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Love Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On August 8, 2024

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As Lilith merges with the Moon in Libra on Thursday, August 8, love horoscopes show a theme of experiencing a reckoning of truth Whatever you have repressed or avoided suddenly comes full circle, so you have no choice but to acknowledge and embrace it. 

Through it all, though, there is an intuitive knowing that this is what is meant to occur, and while you still may not feel ready, you will understand that it is the only way to move forward in your romantic life. 

Here’s how this may affect each zodiac sign’s love horoscope on August 8, 2024.


Facing the music in your romantic life isn’t always a bad thing, Aries, especially if it helps you live more of your truth. There is a feeling or desire you’ve been trying to ignore or, at the very least, put off for a more convenient time. 

But when it comes to love and how you really feel about someone, you don’t always get the final say on divine timing. Try to approach this matter with vulnerability, and don’t be afraid to take a risk on love.

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It’s time to think about what you genuinely need in a relationship, dear Taurus, and you may have to set aside some quality alone time to be able to do it. Life is changing faster than you are comfortable with, and while it is all positive, it doesn’t mean you don’t need a minute to catch your breath. 

Nothing has to be wrong for you to take some time for yourself, and in this case, it will help you feel more secure about embracing the wonderful changes in store for you.

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It would be wise to try to get your head and your heart on the same page, Gemini, as you will finally need to have that conversation about commitment with your partner. While you can sometimes be wary of committing, especially with how often you change your mind, it’s also important to embrace the truth of what your partner has brought into your life. 

Try to recognize that fear isn’t always a good basis for making decisions, and instead, let yourself realize that you are already fully invested in this particular relationship.

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You may need to make some crucial adjustments at home with your partner today, dear Cancer, but it is all about you having more of a voice in your relationship. 

Don’t worry about ruining anything or starting arguments. Instead, no matter how small it is, try to express how you’ve been feeling to your partner. You can’t talk yourself into happiness — it’s something you need to continuously cultivate.

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You make big declarations like no other, Leo, and today you are being given the greenlight to do just that. You have had these feelings building for a while now, and while you’ve had to take time to trust them, you are now ready to actually open up to that special person in your life. 

Be honest, but also let yourself shine in your authenticity and don’t worry about scaring your partner away by the magnitude of your feelings — because it seems they feel the same about you.

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There comes a time when you have to realize that knowing your worth also means knowing how you should be treated in a relationship, dear Virgo. This desire for foundational change in your connection isn’t fleeting and instead is something you’ve come to learn you deserve, especially with anything that carries themes of having a true partnership. 

You have recently felt a lack of fairness or equality in your and your partners’ roles within the relationship. While it has taken time for you to confidently express this, you are now in the place to finally make the changes you’ve been seeking.

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Today you feel incredibly empowered, Libra — enough to finally start making the necessary decisions for your life. Don’t try to talk yourself out of anything at this time because you need a little bold rebellion to really start clearing the way for your destiny to take root. 

You may find yourself more accepting of recent changes to your perspective about a particular relationship, and if so, this is the perfect time to start taking action on what you feel. Everything is happening as it’s meant to; you just need to start engaging with the process.

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Healing really does come in waves, Scorpio, so as you move through your day, allow yourself to reflect on just how far you’ve come. When you can name your wounds, you have moved into a new level of healing and a new version of yourself. 

While this can be eye-opening, allow yourself time to realize what it all means and trust that having this level of clarity will allow you to create the romantic future you genuinely want.

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While there is always a debate over nature versus nurture, which refers to innate qualities versus those learned from your environment, it may be time to reflect more on how your circumstances affect your decisions, Sagittarius. 

A flower won’t grow the same regardless of where it is planted, so you may need to come to some stark realizations about how your environment, including friendships, has affected your romantic decisions. Don’t worry; there is always time to see it — but first, you must embrace the truth.

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You are being urged to take radical action to create more harmony and balance in your life, Capricorn. To be able to do this though, you must first accept how you feel with the current state of your life and your relationship. 

Lean into the uncomfortable feelings, or even regret, that surface, because it will allow you to do whatever is necessary to create positive changes. You might benefit from having clearer boundaries around your time, knowing that you must create the space you want to invest in.

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Sometimes it really is worthwhile to go about breaking any rules that don’t feel like they are contributing to your happiness, Aquarius. This should be easy for you as you are the rebel of the zodiac, but you still may feel hesitant about how others will interpret your actions. Try to realize that you, and your partner, are the ones who get to decide what feels right. 

And don’t be afraid to take a spontaneous holiday either, as time together in a new place may just help you realize what you really need from your relationship.

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It may be beneficial to reflect on how available you are in your current relationship, dear Pisces. While you are always on the search for love, you often attract unavailable partners because you are afraid of getting hurt. 

But now that you have someone fully showing up for you, you may be the one holding back. Try to lean in and recognize that you must be willing to take a risk to develop the deep sense of intimacy you’ve always longed for in a relationship.

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Kate Rose is a writer, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life intuitive counselor, and bespoke retreat curator.

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