What is in store for each zodiac sign’s love horoscope today? The Moon will be in Cancer as it aligns with Venus on Saturday, March 8. Moon square Venus increases your sensitivity and desire to care for yourself and your loved ones. The Moon tenderly holds your emotional body where true feelings and desires exist, helping you to understand what is most important to you.
To align yourself with what the Moon represents is to create the space to embrace your truth. No decisions made from your true emotional body will ever be regretted, and by doing so, you can embrace the simple pleasures of living a life of love.
Cancer is the ruling sign of the Moon, so this energy will be felt intensely, helping you to feel into the emotions that you may not always hold the space for. Cancer represents the feminine and home, so you may cancel plans and prefer to stay in for the evening. Mars motivates sudden change.
Yet, the Moon in Cancer square Venus also makes you view yourself and your heart as your first home, helping you to reconnect with your feelings and care for yourself in the ways you need. While there is so much unpredictable energy arising in March, it’s important to take this time to rest and renew, which will allow you to remember what matters most and who.
Love horoscope for each zodiac sign on March 8, 2025:
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Today will be a day for rest, dear Aries. Cancer controls your home and family sector, so you may want to start some spring cleaning or plan a romantic evening with your partner.
You are to feel tested with Venus retrograde in Aries now, so make sure you create plenty of time for self-care and not just getting things done around your home.
This energy can help you slow down and reconnect with yourself and your loved one.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Tune into your inner truth, beautiful Taurus. The Moon in Cancer helps you to understand your feelings and communicate in a vulnerable and sensitive way.
Cancer is also where Mars has been since early January, and now that its retrograde is over, you may feel the need to have some important conversations.
As much as you may believe you know what decision to make in your romantic life, Venus is still retrograde until April, so have conversations but hold off on making big decisions.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
How you feel affects what you attract, sweet Gemini. You’ve gone through an epiphany recently where you realized that it’s not just material wealth that defines who you are but the inner value that you have for yourself.
With Mars also in Cancer, you may be prone to getting sidetracked on improving your finances, but let the Moon remind you of what’s truly of value in your life.
Focus your energy today on emotional fulfillment, quality time with your partner, and letting yourself see that the simple moments can often be the richest.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Take a break from everything, dear Cancer. You may be out of the most challenging phase of your life, but that doesn’t mean you’re quite feeling like yourself again.
The Moon in Cancer affects how you care for and view yourself, but it also helps you to turn inward and focus on what you truly need. Use today to take a break from everything you’ve been trying to accomplish or that is distracting you.
If you have a special person in your life, then allow yourself to relax into this connection. Otherwise, showing how much you love yourself is a wonderful day.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
You are whole, all on your own, Leo. Your wholeness or fulfillment doesn’t rest in the hands of another or in having that so-called perfect relationship but in realizing that you are whole all on your own.
The Cancer Moon will intensify your intuition and emotional healing today, helping you realize you are your sacred home. You may receive new awareness about how a mentality of lack has affected your romantic life today.
Take everything in and recognize that this period is about focusing on yourself rather than making abrupt changes to your romantic life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Embrace all the love in your life, Virgo. While your romantic life has been going well, you are surrounded by many positive relationships — not just your partners.
The Cancer Moon today will encourage you to draw close to the ones you love. Consider planning a dinner party or another event where you can spend time with all of those in your life that you care about.
This energy can help you repair friendships or any issues in your romantic life by realizing that you have so much of the life you once hoped for, which means you should also set an intention to enjoy it.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Make sure your relationship fuels your soul, dear Libra. The Cancer Moon may make you preoccupied with how you are seen in your relationship or how others view you because of the person you are with.
While it’s normal to want friends and family to like the person you love, you must ensure you’re not basing their approval on superficial reasons.
Use the energy of the Cancer Moon to ensure that your relationship truly fulfills your soul and that this connection uplifts you.
You may also want to reflect on ways to add genuineness and authenticity to your relationship rather than considering how your relationship looks to others.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Show yourself the same care you give to others, Scorpio. As an emotional and intuitive water sign, you also tend to be incredibly empathetic.
This is a strength; however, it can also lead you to be in relationships in which you can understand the person so deeply that you allow yourself to be treated less than you deserve.
You deserve your own empathy. This means that under the Cancer Moon, it’s important to focus on caring for yourself and learning new ways to honor your worthiness.
You may see your relationship in a new light by giving yourself the care you always dole out to others.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Hold space for all of your feelings, Sagittarius. Although you have a deep emotional capacity, you can often be callous to others.
This comes from being able to prioritize yourself no matter your situation, but it can also be because of your reluctance to hold space for feelings that aren’t all love and bliss.
The Cancer Moon will increase your emotional sensitivity today, bringing up emotions you’ve tried to avoid or bury within yourself.
Try to create some quality alone time or space at home to reflect on and feel all your feelings, as this will help you understand the recent questions you’ve been struggling with.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
It is a day of love, Capricorn. The Cancer Moon highlights your house of relationships, so whether you are already in an existing connection or looking for dating, this energy helps you focus on love.
The Moon in Cancer can make you aware of what you want and need in relationships and shift your priority to your personal life.
This may result in finally understanding what your partner has been discussing or getting over those blocks to dating again.
Listen to your heart today and recognize your power over the direction of your romantic life.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Focus on harmony in every aspect of your life today, Aquarius. The Cancer Moon can allow you to create some profound moments with the person you love, but it may also increase the likelihood of disagreements with others.
Cancer traditionally rules over your house of boundaries, and with feeling greater vulnerability today, it will be essential for you to protect your peace.
Recognize the arguments you don’t need to engage in or the conversations you’re not yet ready to have.
If anything, it’s better to create a bubble of harmony today, especially with the one you love, rather than force any issues.
Photos: NASA & sparklestroke | Design: YourTango
Fall in love with yourself, sweet Pisces. You’ve recently felt an awakening of romantic desires within your soul that has started you considering new possibilities.
You were cut off from this dreamy and loving side of yourself as you were content to be single and focus on your life.
However, that is changing with the Moon in Cancer alongside Mars now direct in Cancer.
This energy can help you tune back into what you want from love and become expressive in how you go about dating or relating to an existing partner.
Today is a day to embrace the romance in life and let the love you have for yourself radiate out into the world.
Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.