Sunday, March 16, 2025

Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On November 22 — Last Quarter Moon In Virgo

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Our daily love horoscope for November 22, reveals how the Last Quarter Moon helps each zodiac sign to heal and be more emotionally present in relationships. 

It’s often said that it’s the picture of how life should be that complicates relationships and decisions more than anything else. While you should dream about what you have to achieve or create, this differs from the picture you hold for your life. The picture you have for your life often has more to do with wounds or insecurities than your truth, so by letting go of that picture, you can also be more in the moment and all the opportunities for happiness and love.

The Last Quarter Moon in Virgo invites you to let go of the life you had pictured to create more space for what is. Virgo is a healing but analytical sign that can bring a surge of detail-orientated energy, checklists, and the necessity to stick to the plan above all else. As the Last Quarter Moon rises in this earth sign, you are encouraged to let go of this approach to love and, instead, focus more on trusting the direction you are guided to take. 

By letting go of the picture of how you thought life would go, you will understand more of your truth and what goes into unconditional love. This will free you to make the most of each moment, trust in yourself and the universe more deeply, and enjoy all those simple or often unexpected moments of happiness and love.

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Each zodiac sign’s love horoscope for Friday, November 22, 2024:


aries daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Although you do crave a certain level of routine, Aries, you may want to forgo being so strict with your time and schedule. This will involve a balance of making sure that your needs are being met but also knowing when to let go and not be so rigid. 

While you are being guided to focus on new beginnings in love, you can help by letting go of the strict schedule or time constraints you’ve used as coping mechanisms in the past year. Make more space for love, Aries, because you do want to make sure you enjoy this time in your life.

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taurus daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

No matter how aligned you and your partner are, Taurus, you must make sure that you continually revisit themes of forgiveness so that you don’t find yourself carrying the past into the present. 

Today’s energy is extremely healing, but only if you allow it to be. Use this to reflect on what you may still be holding onto or those past events that you haven’t forgiven yet. By letting this go and focusing on all the good in your relationship, you will also improve your connection and the moments you share.

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gemini daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

You may have had an extremely specific vision for your relationship or even home life, Gemini, yet the universe seems to be directing you in a new direction. 

Use this time to reflect on how the pictures for your relationship or family may be taking you away from enjoying all you have created. Of course, you should dream and honor yourself, but realize that no picture can bring the sense of security you crave – yet being present with your partner in the truth of what is can.

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cancer daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Feeling certain betrayal so deeply is normal, but you can’t hold grudges and still experience love, sweet Cancer. Try to focus your energy on the grudges you may be holding onto, whether in a current connection or even one from the past that you haven’t quite processed yet. 

Grudges arise when you feel an injustice has been done, yet by realizing you can only control yourself and that what others do affects you — you can learn to release this painful lens in romantic relationships. It’s not just time to forgive, Gemini, but a time to let go of the grades you’re holding because they are only hurting you.

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leo daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

There is often a difference between how you think you should be treated and how your partner shows up, dear Leo. This doesn’t mean that this is a poor relationship or that they aren’t treating you as you deserve, but it could have more to do with your expectations. 

Be mindful of any thoughts or feelings that place you on a pedestal above your partner, as this is never a healthy way to approach love, but it also can leave your partner feeling like no matter what they do — it’s never enough. By letting go of this inequity, you will finally see just how much your partner loves you.

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virgo daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

The Last Quarter Moon in your zodiac sign, Virgo, is a time for you to let go of what is not benefiting your romantic goals. Try to be more accepting and surrender to the relationship you have created or are beginning to. 

Instead of unfairly judging your partner, try to reflect on if your beliefs are helpful or meaningful to the love and life you want to create. By letting go of these beliefs and even expectations, you will create greater ease in your relationship and start progressing the connection in the ways that you desire.

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libra daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Sometimes, a feeling or wound runs so deep you can’t just let it go, but that doesn’t mean you have to continue carrying it around with you, Libra. Spend time reflecting on the childhood wounds over the last year, especially those connected to abandonment and worthiness. 

While these wounds may not be able to be let go of, you can allow yourself to no longer make decisions from this place. This will allow you to make healthier decisions and have the confidence you need to make those important decisions about your future and the love you deserve.

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scorpio daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Instead of trying to make everything perfect, Scorpio try to accept it more. However, it’s no surprise that your zodiac sign judges more than most; it also tends to wreak havoc on your relationship and other connections in your life.

 Judgment arrives when you base your sense of safety on external events rather than within yourself. Neither life nor love have to be perfect to be everything you have ever wanted. But to see that, you may need to focus on accepting yourself more to let go of this harmful way of interacting with those you love.

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sagittarius daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

There is no perfect time for love, Sagittarius, and you can do it all. Try to understand that the views and goals you have for yourself are valid, especially concerning your success and finances, but it doesn’t mean that you must wait until you’ve accomplished everything to create space for love. 

Let go of any insecurities that tell you you’re not good enough until you’ve accomplished something else, and realize that you are worthy of having it all simply because you’re you. Try to work on self-validation during this time to be confident you are moving from a place of knowing exactly what you deserve.

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capricorn daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

There are always a million reasons why a particular opportunity or dream won’t work, but all that matters is the one that makes it a possibility, Capricorn. Let go of the nitpicking thoughts that try to convince you to work harder or do more, and instead, welcome the readiness for the new chapter you’re dreaming of. 

This can help you become less fearful of change and let go of internal doubts that prevent you from moving ahead. But in your case, by doing so, you will also experience greater joy from living life to the fullest with the one you love.

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aquarius daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

Aquarius won’t always have control over the changes in your life, but that doesn’t mean you still aren’t on the path meant for you. It may seem that there have been a great deal of shifts recently that are all part of a bigger transformation phase. But in this process, you’ve become stricter over what changes you’ll receive and which you choose to avoid. 

Instead of wasting valuable energy and even taking away quality time with your partner, try to let go of the fears and need to control everything that you’ve been experiencing. Often, the best changes are unexpected, and it is safe to embrace whatever comes true.

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pisces daily love horoscope Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango

A particular relationship may have overstayed its purpose in your life, Pisces. This connection may not be showing up as good or bad but may just be there, taking up space. While you’ve given plenty of changes, at this point, you need to have a conversation with your partner and be prepared to transition out of this relationship if it seems you’re on two different pages. 

This energy may also guide you to let go of several romantic possibilities so that you can focus on the one that matters. Regardless of which direction you feel called to take, remember you don’t need anyone taking up space in your life that truly doesn’t increase its value.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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