Saturday, March 1, 2025

Libra, March 2025: Monthly Horoscope

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For empathetic, romantic, and creative Libra: what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout March.

This month gets off to a tumultuous start as Venus goes retrograde on March 2. As one of two planets governed by our planetary neighbor, you are more likely to feel the effects of this celestial period than others. When direct, Venus typically influences our romantic connections, financial well-being, and self-esteem. When this planet goes retrograde, these elements of daily life become skewed and backward. Miscommunication becomes more likely, and the urge to engage in impulsive behavior grows stronger. Self-image might grow unstable or worsen over time as well.

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Venus retrograde is a time for closely guarding your heart. As someone who is more sensitive to the world’s injustices than most, this is an especially critical exercise for you, Libra. If you let the atrocities of the world disaffect every part of your life, you’ll likely never see another good day. You don’t have to shut out your surroundings. But the stars encourage you to find a safer, healthier balance between taking care of yourself and finding ways, big or small, to assist and empower your communities locally and beyond.

Tensions will likely increase around March 8 through 10. Around this time, the waxing gibbous Moon moves from a challenging square to fortuitous trine with your ruling planet. The Moon remains in its native celestial domain, Cancer, for most of this sequence. This placement tends to exacerbate its lunar effects on our emotional well-being and clarity. Fortunately, this movement does trend toward the positive. The waxing gibbous Moon encourages you to take stock of your progress. Determine whether you should adjust or proceed on your current path. Venus’ presence in this alignment points to areas of love and finance as being the main focal points the stars want you to tend to.

By March 11, Venus retrograde forms a potent conjunction with Mercury. This cosmic combination offers a much-needed boost of mental fortitude as you navigate the cloudy haze stirred up by Venus retrograde. As uncomfortable as interpersonal conflict, financial mishaps, or poor self-esteem issues can be, there is a silver lining to these hurdles. Each experience holds an invaluable opportunity to learn something deeper about yourself and the world around you. Unfortunately, sometimes a lesson needs to be tough to stick. This isn’t a cosmic punishment. It’s a chance to learn.

The celestial rollercoaster keeps on moving into a full Moon under Virgo on March 14. This lunar event coincides with a lunar eclipse with the Earth and Sun. Lunar eclipses are even more potent than their full Moon counterparts, signaling endings and closures. Now would be an ideal time to tie up loose ends. Commit to saying goodbye to something or someone once and for all. Let go of old behaviors, ideologies, or beliefs that no longer serve you. No one chapter of life can last forever, Libra. While it might be frightening to venture into uncharted territory, it’s also incredibly exciting.

As if a lunar eclipse wasn’t enough of a cosmic shake-up, Mercury retrograde adds itself to the chaos the following day, on March 15. This pesky retrograde has quite the nasty reputation and for good reason. During Mercury retrograde, the possibility of miscommunications, tech mishaps, and travel delays becomes higher. Paired with Venus’ ongoing retrograde, there are bound to be plenty of crossed wires getting in the way of otherwise happy relationships this month. You can work to offset these effects by asking questions. Explain yourself clearly. Leave little to no room for doublespeak or misinterpretation. Speak your truth loudly and proudly, Libra.

The Sun’s transition into Aries on March 20 marks the start of a new Zodiac cycle. Confidence increases and motivation returns, a welcome shift in the midst of Mercury and Venus’ destabilizing energy. The waning gibbous Moon forms a harmonious trine with your ruling planet on the first day of Aries season. This alignment emphasizes a cosmic push toward standing up for yourself and your beliefs. A subsequent square between the last-quarter Moon and Venus on March 22 suggests that advocating for yourself might mean walking away from a situation or relationship that brings you down. Making a decision like this is rarely easy. Fortunately, it’s almost always worth it, Libra.

On March 23, your ruling planet conjoins with the Sun, shining an unforgiving light on matters of the heart, wallet, or your connection to yourself that could use improving. With the ego-driven Sun wrapped into the celestial mix, there is a greater possibility that your pride will suffer. The good news is that the quicker you work toward finding a solution to these issues, the better you’ll feel overall. You can either waste time feeling sorry for yourself or start brainstorming. The choice (and all its corresponding rewards or consequences) is yours and yours alone.

A few days later, on March 27, Venus retrograde moves backward out of Aries and into Pisces as it forms a potent conjunction with Neptune. This alignment signals trouble ahead, stargazer, so tread carefully. It’s true that Neptune can foster imagination and creativity. But it can also make it difficult to know when to draw the line between reality and fantasy. With Venus retrograde potentially shaking things up in our hearts and our wallets, staying grounded will become all the more critical. The stars warn against using external resources like your relationship with others or materialism to solve conflicts that are affecting you internally.

A nearly dark Moon forms a brief but powerful conjunction with your ruling planet on March 28, one day before it reaches its darkest, most restorative phase in Aries. This month’s new Moon coincides with a partial solar eclipse. The latter celestial event serves as a much-needed contrast to the finality and conclusiveness of the lunar eclipse that happened a couple of weeks earlier. Indeed, if that eclipse was the closing of one chapter, then this week’s eclipse is the beginning of another. Keep an open heart and mind as you go forth into this uncharted territory. Diving into something unfamiliar can be scary, sure. But it’s no scarier than stagnating in one place, stargazer.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Libra! See you next month.

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