Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Introducing Access for Infrastructure: SSH

Must read

BastionZero joined Cloudflare in May 2024. We are thrilled to announce Access for Infrastructure as BastionZero’s native integration into our SASE platform, Cloudflare One. Access for Infrastructure will enable organizations to apply Zero Trust controls in front of their servers, databases, network devices, Kubernetes clusters, and more. Today, we’re announcing short-lived SSH access as the first available feature. Over the coming months we will announce support for other popular infrastructure access target types like Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Kubernetes, and databases.

Applying Zero Trust principles to infrastructure

Organizations have embraced Zero Trust initiatives that modernize secure access to web applications and networks, but often the strategies they use to manage privileged access to their infrastructure can be siloed, overcomplicated, or ineffective. When we speak to customers about their infrastructure access solution, we see common themes and pain points:

  • Too risky: Long-lived credentials and shared keys get passed around and inflate the risk of compromise, excessive permissions, and lateral movement

  • Too clunky: Manual credential rotations and poor visibility into infrastructure access slow down incident response and compliance efforts

Some organizations have dealt with the problem of privileged access to their infrastructure by purchasing a Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution or by building a homegrown key management tool. Traditional PAM solutions introduce audit logging and session recording features that capture user interactions with their servers and other infrastructure and/or centralized vaults that rotate keys and passwords for infrastructure every time a key is used. But this centralization can introduce performance bottlenecks, harm usability, and come with a significant price tag. Meanwhile, homegrown solutions are built from primitives provided by cloud providers or custom infrastructure-as-code solutions, and can be costly and tiresome to build out and maintain. 

We believe that organizations should apply Zero Trust principles to their most sensitive corporate resources, which naturally includes their infrastructure. That’s why we’re augmenting Cloudflare’s Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) service with Access to Infrastructure to support privileged access to sensitive infrastructure, and offering features that will look somewhat similar to those found in a PAM solution:

  • Access: Connect remote users to infrastructure targets via Cloudflare’s global network.

  • Authentication: Eliminate the management of credentials for servers, containers, clusters, and databases and replace them with SSO, MFA, and device posture

  • Authorization: Use policy-based access control to determine who can access what target, when, and under what role. 

  • Auditing: Provide command logs and session recordings to allow administrators to audit and replay their developers’ interactions with the organization’s infrastructure.

At Cloudflare, we are big believers that unified experiences produce the best security outcomes, and because of that, we are natively rebuilding each BastionZero feature into Cloudflare’s ZTNA service. Today, we will cover the recently-released feature for short-lived SSH access.

Secure Shell (SSH) and its security risks

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol that is commonly used by developers or system administrators to secure the connections used to remotely administer and manage (usually Linux/Unix) servers. SSH access to a server often comes with elevated privileges, including the ability to delete or exfiltrate data or to install or remove applications on the server. 

Modern enterprises can have tens, hundreds, or even thousands of SSH targets. Servers accessible via SSH can be targeted in cryptojacking or proxyjacking attacks. Manually tracking, rotating, and validating SSH credentials that grant access is a chore that is often left undone, which creates risks that these long-lived credentials could be compromised. There’s nothing stopping users from copying SSH credentials and sharing them with other users or transferring them to unauthorized devices.

Although many organizations will gate access to their servers to users that are inside their corporate network, this is no longer enough to protect against modern attackers. Today, the principles of Zero Trust demand that an organization also tracks who exactly is accessing their servers with SSH, and what commands they are running on those servers once they have access. In fact, the elevated privileges that come along with SSH access mean that compliance frameworks like SOC2, ISO27001, FedRAMP and others have criteria that require monitoring who has access with SSH and what exactly they are doing with that access. 

Introducing SSH with Access for Infrastructure

We’ve introduced SSH with Access for Infrastructure to provide customers with granular control over privileged access to servers via SSH. The feature provides improved visibility into who accessed what service and what they did during their SSH session, while also eliminating the risk and overhead associated with managing SSH credentials. Specifically, this feature enables organizations to:

  • Eliminate security risk and overhead of managing SSH keys and instead use short-lived SSH certificates issued by a Cloudflare-managed certificate authority (CA).

  • Author fine-grained policy to govern who can SSH to your servers and through which SSH user(s) they can log in as.

  • Monitor infrastructure access with Access and SSH command logs, supporting regulatory compliance and providing visibility in case of security breach.

  • Avoid changing end-user workflows. SSH with Access for Infrastructure supports whatever native SSH clients end users happen to be using. 

SSH with Access for Infrastructure is supported through one of the most common deployment models of Cloudflare One customers. Users can connect using our device client (WARP), and targets are made accessible using Cloudflare Tunnel (cloudflared or the WARP connector). This architecture allows customers with existing Cloudflare One deployments to enable this feature with little to no effort. The only additional setup will be configuring your target server to accept a Cloudflare SSH certificate.

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Cloudflare One already offers multiple ways to secure organizations’ SSH traffic through network controls. This new SSH with Access for Infrastructure aims to incorporate the strengths of those existing solutions together with additional controls to authorize ports, protocols, and specific users as well as a much improved deployment workflow and audit logging capabilities.

Eliminating SSH credentials using an SSH CA

How does Access for Infrastructure eliminate your SSH credentials? This is done by replacing SSH password and SSH keys with an SSH Certificate Authority (CA) that is managed by Cloudflare. Generally speaking, a CA’s job is to issue certificates that bind an entity to an entity’s public key. Cloudflare’s SSH CA has a secret key that is used to sign certificates that authorize access to a target (server) via SSH, and a public key that is used by the target (server) to cryptographically validate these certificates. The public key for the SSH CA can be obtained by querying the Cloudflare API. And the secret key for the SSH CA is kept secure by Cloudflare and never exposed to anyone. 

To use SSH with Access for Infrastructure to grant access via SSH to a set of targets (i.e. servers), you need to instruct those servers to trust the Cloudflare SSH CA. Those servers will then grant access via SSH whenever they are presented with an SSH certificate that is validly signed by the Cloudflare SSH CA.

The same Cloudflare SSH CA is used to support SSH access for all of your developers and engineers to all your target servers. This greatly simplifies key management. You no longer need to manage long-lived SSH keys and passwords for individual end users, because access to targets with SSH is granted via certificates that are dynamically issued by the Cloudflare SSH CA. And, because the Cloudflare SSH CA issued short-lived SSH certificates that expire after 3 minutes, you also don’t have to worry about creating or managing long-lived SSH credentials that could be stolen by attackers. 

The 3-minute time window on the SSH certificate only applies to the time window during which the user has to authenticate to the target server; it does not apply to the length of the SSH session, which can be arbitrarily longer than 3 minutes. This 3-minute window was chosen because it was short enough to reduce the risk of security compromise and long enough to ensure that we don’t miss the time window of the user’s authentication to the server, especially if the user is on a slow connection.

Centrally managing policies down to the specific Linux user

One of the problems with traditional SSH is that once a user has an SSH key or password installed on a server, they will have access to that server forever — unless an administrator somehow remembers to remove their SSH key or password from the server in question. This leads to privilege creep, where too many people have standing access to too many servers, creating a security risk if an SSH key or password is ever stolen or leaked.

Instead, SSH with Access for Infrastructure allows you to centrally write policies in the Cloudflare dashboard specifying exactly what (set of) users has access to what (set of) servers. Users may be authenticated by SSO, MFA, device posture, location, and more, which provides better security than just authenticating them via long-lived SSH keys or passwords that could be stolen by attackers.

Moreover, the SSH certificates issued by the Cloudflare CA include a field called ValidPrinciples which indicates the specific Linux user (e.g. root, read-only, ubuntu, ec2-user) that can be assumed by the SSH connection. As such, you can write policies that specify the (set of) Linux users that a given (set of) end users may access on a given (set of) servers, as shown in the figure below. This allows you to centrally control the privileges that a given end user has when accessing a given target server. (The one caveat here is that the server must also be pre-configured to already know about the specific Linux user (e.g. root) that is specified in the policies and presented in the SSH certificate. Cloudflare is NOT managing the Linux users on your Linux servers.)

As shown below, you could write a policy that says users in Canada, the UK, and Australia that are authenticated with MFA and face recognition can access the root and ec2-user Linux users on a given set of servers in AWS.

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How does Cloudflare capture SSH command logs?

Cloudflare captures SSH command logs because we built an SSH proxy that intercepts the SSH connections. The SSH proxy establishes one SSH connection between itself and the end user’s SSH client, and another SSH connection between itself and the target (server). The SSH proxy can therefore inspect the SSH commands and log them. 

SSH commands are encrypted at rest using a public key that the customer uploads via the Cloudflare API. Cloudflare cannot read SSH command logs at rest, but they can be extracted (in encrypted form) from the Cloudflare API and decrypted by the customer (who holds the corresponding private key). Instructions for uploading the encryption public key are available in our developer documentation.

How the SSH interception works under the hood

How does generic SSH work?

To understand how Cloudflare’s SSH proxy works, we first must review how a generic SSH connection is established.

First off, SSH runs over TCP, so to establish an SSH connection, we first need to complete a TCP handshake. Then, once the TCP handshake is complete, an SSH key exchange is needed to establish an ephemeral symmetric key between the client and the server that will be used to encrypt and authenticate their SSH traffic. The SSH key exchange is based on the server public key, also known as the hostkey. If you’ve ever used SSH, you’ve probably seen this message — that is the SSH server telling your SSH client to trust this hostkey for all future SSH interactions. (This is also known as TOFU or Trust On First Use.)

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Finally, the client needs to authenticate itself to the server. This can be done using SSH passwords, SSH keys, or SSH certificates (as described above). SSH also has a mode called none, which means that the client does NOT need to authenticate itself to the server at all.

So how does Cloudflare’s SSH proxy work? 

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To understand this, we note that whenever you set up SSH with Access for Infrastructure in the Cloudflare dashboard, you first need to create the set of targets (i.e. servers) that you want to make accessible via SSH. Targets can be defined by IP address or hostname. You then create an Access for Infrastructure application that captures the TCP ports (e.g. port 22) that SSH runs over for those targets, and write policies for those SSH connections, as we already described above and in our developer documentation.

This setup allows Cloudflare to know the set of IP addresses and ports for which it must intercept SSH traffic. Thus, whenever Cloudflare sees a TCP handshake with an IP address and port that must be intercepted, it sends traffic for that TCP connection to the SSH proxy. 

The SSH proxy leverages the client’s already authenticated identity from the WARP client, and enforces the configured Access for Infrastructure policies against it. If the policies do not allow the identity to connect to the target under the requested Linux user (e.g. root), the SSH proxy will reject the connection and log an Access denied event to the Access logs. Otherwise, if policies do allow the identity to connect, the the SSH proxy will establish the following two SSH connections: 

  1. SSH connection from SSH proxy to target

  2. SSH connection from end user’s SSH client (via Cloudflare’s WARP client) to SSH proxy

Let’s take a look at each of these SSH connections, and the cryptographic material used to set them up. 

To establish the SSH connection from SSH proxy to the target, the SSH proxy acts as a client in the SSH key exchange between itself and the target server. The handshake uses the target server’s hostkey to establish an ephemeral symmetric key between the client and the server that will encrypt and authenticate their SSH traffic. Next, the SSH proxy must authenticate itself to the target server. This is done by presenting the server with a short-lived SSH certificate, issued by the Cloudflare SSH CA, for the specified Linux user that is requested for this connection as we already described above. Because the target server has been configured to trust the Cloudflare SSH CA, the target server will be able to successfully validate the certificate and the SSH connection will be established.

To establish the SSH connection from the end-user’s SSH client to SSH proxy, the SSH proxy acts as a server in the SSH key exchange between itself and the end-user’s SSH client. 

To do this, the SSH proxy needs to inform the end user’s SSH client about the hostkey that will be used to establish this connection. But what hostkey should be used? We cannot use the same hostkey used by the target server, because that hostkey is the public key that corresponds to a private key that is known only to the target server, and not known to the SSH proxy. So, Cloudflare’s SSH proxy needs to generate its own hostkey. We don’t want the end user to randomly see warnings like the one shown below, so the SSH proxy should provide the same hostkey each time the user wants to access a given target server. But, if something does change with the hostkey of the target server, we do want the warning below to be shown. 

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To achieve the desired behavior, the SSH proxy generates a hostkey and its corresponding private key by hashing together (a) a fixed secret value valid that associated with the customer account, along with (b) the hostkey that was provided by this target server (in the connection from SSH proxy to target server). This part of the design ensures that the end user only needs to see the TOFU notification the very first time it connects to the target server via WARP, because the same hostkey is used for all future connections to that target. And, if the hostkey of the target server does change as a result of a Monster-In-The-Middle attack, the warning above will be shown to the user.

Finally, during the SSH key exchange handshake from WARP client to SSH proxy, the SSH proxy informs that end user’s native SSH client that it is using none for client authentication. This means that the SSH client does NOT need to authenticate itself to the server at all. This part of the design ensures that the user need not enter any SSH passwords or store any SSH keys in its SSH configuration in order to connect to the target server via WARP. Also, this does not compromise security, because the SSH proxy has already authenticated the end user via Cloudflare’s WARP client and thus does not need to use the native SSH client authentication in the native SSH client.

Put this all together, and we have accomplished our goal of having end users authenticate to target servers without any SSH keys or passwords, using Cloudflare’s SSH CA instead. Moreover, we also preserve the desired behaviors of the TOFU notifications and warnings built into native SSH clients!

Before we wrap up, let’s review the cryptographic keys you need in order to deploy SSH with Access for Infrastructure. There are two keys:

  1. Public key of the SSH CA. The private key of the SSH CA is only known to Cloudflare and not shared with anyone. The public key of the SSH CA is obtained from the Cloudflare API and must be installed on all your target servers. The same public key is used for all of your targets. This public key does not need to be kept secret.

  2. Private key for SSH command log encryption. To obtain logs of SSH commands, you need to generate a public-private key pair, and upload the public key to Cloudflare. The public key will be used to encrypt your SSH commands logs at REST. You need to keep the private key secret, and you can use it to decrypt your SSH command logs. 

That’s it! No other keys, passwords, or credentials to manage!

At Cloudflare, we are committed to providing the most comprehensive solution for ZTNA, which now also includes privileged access to sensitive infrastructure like servers accessed over SSH.

Organizations can now treat SSH like any other Access application and enforce strong MFA, device context, and policy-based access prior to granting user access. This allows organizations to consolidate their infrastructure access policies into their broader SSE or SASE architecture.

You can try out Access for Infrastructure today by following these instructions in our developer documentation. Access for Infrastructure is currently available free to teams of under 50 users, and at no extra cost to existing pay-as-you-go and Contract plan customers through an Access or Zero Trust subscription. Expect to hear about a lot more features from us as we continue to natively rebuild BastionZero’s technology into Cloudflare’s Access for Infrastructure service!

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