Sunday, October 20, 2024

Horoscope Today: October 20, 2024

Must read

See what the stars have in store for your sign.

The power lies within you, Pisces. Everything may feel super chaotic, topsy-turvy or extremely muddled, however, your Angels want you to remember the immense power you hold over the cosmos, yourself and the energy you put out. Clear thinking and effective communication may be your key that cuts through the disarray and gets you through this tunnel. You could get used to this visionary way of working, and this very feeling fans the flame of ideas and probable (ad)ventures you could take on, Taurus. You may find yourself reflecting on all that you have been chasing, perhaps even going all out to create in your life, and while the pot of gold in front of you seems alluring, why do you hold back, Libra? Drop your materialistic goals and worries for a bit, and today do things because they set you on fire! While you may have been tirelessly moving towards your goals, a boost of support from your relationships may have kept you going leading to breakthroughs, solutions and even rapid momentum in your life, Scorpio, victory is here. What are you not capable of once you believe in yourself, Sag? Marching ahead like a team, basking in the warm fuzziness of the little joys in life while reaching out for that bedazzled chalice – a long term vision with well paced action takes you miles ahead effortlessly. Yes, the ground beneath may feel shaky for now, but it’s nothing you cannot champion.


Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.

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