The CHQ Chamber Committee in Falconer, making final arrangements for Made in Falconer, are (L-R) Carrie Blitz of Hartson Holdings LLC; Staunzie Grady, CHQ Chamber; Stephanie Nick, Chautauqua County Planning & Development; Nina Gustafson, CCB; Robin Paxton, Ellison Bronze; Angelo Marra, West Main Mercantile; P.J. Degnan, Stuart Tool & Die; Alan Gustafson, Jr., Village Trustee; Falconer Mayor Jim Jaroszynski; Nikkie Pierce, PersNikkity Pies; and Ed Sullivan, Hanson Sign Co.
FALCONER – In celebration of local manufacturers and National Manufacturing Month, the CHQ Chamber will present Made in Falconer on Saturday, Oct. 5.
The tour is an opportunity to tour local manufacturing facilities, learn about the businesses in the community, and enter to win prizes through a text scavenger hunt.
Made in Falconer will feature tours of Dahlstrom Roll Form, Ellison Bronze, Falconer Printing, Fancher Chair Company, Hanson Sign Company, and Stuart Tool & Die – a diverse mix of manufacturing facilities. Tours will begin every half hour at each location between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.
“We’ve been working with the chamber and our local businesses over the past year to continue building on the development efforts Falconer has begun to see,” said Falconer Mayor Jim Jaroszynski. “We’re proud of what’s made in our community, and this event is a great way to showcase those products to our residents and visitors.”
Those visiting a participating manufacturer or business can look for the scavenger hunt question, then follow the text-to-enter rules displayed at each site to be entered to win a prize. Prizes will include baskets, items, and gift cards donated by local businesses. Additional businesses participating in the scavenger hunt are: Carlberg Farm Livestock & Produce, Falconer Public Library, Falconer Power Sports/Harley-Davidson of Jamestown, Falconer ROBO, Good Bargains Chautauqua, Lady T’s Meraki Motif, LandPro Equipment, PersNikkity Pies, Ryan’s Phil-N-Cindy’s Lunch, Sisters Restaurant, Tasta Pizza, and West Main Mercantile.
In addition, to make it easy for visitors to tour the manufacturing sites, the CHQ Transit Trolley will be running free of charge on regular loop runs with stops at all participating manufacturers and at West Main Mercantile, 17-19 West Main Street, Falconer.
“Having visited several local manufacturing plants over the years, it is a fascinating way to see what happens inside facilities many of us drive by every day,” said Dan Heitzenrater, CHQ Chamber president and chief executive officer. “Made in Falconer gives us the opportunity to create an experience that showcases local manufacturers and drives foot traffic to local restaurants and retail, perfectly hitting the Chamber’s mission to build vital connections, provide professional resources, and champion our local businesses.