological gender – polishing your intuitive, creative abilities raising your standards to what you are willing to accept and consciously creating only from a perspective of expansive spaciousness and luxury; while still anchoring your power in the now, meticulously planning and filtering your objectives and desires to lead you to your harbour, Sagittarius. December feels like the waves of an ocean that are in constant motion while still remaining seated in the vast ocean’s stillness. Now isn’t that magical?
Power Crystal: Ametrine, to balance your celestial with your humane facets.
Capricorn Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Serenity and strength are two sides of the same coin, and you my dear Capricorn, are about to taste this ironic magic for real this month. In embodying your strength you lead by example and in this lies the beautiful act of surrender where you unknowingly touch the lives of those who notice you and see you for who you are, minus the weight of what you can do for them or not. This is your time to command the Universe, and take the lead on your life with the reassurance that where heaven and earth converge is where you will always find yourself.
Power Crystal: Amber, for emotional, physical and spiritual pain relief.
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Nope this is not the end, and neither is it a new beginning. It is just you finally embracing your most authentic flow of life and natural rhythms. You may have intimately known another, a phase or even your situation and often being up close and personal may help us feel empathy but seldom allows us the privilege to get unconsumed by it all, Aquarius. This is the time where you learn to trust yourself over another’s perspective, where you choose your mental and emotional wellbeing above immersing yourself in others and perhaps rekindling a part of you that once felt lost. What an astonishingly remarkable feeling!
Power Crystal: Blue Kyanite, for letting go and turning within.
Pisces Monthly Horoscope: December 2024
Gold dust pours down upon you as you chase rainbows and butterflies, Pisces. There’s something dreamy about the spirit of December, and this really brings you into your element. The Universe nudges you on with serendipitous synchronicities, signs and symbols along your path forcing you to stop and remember that you are safe and looked after. Go chase the fairies and Unicorns, because it is you who brings heaven to earth. Rest and play are powerful productive moves, okay?
Power Crystal: Charoite, for spiritual and energetic protection.