Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Libra, February 2025: Monthly Horoscope

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For empathetic, romantic, and creative Libra: what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout February.

The start of the month is a celestially potent time for you, Libra, as your ruling planet, Venus, forms two conjunctions at once with Neptune and the waxing crescent Moon under Pisces. Venus and Neptune have been flying along the same path since the end of last month, increasing the chances of both romantic whimsy and delusional misguidance. The opposite extremes of this dreamy spectrum both have their merits and downfalls. With the waxing crescent Moon in the mix, it will be at least somewhat easier to deduce which side of this range you’re currently on. Allow yourself to remain open to new possibilities. But don’t drift too far above the clouds.

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By February 4, your ruling planet enters Aries. This planetary shift will turn up the heat on emotional, financial, and introspective relationships. Aries provides get-it-done energy to these areas of life that can be especially helpful when leaping from your current progress plateau onto the next level. You defer to others far too often, Libra. The cosmos pushes you to take up space and fight for your causes this month. If you won’t be your own best advocate, then who will? More importantly, why would you want to pawn off this responsibility onto someone unable to know the extent of your deepest wishes and desires? You are the best person for the job.

On the same day your ruling planet enters Aries, Jupiter returns direct in nearby Gemini. This giant planet’s retrograde period has called us to pursue internal transformation and change. Rather than focusing on external accolades and progress, Jupiter retrograde prioritizes expanded perspectives and broader acceptance of others. Now that the planet is returning direct, motivation to take these internal lessons and apply them to the outside world increases. What’s the point of going through all those learning experiences if you don’t get to practice your new knowledge? Follow this newfound energy. You might be surprised where it leads.

Venus and the waxing gibbous Moon engage in a bit of push and pull between February 8 and 11. During this time, the aspects between these two celestial bodies shift from negative to positive. The bad news comes first this week. But as demonstrated by the latter trine between the Moon and Venus, it doesn’t last forever. Waxing gibbous phases typically encourage a managerial approach to life. What parts are working? Which aren’t? Let your answers to these questions guide you. Indeed, the positive trine indicates you need not worry that you’ll choose the wrong path. Keep your heart in the right place, and you will inevitably end up where you need to be.

February 12 ushers in a full Moon in Leo, promising a particularly fiery emotional period as the lunar phase opens our emotional self-awareness and heightens clarity. It might become more difficult to control your feelings during this time. And in certain contexts, this can be okay. Just tread carefully, Libra. Make sure you give yourself ample time to read the room. If it looks like you’re getting the green light, then by all means, use Leo’s flashy attitude to double down on your pursuits. But if you sense even the smallest bit of resistance, you’ll need to work not to let your ego take over. You aren’t entitled to something just because you want it really, really bad.

The waning gibbous Moon enters your celestial domain a few days later, on February 15. Unlike the waxing gibbous phase, which pushes us to action, the waning gibbous Moon calls us to release. Allow the revelations illuminated by the previous days’ full Moon to show you what you can stand to walk away from and what is worth keeping around. These answers are rarely as difficult to deduce as we think. More often than not, the problem is glaringly obvious. We’re just not ready to accept what it is. Accept it or not, this is the cosmic hand you’ve been dealt, Libra. It’s time to start strategizing your own hand instead of trying to peek at everyone else’s play.

This process won’t be without conflict. The waning gibbous Moon’s direct opposition to your ruling planet on February 16 further emphasizes the possibility that the things you need to let go of—spending habits, relationship behaviors, etc—won’t be easy to part with. You can honor these previous versions of yourselves without letting them drag you down, stargazer. Give yourself space to grieve what’s no longer there. Then, try and make room for the space to celebrate what’s to come. Things aren’t nearly as dire as they seem. The upswing in this valley is on the horizon.

Mars retrograde poses an overarching challenge to the month of February, slowing your pace despite your best wishes and zapping motivation. This sluggish feeling comes to a head around February 23, when the waning crescent Moon forms a challenging square with Venus. Virtually all cosmic signs point to taking a rest during this time. As tempting as it might be to fill up every minute of free time you get in your schedule, the stars recommend you take things slow. Mars returns direct the following day, February 24, slowly shifting the energy back to a quicker, more vibrant pace. Until that happens, try not to force anything. What is meant to be will come to fruition in due time. If you have to force it, then maybe it’s not your intended path.

The challenges presented by the cosmos on February 23 ease slightly as the waning crescent Moon forms a much more favorable sextile with your ruling planet on February 25. As the Moon moves closer and closer to its darkest new Moon phase, try to allow your mind, body, and spirit to reflect this change of pace. When you stop trying to resist the universe’s natural ebb and flow and learn to go along with it, existence suddenly becomes far less exhausting. Let go of your preconceived notions of how things should be. Your only choice is to operate within the context of what very much is. Anything else is just noise and ego.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Libra! See you next month.

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