Sunday, February 23, 2025


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Are you feeling it? Tectonic shifts are underfoot because we’ve entered into the rapid evolutionary forces of another eclipse season. The partial lunar eclipse on Sept. 17 initiated a potent transformative period for all of us that will continue through the annular solar eclipse on Oct. 2. Things are not always what they seem during eclipse season, so tread lightly and pay extra attention to details. This eclipse took place with the sun in practical Virgo and the moon in dreamy Pisces, inviting us to either commit to the dreams we’ve been pursuing with a new vigor and a keener eye on the methods of achievement, or to have the wherewithal to change course if our pursuits are no longer serving us. Changes are afoot, and it is up to us to use the shifting energies for our own greater good. Neptune in Pisces is hanging out with the moon during this eclipse, calling on us to have faith that our emotions and intuition are leading us in the right direction and to let our more rational inclinations take a back seat. Aim high and get serious about your most audacious dreams. There is a path to achieving them, and the map is being offered to your inner adventurer right now.

Here are your horoscopes for the lunar eclipse in Pisces. Read for your rising and sun signs.

Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

No one walks through life alone, and the choices you make about who you walk with are definitive about who you are. Under this eclipse, your intuition may very well draw you toward new partners in life who will help you know yourself better. Let your mind focus on your own needs, but let your spirit select the partners that support them. This person or these people will walk with you for years to come.

Sept. 23 – Oct. 23

Respite and work can be seen as complementary parts of life. When the body rests, the mind is active, and when the hands are at work the mind can take its break. Your soul is seeking new ways for the body to work in the world, new routines to engage in and new methods for being healthy. Let your focus be on rest and listen to what your body needs. Your habits will change naturally.

Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Your creativity is entering a new phase – whether you are trying out a new medium or taking a big step forward in what you already do, have faith. You do not need to overthink what is happening, rather feel into your bliss and let that propel you forward. You would do well, however, to pay attention to the people who support your new venture and keep them in sight.

Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Your roots are starting to grow differently – perhaps the shape of your family is changing or your image of home is being redrawn. Don’t try to control this change; rather, approach it as a dream that is dreaming itself. Do focus on how a different home will alter the details of your work and public reputation. What can you do at work to allow the new dream of home to emerge?

Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Your familiar, everyday world tends to remain fairly consistent – your neighborhood, your relationship with siblings, your usual means of communication. However, this familiarity is starting to change in subtle yet noticeable ways. As your familiar world changes, the events that bring novelty into your world change as well. Pay attention to the new adventures that you go on, and let yourself feel how your common surroundings feel different in the process.

Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Money makes the world go round, as they say, but money is really just a stand-in for personal values. How we make it, how we spend it, how we prioritize it – these all represent our values. Your values are going through a major shift, and your conception of money will also be changing in the process. Dream into new ways that you might make money that would fit your values better.

Feb. 19 – March 20

We always have a self-image, but we also have a self-feeling – and you may notice that you are starting to feel your self in your body differently. What is the ideal way that you would move through the world if you had a say in how you feel your self? Focus on the partners in your life that positively respond to this new way of being.

March 21 – April 19

As your attention is pulled toward how you use your labor and how you direct your energy, you have the opportunity to dream into new ways of rest and meditation. When you’re developing new habits and routines, your psyche is simultaneously trying out different ways of its own development. How will you let your work and your relaxation evolve?

April 20 – May 20

When you turn your focus to your own creative bliss, you will feel that the people around you will naturally change on their own. Those who appreciate your creations will stick around and those who don’t find value there will fall away. Don’t pay so much attention to who comes and goes. Focus on your own creativity and let the people make their own choices.

May 21 – June 20

Wake up at home and go to sleep at work. Just kidding, that’s a bit extreme. But in essence, pay more attention to your home life and let your work life become more intuitional. These two spheres of life affect each other, so trust that your work life will change in positive ways when you let your home come into focus.

June 21 – July 22

Your mind is in your familiar world but your dreams are on vacation. You are starting a multi-year journey on changing this dynamic in your life – how you relate to the familiar and the new. If you’re someone who explores a lot, expect more time building community. If you’re someone who spends a lot of time in familiar surroundings, expect more adventure. That shift is starting now.

July 23 – Aug. 22

How do you make and spend money, and how do you share or invest that money in collective projects? Focus on your own income now, but let your dreams tell you how to use that money for the greater good. If you had unlimited income, what would your ideal impact on the world be? Let that intuition drive your choices when it comes to your money-making methods.

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