A major chapter is closing and a massive door leading to a gazillion blessings is opening up for you, Gemini. You have been fostering relationships, you have been banking on friendships not for what they can do for you, but for how they make you feel, and this has led you to this opportune time where you have stepped up into a whole new realm where you are valued, seen, heard and cherished for who you are. Gears have shifted, lanes have switched , perhaps for some of you even tracks upon which you moved have completely switched, leading to fears around money, security, survival and more. Capricorn. But it is all illusionary. Your angels want you to remember that no matter what you do, you will be fulfilling your mission either way.Â
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
When something is changing or ending, the easiest way out is the tried and tested way – balance, cooperation and compromise, Aries. Finding a middle ground is just what you need to find creative solutions and your happy place. In fact if you look closely, a lot of what you are living through right now, the tiny specs of it all are all your glimmers that keep you shining bright. These moments like tiny little orbs hold the potential to add magic to the most mundane days. Cherish these magical moments to attract more magical ones.
Cosmic tip: Your life is already happening.
If you keep seeking within the same circles, you will keep looping around the same situation, Taurus. You are sleepless, we get it, but tell us, where will it really get you? Not everyone who is willing to give you advice has your back and not everyone telling you what you don’t want to hear is your enemy. Bring back a little objectivity into your life to see how you can go back to being that lighthearted chicken that you used to be, while also marching ahead like a commander in chief that has it all together. Get up, take a walk and come back to the drawing board. Nothing will change unless you decide which way you want to go.
Cosmic tip: For it to come together, you must decide and then the Universe will move.
A major chapter is closing and a massive door leading to a gazillion blessings is opening up for you, Gemini. You have been fostering relationships, you have been banking on friendships not for what they can do for you, but for how they make you feel, and this has led you to this opportune time where you have stepped up into a whole new realm where you are valued, seen, heard and cherished for who you are. Its time to put that party hat on, it’s time to take center stage and it is time for you to kick off your heels, have fun and do what you do best!
Cosmic tip: Your guidance is divinely guided.
Why do you feel you must choose, Cancer? You are here to fulfil multiple roles, to honour varying needs and to grow in a myriad different directions. What lights you up is your mission – be it personally, professionally or even spiritually. When you begin to dissect life and its various aspects you take away from it. When you share more of yourself – unfiltered, you add value to yourself and others in a million ways. Stop compartmentalising life. Begin pouring your heart into all you do once again – because that is exactly what you are good at.
Cosmic tip: Wait before you shut that door.
Are you willing to take ownership of yourself, your shortcomings and your life, Leo? A truce is possible if you simply let your strengths take charge of your circumstances while taming your demons. You wish to be someplace else. You wish to swim across the river and get onto the other greener side. You wish to be different from who you are currently and where you are currently. Then what stops you, Leo. Recognition is what you are after and you can achieve it through self discipline and willpower. Nothing worth keeping is served on a platter – so put in the work to harvest the rewards.
Cosmic tip: Find the calm beneath the chaos.
It’s almost as if you are living through two different dimensions all at once, Virgo. You have your fiery, passionate side taking over, and then that part of you that perpetually yearns for the perfectly moonlit cool evenings by the shore also runs in the background. The good news is that you can have the best of both worlds. You are protected, you are safe, what the cosmos wants from you is a willingness to shut out old memories that make you cringe and feel lesser than who you are. There may be distractions and illusions that may flood your conscious mind, but the goal is to not fight back, instead to soften up to see who you are today and what you are becoming.
Cosmic tip: Say, “I recall my power back from across all space, dimensions and time.
Your experience, your wisdom and your perception are what set you apart, Libra. Your long term outlook does not need you to sit in the sidelines waiting for someone or something to come save the day. Your future needs you to step up, apply all this juicy wisdom into your life in practical ways, deal with challenges in a kind and rational manner, make space for sudden bits of information or revelations that have come floating into your space and then choose how you wish to cross the bridge. You are moving onto a new threshold of life, and old ways will not suffice. You know what you must do, so go on and live your life by example.
Cosmic tip: Stand still even amidst chaos.
From having fought many battles yourself, you are now emerging as a thought leader, ready to showcase and apply all your previous learnings and reflections in life in positive uplifting ways. The seeds of a bright future are well planted, and it is all beginning to come together. Sure there always is a sense of uncertainty around fresh starts or hitting the refresh button, but trust that all you need has been saved safely onto your hard drive and nothing that is of importance will every be lost. In your yearning to belong and feel like you are home – you are here with this wonderful opportunity to create it for yourself.
Cosmic tip: Detach from worry to align with faith and momentum.
A rushed recent past calls for a deeper need to rest and reset. Are your goals the same as they were last year, Sag? Most likely not. Are your visions and that craving for a certain life the same as it was a couple of months ago? Nope. This is your opportune time to sit back and reflect on how you’d like to navigate your life, circumstances and general well being; how you’d like to foster your relationships and what parts of your life will you be willing to let go of? It is time to uncord yourself from a version that no longer matches your current energy.
Cosmic tip: Release past patterns with ease to welcome fresh energy in.
Gears have shifted, lanes have switched , perhaps for some of you even tracks upon which you moved have completely switched, leading to fears around money, security, survival and more. Capricorn. But it is all illusionary. Your angels want you to remember that no matter what you do, you will be fulfilling your mission either way. Just because something has not been working in your desired way, doesn’t mean it will never work out. It may simply mean that you are to explore new paths, take on new journeys and simply by your presence alone – you will be bringing forward your unique light to the world.
Cosmic tip: Have courage and believe in yourself.
You dived head first into a situation and here you are wondering what happened and why? Can you not get over the unexpected, yet seemingly fated outcomes of your circumstance, Aquarius? This is not the Universe’s way of saying, I told you so, this is the cosmos trying to show you where you need to speak up a little more, where you must shine a little brighter, how your self expression is pivotal to your sanity and inner harmony! Look for the learning behind the scenes to pivot into new directions.
Cosmic tip: Don’t be afraid to try. Don’t be afraid to speak up.
Will you choose to focus on spilled milk, or will you slow down to enjoy what you are left holding in your hand? Pisces, look at how far you have come! How by sheer willpower and grace you have surmounted previous challenges and here you are, waiting for what? Trust that the cosmos will figure one way or another to get you to your goals, and also, trust that as you align more with your soul’s desires, the swifter and easier your path will be. Taking on a balanced approach in life is likely to take you further than getting down to your tasks in frenzied and manic ways. Breathe, Pisces, breathe. Nothing is lost and won’t ever be.
Cosmic tip: What are you feeling called to do?