Monday, March 31, 2025

Hotfixes: September 11, 2024

Must read

Here you’ll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: The War Within, Cataclysm Classic, Season of Discovery, WoW Classic Era, and Hardcore. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


September 11, 2024


  • Mage

    • Frost

      • The Death’s Chill aura will now be removed alongside Ice Form.
      • Frost Splinterstorm will now correctly apply Winter’s Chill to shielded targets.


  • Fixed an issue causing some trinkets to drop for the wrong specialization in Delves.
  • Fixed an issue where killing a group buffed by Zekvir’s Influence could fail to count for extra rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where Web Spreaders can target stealthed and invisible players.
  • Weekly Quest delve icons have been moved slightly to make it easier to see if a delve is bountiful or not.
  • Tak-Rethan Abyss

    • Added an exit button to the Kobyss Killer vehicle.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Nerub-ar Palace

    • Fixed an issue where the Caustic Skyrazor in the Ascending Reach could sometimes fail to Wicked Dive the platform.
    • Resolved an issue where some abilities could unintentionally pull creatures in the pulsing pit.
    • Rasha’nan

      • Resolved an issue which could cause Rasha’nan to become unkillable upon death.
      • Resolved an issue where Infested Spawn could spawn after Rasha’nan’s death.

    • The Silken Court

      • The fight will now correctly go to the next phase if boss health is lowered very quickly.


  • Players in a raid group should now get World Quest credit when killing the World Bosses in each zone.
  • The Aggregation of Horrors world boss in the Ringing Deeps should no longer react to players while its shield is up.
  • Fixed an issue where Memory of Clodgran holograms were not respawning during the Theater Troupe play “Forget Me Not.”
  • Fixed an issue where too many enemies could spawn during the Theater Troupe play “Cruelty of Dornic.”

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where class set tokens were Bind-on-Pickup, rather than Warbound-until-Equipped as intended.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Warbound-until-Equipped gear from seasonal legacy dungeons to generate at lower item levels than intended.

    • Developers’ notes: This fix is not retroactive. We hope to be able to address the low ilvl items in an upcoming hotfix.

Player versus Player

  • Resolved an issue where “Preserving in Arenas” was not correctly incrementing quest credit.


  • Alchemy

    • Meticulous Experimentation will no longer allow you to experiment with herbs that have no possible discoveries until all discoveries are found. Wild Experimentation remains unchanged due to specialization benefits.
    • [With realm restarts] The achievement Overflowing Algari Flasks should no longer require a criteria that does not exist.
    • Potions – Bulk Production (20) now grants Fleeting Healing Potions to classes (not specializations) that can never use mana when crafting Algari Mana Potion, Slumbering Soul Serum, or Cavedweller’s Delight.

  • Engineering

    • Crowd Pummeler 2-30 now requires a confirmation prompt to learn. The cooldown of Invent is now 20 hours (was 24 hours).
    • Inventor’s Guile now persists through death and cannot be right-clicked off.

  • Herbalism

    • Fixed an issue where the Artisan Gardening Hat was preventing equipping Alchemy Profession Hats and vice versa.


  • Fixed an issue where enemies were not respawning quickly enough for the quest “No More Bread”.
  • Arathi Supplies now last for twice as long once spawned for “Recovery Job” and are placed in more centralized locations.

Season of Discovery

  • Crimson Tempest can no longer be used unless the primary target is within melee range.

September 10, 2024


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the Machine-Warden title being incorrectly granted to all players. It is now properly granted by the achievement It’s Not Much, But It’s Honest Work.
  • General’s Scouting Shadecaster has been removed from the achievement Itsy Bitsy Spider.


  • Death Knight

    • An issue causing Trollbane’s Icy Fury to display as snare mechanic on creatures that are immune to snares has been resolved.

  • Monk

    • Fixed an issue where Clarity of Purpose was not correctly triggered by Gusts of Mist from several spells.

  • Shaman

    • Stormbringer

      • An issue causing Arc Discharge to make Lightning Bolt deal damage as though Maelstrom Weapon was spent has been resolved.

  • Warlock

    • Demonology

      • Fixed an issue where Succulent Soul would be consumed by an already cast Hand of Gul’dan.


  • Combat resurrections are now a shared resource, starting with 1 charge and recharging every 10 minutes.
  • Reduced the maximum stack count of the Rage-Filled Idol to 10 (was 20).
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Rage-Filled Idol to interrupt Brann when he wants to eat food and rest.
  • Fixed an issue where Rage-Filled Idol did not properly rank up.
  • Fixed an issue where Glibb could aggro enemies that aren’t in combat.
  • Reduced the amount of health and damage that delve enemies increase by when other players are added to the group.
  • Fixed an issue where Brann could create a campfire while standing in Nerubian webs.
  • Increased the cooldowns of Brann’s interrupt, stun/root clear, and dispel.

    • Developers’ notes: When internally playtesting higher tier delves and Zekvir’s Lair, we felt that Brann was providing too much output. While Brann should feel useful with these abilities, we don’t want him to completely trivialize the mechanics and challenges players face.


  • Item level 350 is now required to queue for Random The War Within dungeons.
  • The Dawnbreaker

    • The flight speed of Steady Flight has been increased while in the Dawnbreaker dungeon.
    • Anub’ikkaj now spawns in a fixed location and no longer patrols.
    • The 3 lieutenants that empower Anub’ikkaj now have updated map markers.
    • Removed the map markers for Mereldar Holdout points.
    • Updated The Dawnbreaker marker icon.

Items and Rewards

  • Turning in wax to Middles in Gundargaz now awards 5 Valorstones (was 10). Additionally, after the first 25 turn-ins per week (on each character), each subsequent wax turn-in will award the player with Resonance Crystals instead.
  • Draconic Gladiator’s Tabard from Dragonflight Season 4 should now use the correct icon.
  • All healer specializations may now roll need on Spymaster’s Web and acquire it from their Great Vault. Fixed an issue where some spells (such as Judgment) would not trigger its effects.

Player versus Player

  • Vicious Bloodstone can now sometimes drop from end-of-match victory boxes.
  • Reduced the cost of Glorious Contender’s Strongbox purchases to 3500 (was 5000).
  • Forged Competitor’s Heraldry drops from Glorious Contender’s Strongboxes have been slightly reduced.
  • Reduced the cost of the Vicious Jeweler’s Setting to 5000 Honor and 3 Vicious Bloodstones (was 9750 Honor and 2 Vicious Bloodstones).

    • Developers’ notes: This change is a net 2250 reduction in total honor cost if purchased outright. By moving the remaining 2500 into an additional Vicious Bloodstone, we hope to keep the excitement of Vicious Bloodstone drops high while allowing players to purchase, trade, or gift this reagent. As a reminder, Vicious Bloodstones are not soulbound and can be purchased with honor directly or can sometimes drop from War Mode activities and end-of-match victory boxes.


  • Blacksmithing

    • Fixed an issue with Dredger’s Plate Breastplate not getting skill from proper sources.

  • Enchanting

    • Added a Shatter recipe to Khaz Algar Enchanting, allowing you to turn Gleaming Shards into Storm Dust. The quality of Gleaming Shard limits the quality of Storm Dust you can get from the Shatter, with the quality of Storm Dust otherwise determined by a combination of your Enchanting skill and Uncommon Utilitarian specialization.


  • Fixed an issue with “Delver’s Call” quests where the quest log would display a different amount of XP rewarded while in a delve.
  • The quest “Searching the Web” for the questline “Grieve and Weave” is now available to Warband characters who have not finished the overall campaign.


  • Earthen now have an additional racial, Quiet Contemplation. Take a load off your feet and enjoy your newfound freedom to see the world while recovering your health and mana out of combat.

September 9, 2024


  • Evoker

    • Evokers who used a level 60 Boost now correctly know all core Evoker and Dracthyr abilities.

  • Monk

    • Mistweaver

      • Gusts of Mists cast on yourself should now be correctly increased by Mantra of Purity.

  • Paladin

    • Fixed a bug that caused Hammer of Light to not go away as expected.

  • Shaman

    • Stormbringer

      • You can now accumulate up to 2 stacks of the buff that replaces Lightning Bolt with Tempest.

    • Elemental

      • Stormkeeper now has a maximum stack size of 3. Stormkeeper still only generates 2, and the Rolling Thunder hero talent will only generate 1.

  • Warlock

    • Fixed an issue where Blackened Soul unintentionally had internal cooldown of 5 seconds.
    • Hellcaller

      • Fixed an issue where spending Soul Shards while talented into Blackened Soul would break all instances of stealth.

    • Affliction

      • Fixed an issue where Vile Taint would not grant a stack of Wither if Blackened Soul is talented.

    • Demonology

      • Fixed an issue where Succulent Soul would be consumed by Spiteful Reconstitution.

    • Destruction

      • Fixed an issue where the duration of Wither would not increase after refresh.


  • Addressed an issue causing players to sometimes receive duplicate Curios.
  • Mycomancer Cavern

    • Removed the step to speak to your companion after being hit with the strange mushroom.


  • During the “The Cruelty of Dornic” step in the Theatre Troupe event, no more than 10 players will summon orbs.

Items and Rewards

  • Players can now get their Earth-Encrusted Gem from Auditor Balwurz for having reached renown 8 with the Council of Dornogal.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing some cosmetic items from previous expansions to incorrectly drop for the wrong class or spec, and in some cases for multiple items to drop when only one was intended.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue causing Vicious Flasks to be removed when entering Arena Skirmishes.
  • Several class pet nameplates for guardians and other temporary summons are now hidden in PvP.


  • Respawn rates for creatures needed for the world quest “Claimed Salvage” have been improved.
  • The Lost Diary found in Hallowfall now begins the correct quest.

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed a bug preventing Sensiria in Feralas from showing up as expected.

September 6, 2024


  • Fixed an issue preventing the completion of Deephaul Ravine Shutout.
  • Fixed an issue where looting Mislaid Curiosities did not grant credit for the achievement, I’m not a Thief, I’m a Treasure Hunter.


  • Archmage Khadgar should appear in the Violet Citadel for players progressing through Legion content.


  • Druid

    • Adjusted Druids’ steady flight so that their speed better matches that of mounts.

  • Evoker

    • Scalecommander

      • Fixed an issue where Deep Breath with Maneuverability would apply Terror of the Skies twice to enemy targets.

  • Monk

    • Fixed an issue causing Aspect of Harmony to deal unexpectedly high damage.

  • Paladin

    • Fixed an issue that caused modifiers such as Avenging Wrath and Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment to not affect Touch of Light’s damage effect.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Incandescence’s damage to not be increased by modifiers such as Avenging Wrath and Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment.
    • Fixed an issue causing Consecration’s friendly effects to only apply to a single paladin when multiple were grouped together.
    • Fixed an issue causing Righteous Judgment to cause Consecration to sometimes not grant its friendly effects.
    • Retribution

      • Fixed an issue allowing targets to use Grounding Totem or Blink out of Hammer of Light.

  • Priest

    • Discipline

      • Voidweaver

        • Void Blast will no longer be incorrectly increased by the Holy version of Twilight Equilibrium.

  • Shaman

    • Elemental

      • Corrected an issue where damage dealt by Tempest or Tempest Overload was not properly contributing to Lightning Rod damage when talented into Conductive Energy Hero Talent.

  • Warlock

    • Affliction

      • Fixed an issue where Wither did not benefit from Death’s Embrace.

    • Diabolist

      • Fixed an issue where you could not queue Hand of Gul’dan while casting Ruination.


  • Fixed an issue where specific items weren’t dropping from Nerubian delves.
  • Fixed an issue where sporbits could fail to die upon exploding.
  • Earthcrawl Mines

    • Earthen can now ingest nearby minerals when clicking on Brann’s campfire for health and mana regen.
    • Fixed an issue that caused the quest to not complete when finishing the delve.
    • Fixed an issue where using the flamethrower torch did not grant credit for destroying webs.

  • Kriegval’s Rest

    • Added a button in the scenario tracker to allow players to drop the Enchanted Candle if they’re holding one.

  • The Waterworks

    • Added a button in the scenario tracker to allow players to drop an Air Totem if they’re holding one.


  • Priory of the Sacred Flame

    • Arathi Footman

      • Mortal Strike maximum stacks reduced to 10 on Normal difficulty.
      • Defend cooldown increased on Normal difficulty.

    • Arathi Knight

      • Disrupting Shout cast time increased to 3 seconds on all difficulties (was 2 seconds).

    • Ardent Paladin

      • Sacred Toll damage reduced by 20% on Normal difficulty.


  • Changed the unlock rank for the Nerubian Pheromone Secreter at Adventurer 1 to be renown 7 (was renown 6).

Pet Battles

  • Players may now search for PvP pet battles on the Isle of Dorn.

Player versus Player

  • Rated Battleground Blitz now contributes to Legion Artifact appearance progress.
  • Death Knight

    • Blood

      • Heart Strike no longer deals increased damage in PvP (was +20%).

    • Frost

      • Enduring Strength no longer has reduced effectiveness in PvP (was -20%).
      • Obliterate no longer deals increased damage in PvP (was +20%).

    • Unholy

      • Bursting Sores no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was -11%).
      • Virulent Plague no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was -5%).
      • Epidemic no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was -8%).


  • Fixed an issue where the Hideseeker’s Tote recipe was not available for Crafting Orders.


  • The Quest “Defender of the Flame” should now reward a Lamplighter Supply Satchel.
  • Resolved an issue where multiple beetles would be spawned for “Scarab Scouting” and “Truffle Shuffle”.

September 5, 2024


  • Demon Hunter

    • Sigil of Doom now overrides Sigil of Flame while Precise Sigils is talented.
    • Aldrachi Reaver

      • The global cooldown triggered by Reaver’s Glaive is now reduced by Haste.
      • Warblade’s Hunger is now correctly triggered by Annihilation.

  • Mage

    • Spellslinger

      • Splinters generated from Shifting Shards will no longer target enemies that are stealthed.

  • Monk

    • Brewmaster

      • Fixed an issue causing Face Palm to grant an incorrect amount of cooldown reduction.

  • Paladin

    • Retribution

      • Fixed an issue that caused Sacrosanct Crusade to disappear when Shield of Vengeance was cast.

  • Shaman

    • Elemental

      • Fixed an issue where a Tempest Overload could damage creatures that were not within line of sight to the target of your Tempest ability.
      • Fixed an issue where Tempest Overload did not properly benefit from the Stormcaller hero talent.

  • Warlock

    • Demonology

      • Fixed an issue where Empowered Legion Strike would persist through death and resummon.
      • Empowered Legion Strike now lasts 20 seconds.


  • Reduced the size of Brann’s click area, so that you can more easily click on other things Brann might be standing next to.
  • Fixed an issue where Brann could target out of combat enemies with Gryphadin’s Battle Harness.
  • Brann is dodgier. That’s the note.
  • Dwarven Medicine will now be cast when off cooldown rather than when a player is missing health.
  • Relic of Uldum and Bag of Snacks can now affect player pets.


  • Cinderbrew Meadery, Darkflame Cleft, The Dawnbreaker, and City of Echoes are now available while leveling new characters for players that have completed the campaign.
  • The Dawnbreaker

    • Druids can now use flight form in The Dawnbreaker dungeon while in combat.


  • Fixed an issue where flying on the Beledar’s Spawn mount could cause framerate to drop.
  • If you die in Draenor, your temporary spectral mount will no longer use skyriding.


  • Lowered the rarity of the Lamplighter Supply Satchel from Epic to Uncommon to better reflect its contents, which have not changed.
  • Hanna’s Locket toy now has a longer cooldown and cannot be used in combat or dungeons.

Player versus Player

  • Paladin

    • Retribution

      • Ultimate Retribution has been removed as a PvP talent option.


  • Vanishing Stalkers now spawn much more reliably for “Lynx Rescue”.
  • “A Tide Needing Turned” should now properly show the starting location on the Dornogal map.
  • World Quests should now award Spark of War for the “Sparks of War” weekly quests.
  • Fixed an issue where, after the weekly reset, players were unable to choose a different Severed Threads Pact.
  • Greatly increased experience rewards for all “Delver’s Call” quests.
  • All “Delver’s Call” quests can now be picked up in their respective Delves and can now be acquired in Adventure Mode.
  • New “Delver’s Call” quests have been added for Earthcrawl Mines, the Waterworks, Nightfall Sanctum, and the Underkeep.


  • Increased the effect of the Earthen Well Fed secondary stat bonus.
  • Belga’s gems are now edible to Earthen, with improved quality and greatly reduced costs.

Cataclysm Classic

  • Fixed issue with Guild Herald and Guild Page not being able to be learned by multiple characters of the same faction on a given account. Players affected by this bug can now buy these pets from a Guild Vendor at a discounted price. Players who were unaffected will still pay full price.

September 4, 2024


  • Evoker

    • Scalecommander

      • Fixed an issue where players could be slowed during Deep Breath while talented into Maneuverability.
      • Fixed an issue where Bombardments would occasionally fail to proc while talented into Extended Battle.

  • Mage

    • Spellslinger

      • Volatile Magic no longer hits out-of-combat or crowd-controlled targets.

  • Monk

    • Chi Burst no longer consumes both stacks of its activation buff when cast with 2 stacks.

  • Paladin

    • Dawnlight’s damage now correctly scales with Retribution’s Mastery.
    • Dawnlight’s damage can now correctly critically strike.
    • Dawnlight’s AoE healing no longer double dips with Versatility.
    • Sun’s Avatar damage now correctly scales with Retribution’s Mastery.
    • Sun’s Avatar and Dawnlight’s AoE no longer deal damage to enemies out of line-of-sight.
    • Retribution

      • Fixed an issue causing Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment to not increase damage from Seal of the Crusader.

  • Warlock

    • Diabolist

      • Fixed an issue where your Pit Lord could be summoned without their portal visual.


  • Brann now has an equal amount of attack, spell, and ranged attack power relative to all classes he’s joining, and his stats now increase as expected when the player-character is buffed.
  • Brann should no longer sometimes miss his attacks.


  • Added a visual 1-hour timer to Hallowfall Fishing Derby quests.

September 3, 2024


  • Corrected an issue preventing Buddy System from being immediately granted when completed.

Auction House

  • Resolved issues causing the Auction House to experience degraded performance.


  • Death Knight

    • Frost

      • Frost Strike damage reduced by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Obliterate damage reduced by 6%. Does not apply to PvP.
      • Icy Death Torrent damage reduced by 10%.
      • Glacial Advance damage reduced by 10%. Does not apply to PvP.

  • Druid

    • Balance

      • Umbral Intensity increases the damage of Wrath by 20/40% (was 25/50%) and Starfire by 15/30% (was 50%).
      • Starsurge damage increased by 12%.
      • Starfall damage increased by 20%.
      • Harmony of the Heavens increases Eclipse power by 2% per proc, max 6% (was 1% per proc, max 5%).

    • Feral

      • Bloodtalons and Lion’s Strength now also increase the damage of Rampant Ferocity.

  • Evoker

    • Devastation

      • Damage of all spells and abilities increased by 6%.
      • Firestorm damage increased by 20%
      • Firestorm duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 12 seconds).

    • Flameshaper

      • Engulf damage increased by 30%.

  • Hunter

    • An issue causing Unnatural Causes to not function with multiple Hunters has been resolved.
    • Sentinel damage is now increased by Unnatural Causes.
    • Pack Leader

      • Vicious Hunt damage increased by 10% for Beast Mastery.
      • Vicious Hunt damage decreased by 10% for Survival.

        • Developers’ notes: When Vicious Hunt’s damage reaches a certain point, it can cause Kill Command to dominate Survival’s rotation. This adjustment and subsequent compensation are meant to ensure Pack Leader Survival Hunters are utilizing the other tools at their disposal.

      • Howl of the Pack critical strike damage bonus increased to 5% for Beast Mastery (was 3%).
      • Howl of the Pack critical strike damage bonus increased to 11% for Survival (was 7%).
      • Furious Assault damage bonus increased to 60% for Survival (was 30%).
      • Cull the Herd damage over time increased to 60% for Survival (was 30%).

  • Mage

    • Fire

      • Living Bomb damage increased by 30%.
      • Pyroblast damage increased by 5%.
      • Flamestrike damage increased by 10%.

    • Frostfire

      • Frostfire Bolt damage increased by 25% for Fire.

    • Sunfury

      • Burden of Power can no longer be double dipped by spell queueing.
      • Arcane Phoenix damage dealt reduced by 10% for Arcane.
      • Arcane Soul base duration reduced to 2 seconds (was 3 seconds).

  • Monk

    • Fixed an issue that caused Chi Burst’s damage to cancel Spinning Crane Kick and Celestial Conduit.
    • Windwalker

      • Tiger Palm now has a 1-second cooldown while Darting Hurricane’s effect is active.
      • Fixed an issue that caused Gale Force to not copy damage from Thunderfist.

  • Paladin

    • Retribution 

      • Mastery: Highlord’s Judgment reduced by 10%. For example, at level 80, 180 Mastery rating now grants 1.35% Mastery (was 1.5%).
      • All Holy spell damage increased by 5%.

  • Priest

    • Discipline

      • Oracle Discipline priests’ Preventive Measures now increases Power Word: Shield absorption by 40% (was 25%). Does not apply to PvP.
      • Atonement healing increased by 100% outside raid (was 70%). Does not apply to PvP.
      • Fixed an issue where Atonement critical healing was not increased by the correct amount outside of raid.
      • Shadow Word: Pain and Purge the Wicked damage increased by 20%.

    • Shadow

      • Voidweaver Shadow priests’ Void Blast damage increased by 20%.

  • Rogue

    • Corrected an issue that prevented multiple Subtlety Rogues from applying Deathstalker’s Mark to the same target.

  • Shaman

    • Elemental 

      • Mastery: Elemental Overload’s bonus to all Elemental and Physical damage increased by 35%.
      • All damage reduced by 6%.
      • Stormbringer

        • Tempest now deals 65% of its damage to enemies near its primary target (was 50%).
        • Tempest now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

    • Enhancement 

      • All damage reduced by 4%.
      • Elemental Blast damage increased by 12%.
      • Stormbringer

        • Tempest now deals 65% of its damage to enemies near its primary target (was 50%).
        • Tempest now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets.

      • Totemic

        • Tremor damage increased by 10%.
        • Searing Volley damage increased by 80%.

  • Warlock

    • Affliction

      • Fixed an issue where Malevolence would break enemy players out of stealth.
      • Fixed an issue where Volatile Agony area damage ignored line of sight.

    • Destruction

      • All ability damage increased by 5%.


  • Reduced the damage of Fungal Breath from the Invasive Sporecap rare.
  • The bountiful icon on the scenario objective UI now hides upon looting the locked treasure chest to better indicate that you’ve collected your rewards.
  • Fixed an issue with Brann’s sleep schedule.


  • City of Threads

    • Fixed an issue where players were losing their earned Pheromone buffs and being attacked by the citizens.


  • Awakening the Machine

    • Medpack ground duration increased to 2 minutes (was 1 minute).
    • Automatic Ironstrider damage decreased by 17%.
    • Malfunctioning Pylon damage decreased by 20%.
    • Nullification Barrier duration decreased to 2 minutes.
    • Addressed an issue where Nullification Barrier could persist after combat.


  • Charged Runeaxe Intellect granted has been increased to align with other similar items.
  • Congealed Cinderbrew Cinch now uses its intended appearance which can be collected.

Player versus Player 

  • Corrected an issue where War Mode World Quests may display no reward for completion.
  • Druid

    • Rip damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Rake damage increased by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Balance

      • Lunar Calling now increases Starfire damage by 50% in PvP combat (was 65%).
      • Umbral Embrace now increases the damage of Wrath and Starfire by 40% in PvP combat (was 75%).

    • Feral 

      • Taste For Blood’s damage increase to Ferocious Bite during Tiger’s Fury is decreased by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Saber Jaws effectiveness now reduced by 50% in PvP combat.

  • Mage

    • Frost

      • Ice Lance damage increased by 45% in PvP combat (was 75%).

  • Monk

    • Master of Harmony

      • Manifestation is now 50% effective in PvP combat.

    • Brewmaster

      • Chi Burst damage reduced by 30% for Brewmaster Monks in PvP combat.

    • Mistweaver

      • Peaceweaver now reduces the cooldown of Revival by 33% (was 50%).
      • Life Cocoon is now 30% more effective in PvP combat.
      • Enveloping Mist can no longer be dispelled.

  • Priest

    • Holy

      • Prayer of Mending healing increased by 65% in PvP combat.

  • Shaman

    • Enhancement

      • Lava Lash damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
      • Stormstrike and Windstrike damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.
      • Windfury Attack damage increased by 60% in PvP combat.

  • Warrior

    • Thunderous Roar damage reduced by 15% in PvP combat.
    • Arms

      • Auto attack damage no longer decreased by an additional 12% in PvP combat.

    • Fury

      • Odyn’s Fury damage reduced by 20% in PvP combat.


  • Fixed an issue where one of the Profession specialization tomes purchased in the City of Threads with Kej were unable to be used in specific orders.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tailoring Weekly Quest “Tailoring Services Requested” which would be dropped upon logout.


  • The “Behind Closed Doors” questline can now be completed by any character once The Ringing Deeps campaign has been completed at least once on the account.
  • The Recall Lisky button will now clean up and go away after the quest “Lisky Business” is turned in.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple players couldn’t sit and listen at the same time during “One Last Story”.
  • The scenario “The Light in the Dark” should no longer occasionally get stuck on the first step if Faerin is too far away.
  • After finishing the War Within campaign, you can now find Alleria Windrunner in the Foundation Hall in Dornogal and ask her to show what happened during the finale. This will play the cutscene from the final chapter.

August 29, 2024


  • Fixed an issue where Chasm Makers in Azj-Kahet could get stuck in combat.


  • Demon Hunter

    • Aldrachi Reaver

      • Fixed an issue with Art of the Glaive not respecting line-of-sight.
      • Fixed an issue with Preemptive Strike not respecting line-of-sight.

  • Evoker

    • Preservation

      • Fixed an issue where Lifespark and Call of Ysera were incorrectly increasing the healing of Living Flames cast by Afterimage and Leaping Flames if the buff was active when they occurred.

  • Rogue

    • Deathstalker

      • Fixed an issue where rogues fighting low-health enemies could find themselves in a state where Darkest Night was not correctly applied.


  • Fixed an issue where the player’s health bar could get in the way of some mini-game puzzles.
  • Earthcrawl Mines

    • Fixed an issue preventing players from entering the main room.

  • Tak-Rethan Abyss

    • The “Niffen’s Aid” ability will no longer aggro neaby enemies.


  • Cinderbrew Meadery

    • Fixed an issue where a Brew Drop reaching I’pa sometimes shielded the boss for an incorrect value and didn’t inflict party damage.


  • Fixed an issue where quest objective objects were not appearing on the step ‘Very Important Earthen’ during the Theater Troupe event.

Items and Rewards

  • Ravenous Honey Buzzer is now usable while you’re shapeshifted.
  • Shadowed Essence damage is now properly reduced for tank and healer specializations.

Player versus Player

  • Warlock

    • Fixed an issue where Infirmity would not clear after a Battleground or Arena ends.


  • The Severed Threads Pact buffs “Weaver’s Tutelage” and “Weaver’s Prodigy” will now properly enhance the players’ crafting and profession abilities.
  • Jewelcrafting

    • Improved the rate of prospecting gems for Bismuth, Ironclaw Ore, and Aqirite. This affects both baseline chances as well as the increase based on item quality.


  • Trying to abandon “Special Assignment: Bombs from Behind” should no longer teleport you back to the Weaver’s Lair.
  • Players who abandoned the quest “Gear Enchanting” can now successfully complete the quest again. From now on, the quest will auto complete if the player has already cast “Enchant Ring – Glimmering Haste” item given by the quest.
  • Fixed an issue where Bushy Weeds creatures were not repopulating quickly enough on “Thespians at the Proscenium”.
  • Players who enter the “Awakening the Machine” event, qualify for the weekly quest “Gearing Up for Trouble,” and have not previously picked up the quest will have it pushed to them.
  • The quest “Renown of Khaz Algar” has been removed from the War Within Campaign and is now available to characters with any of the Khaz Algar renown factions below level 4.

User Interface

  • Players who have the “Arc Emitter” extra action Button on their screen can resolve the issue if they relog.

August 28, 2024


  • Khaz Algar Lore Hunter has been temporarily removed. We will fix and restore this Achievement in a future patch.

Characters and NPCs

  • Adjusted the scaling of enemies in War Within leveling content to increase their health, bringing the duration of combat more in line with expected WoW behavior. This change is most noticeable at level 70, and has a reduced impact as your level increases. Enemies at level 80 and above are unchanged.

    • Developers’ notes: We’ve seen data and heard a great deal of feedback that players coming into Khaz Algar with endgame Dragonflight gear were extremely powerful relative to that initial content. It is entirely intended that effort put into gearing translates into a significant combat advantage at the start of a new expansion, but the values we’ve been seeing are extreme, often not even allowing time for normal combat rotations. This disparity also caused mixed-level groups to experience skewed results, with lower-level players contributing drastically more than level 80s.


  • Death Knight

    • Blood

      • An issue causing The Blood is Life to not take line-of -sight into account has been resolved.
      • An issue causing Dancing Rune Weapon to not function in the second phase of the Rasha’nan fight in The Dawnbreaker has been resolved.

    • Frost

      • An issue causing Trollbane’s Icy Fury not taking line of sight into account has been resolved.

  • Evoker

    • Evokers that have been boosted are now able to access their Specializations and Talent window.
    • Chronowarden

      • Fixed an issue where Instability Matrix was not reducing the cooldown of empower spells when Tip the Scales was used.

  • Hunter

    • Sentinel is now removed from player controlled units upon being crowd controlled.
    • Marksmanship

      • Volley no longer prevents Marksmanship Hunters from auto-attacking.

  • Mage

    • Sunfury

      • Gravity Lapse now properly targets 5 units.
      • Gravity Lapse now deals its damage immediately if it is cast on a unit that is immune to Roots.
      • Gravity Lapse now properly affects nearby units, even if its primary target is immune to Roots.

  • Paladin

    • Templar

      • An issue with Zealous Vindication casting Empyrean Hammer on secondary targets instead of the main target has been resolved.

  • Shaman

    • Restoration

      • Fixed an issue causing Primordial Wave to benefit from Undulation at the incorrect time. The bonus healing will now benefit while the Undulation bonus is active and a Healing Wave is cast.

  • Warrior

    • Protection

      • Fixed an issue that could allow Into the Fray to stack higher than intended.


  • You can now call Brann Bronzebeard to gather near you from the Explorers’ League Supplies if he manages to wander off on his own.
  • While Brann works on improving his ability dodging skills, the amount of damage that he takes from enemies has been reduced.
  • Corrected an issue where Companion Experience items can persist in the inventory instead of being consumed upon loot.
  • Earthcrawl Mines

    • Fixed an issue where players could end up being feared through a door, causing progress to be blocked.

  • The Waterworks

    • Fixed an issue where Karnk and Pagsly would not follow the player properly.


  • Fixed an issue where enemies on the step Deal with Drunks could get stuck at 1% health during the Theater Troupe event.


  • Skyriding is now available in Isle of Dorn after “Secure the Beach” has been completed at least once on the account.

Items and Rewards

  • The Azj-Kahet Nerubian Pheromone Secreter now becomes available at Renown 7 (was Renown 6).
  • Unique, one-time lootable treasures in Azj-Kahet are no longer on a 60-90 minute public respawn. They now spawn for and are available personally for each player until looted.
  • Fixed an issue with Sureki Zealot’s Insignia where healing from player pets and guardians was not reattributed to their owning player when granting Sureki Zealot’s Oath.
  • Reinforced-Wax Plating damage reduction reduced by 50%.
  • Antique Bronze Bullion may now be deleted.
  • For a limited time, Awakened Vendors in Valdrakken are still available for those who have bullion to trade away.
  • The Nerubians got in trouble for the price of their translation potion. Potion of Polymorphic Translation: Nerubian is now available for 33 kej (was 500).

Pet Battles

  • Hallowed Glowfly no longer incorrectly appears in The Ringing Deeps.
  • Waxwick is no longer tradeable.

Player versus Player

  • Brawl: Deepwind Dunk has been replaced with Brawl: Comp Stomp this week, it will return in the normal slot next brawl rotation.
  • Resolved an issue that caused enemies in Epic Battlegrounds to have more health and deal more damage than intended.
  • Sergeant Wilson and Nassar have arrived in the Contender’s Gate in Dornogal for players of questionable repute to sign up as a Mercenary in battlegrounds.


  • Darkmoon Faire profession quests no longer give Artisan’s Acuity.
  • Darkmoon Faire profession quests now also grant Dragon Isles specialization knowledge for players who know the associated Skill Line. This is not displayed in the list of possible rewards to maintain UI tidiness.
  • Fixed an issue preventing weekly Enchanting quests from being available.
  • Alchemy

    • Algari Potion Cauldron and Algari Flask Cauldron no longer require Artisan’s Acuity to craft.
    • Algari Potion Cauldron’s charges have been increased to 80 (was 40). The cost to craft has been adjusted by a similar proportion.
    • The cost of Meticulous Experimentation has been increased, its cooldown reduced to 20 hours (was 24 hours) and it now guarantees a recipe when used.

      • Developers’ notes: We saw feedback regarding the cooldown increase here and felt it was unnecessary when paired with the improvements to Wild Experimentation. Rather than increase it, it has been decreased to 20 hours to give some flexibility for tight play schedules.

    • Wild Experimentation has had its success chances slightly increased, and failure chances slightly reduced.
    • Recent Catastrophe’s duration has been reduced to 10 minutes (was 15 minutes).
    • Formulated Courage now prevents explosions when performing Wild Experimentation.
    • Increased the chance to discover recipes with Thaumaturgy.
    • Fixed a bug that caused Vicious Flask honor gains to stop functioning and display tooltip errors upon dying.


  • On’heia was missing from the wildcamp for quest “Open Communications” for some players. He has seen fit to return.
  • Addressed an issue preventing intended steps for “Awakening the Machine” while Speaker Kuldas was a questgiver.
  • Fixed an issue where some Legion quests were unable to be completed once The War Within had been started.
  • Made placing Meaty Bait optional for the quest “In a Pinch.” The boss will now respawn if he hasn’t been killed but the meat has been placed. Moved a Deepflayer’s flying path away from the boss so it would stop engaging him.
  • Quests that grant rewards from the renown track should now be available without being level 80.

August 27, 2024


  • Worm Theory is no longer missing its quest criteria.


  • Death Knight

    • Deathbringer

      • An issue causing Painful Death to reduce the cost of Obliterate/Marrowrend by 2 Runes instead of 1 has been resolved.

    • Frost

      • Resolved an issue causing Frostwelp’s Aid talent to display 0%.

  • Evoker

    • Chronowarden

      • Fixed an issue where Temporality and Motes of Acceleration talents would not function when Hover was cast mid-air.

  • Hunter

    • Survival

      • Grenade Juggler Explosive Shot procs no longer proc from Explosive Shot.
      • Grenade Juggler now procs from Wildfire Bomb casts rather than on damage dealt (after a brief delay).
      • Relentless Primal Ferocity will now increase the effectiveness of existing Tip of the Spear stacks when the player casts Coordinated Assault and will appropriately remove the bonus when Coordinated Assault ends.

  • Mage

    • Spellslinger

      • Arcane Orb can no longer damage enemies through walls.
      • Controlled Instincts can no longer damage enemies through walls.

  • Rogue

    • Deathstalker

      • Resolved a timing issue where Deathstalker’s Mark applied from Stealth or Shadow Dance was being overwritten by Deathstalker’s Mark applied by an active Darkest Night.

  • Shaman

    • Stormbringer

      • An issue causing Thorim’s Invocation to switch to Lightning Bolt when Tempest is cast on multiple targets has been resolved.

  • Warlock

    • Hellcaller

      • Fixed an issue where Soul Fire and Cataclysm would consume much more mana than intended when Wither is known.


  • Brann should no longer be able to target crowd-controlled enemies.
  • Fixed an issue where the Fungal Footpads ability would not work for Demon Hunters or Evokers while within Tak-Rethan Abyss or the Sinkhole.
  • Resolved an issue where the Reformed Fury could despawn immediately upon defeating Speaker Davenruth in Nightfall Sanctum.


  • City of Threads

    • After defeating Izo, the Grand Splicer, players can now drink Unstable Mixture to return to the dungeon entrance.


  • Fixed an issue where enemies were not granting audience approval during the “The Cruelty of Dornic” Theater Troupe play.
  • Fixed an issue where rewards for the Theater Troupe event were delayed until the next task was completed.


  • Emerald and Draconic Marks of Mastery can now be destroyed or vendored.
  • The pre-season Heroic dungeon reward item-level has been increased to Explorer 4/8 (was Adventurer 1/8).
  • Fixed several plate items that were incorrectly using Agility/Intellect stats, such as Long-Forgotten Girdle and Scrit’s Handmade Girdle.


  • Trogolofrog no longer can spawn with an empty breed.

Player versus Player

  • Demon Hunter

    • Sigil of Spite (Talent) damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 20%).
    • Soul Rending (Talent) effect now reduced by 17% in PvP combat (was 40%).
    • Havoc

      • Chaos Strike/Annihilation damage no longer increased in PvP combat (was 10%).
      • Throw Glaive damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 10%).
      • Soulscar (Talent) effect no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 8%).
      • Essence Break (Talent) damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 10%).
      • Fel Barrage (Talent) damage no longer reduced in PvP combat (was 20%).


  • The map icon for the quests “A Concerned Friend” and “The Last Mage” should no longer remain on the map after you have completed the questlines.
  • Fixed a bug causing objectives for “Something’s Fishy” to unintentionally be faction-locked.
  • Fixed an issue causing players to be able to be attacked while completing the quest “Rise of the Reckoning.”
  • Destroying “Radiant Fuel Crystals” while on the quest “Shadows Below” should no longer prevent quest completion.
  • During “Alluring Offer”, the Beguiling Lure may now be used while stealthed.
  • Players should now see the Stormriders and can continue to progress through “After the Storm”.
  • Interacting with objects during “The Day the Stoneheads Came” should now make them uninteractive, as normal.
  • Fixed an issue where players who had already acquired a Restored Coffer Key before starting the quest “Bountiful Delves” were still being asked to acquire a key for the first step. Brann has eased up on things and will now count that for the quest step.
  • Now, the entirety of “Bountiful Delves” will auto-complete if a player has already opened a bountiful chest in a Delve before starting the quest.
  • Increased the gold and experience awards earned from Bonus Objectives.

User Interface

  • Level 80 Rare enemies will no longer display an icon on the minimap for players below level 77.
  • Itching Waters insect visuals now only show for the player who’s been targeted.

August 26, 2024


  • Warband Mentored Leveling can no longer be canceled.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to disable experience gain at level 70 instead of the intended 69 and below.
  • Some auctioneers in Dornogal have moved downstairs in the auction house.


  • Death Knight

    • Soul Rupture now correctly applies the 5% damage reduction debuff.

  • Mage

    • Arcane

      • Fixed an issue that caused Touch of the Magi and Magi’s Spark to deal more damage than intended.

  • Monk

    • Master of Harmony

      • Fixed an issue with the number of Hero Talent points Master of Harmoany monks had while leveling.

  • Rogue

    • Deathstalker

      • Fixed an issue that caused some sources of increased Shadow damage to not increase Deathstalker Plague damage effects.


  • Fungal Folly

    • Fixed an issue where Kasthrik couldn’t be interacted with.
    • Sporbits now die upon exploding.

  • Kriegval’s Rest

    • Fixed an issue that could cause Tomb-Raider Drywhisker to despawn during the cast of Ground Slam.

  • The Sinkhole

    • Increased the duration for which you can hold your breath while under the effects of Kobyss Hex.


  • Fixed an issue where enemies were not granting audience approval during the “The Cruelty of Dornic” Theater Troupe play.


  • The first piece of gear to drop from a Lamplighter Supply Satchel each week will be Warbound until Equipped and drop at Adventurer 1.
  • The Handful of Humming Shinies, Pile of Humming Shinies, Big Pile of Humming Shinies, and Gem-Studded Candelabra can now be opened to claim their contents.

Player versus Player

  • Items

    • Lava-forged Cogwheel damage reduced by 70% in PvP combat.
    • Storm Defender’s Axe damage reduced by 70% in PvP combat.
    • Fearbreaker’s Echo damage reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
    • Arathi Demolotion Charge damage reduced by 70% in PvP combat.


  • Fixed an issue where Sharpen Your Knife and Carve Meat would be consumed when skinning trivial enemies.


  • The Resting Blade should now be collectable on the quest “In the Right Hands”.
  • Striking Steel: “Spice up your Life” and “Eagle Eye, Eagle Die” are now available after a day, rather than a week. It is intentional that there is a break between part 1 and part 2 of the quest chain.
  • Void Ambush should no longer persist indefinitely as players progress through “Kaheti Hospitality”.
  • “Laws Apply to All” and “You No Take Plunder!” should now show the correct turn in location.

The hotfix notes for the previous patch can be found here.

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