See what the stars have in store for your sign.
It is not for you to think of what others will think of your decisions, Taurus. It is for you to reflect on how you would think and feel about yourself if you made this decision. You will find success if you follow your established rules and inner ethics. You will find success if you decide to stay true to yourself. It may not be where you wish to be yet, but you are surely on your way there, Scorpio. There has definitely been a spin around of some kind on the personal front – a more emotionally supportive and synergising experience, that is outpouring into your professional/ duty based life and you feel ready to conquer the world. You are bubbling with excitement, and when are you not, Sag. You thrive in this driven energy of focus, determination, going for the kill while having a ball of a time. Now could anyone ask for more? Nope. Your guides do have a tinge of advice here – open up to life, to those who genuinely love you, who care about you and who are here to support you. Say yes to that invite, meet your tribe, and if still looking, then go find your tribe. At the end of this patient wait is your imminent victory, Leo. On the other side of you wanting to micromanage the cosmos is true freedom. Trust yourself and trust the Universe to know what is best for you. Trust in your leadership skills to power through persistent setbacks. Trust in your resilience to find a way, but through it all, remember to uphold your integral values of fairness, honesty and honour.Â
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Aries Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
Are you considering the fact that different motives may be muddling the forward momentum and resolution of your current situation? Aries, you are a sharp witted child of the cosmos, and when you undermine yourself, second guess your gut instincts you put the Universe in a state of limbo where it doesn’t know which way to swing. There is a new exciting time ahead for you – in the form of an opportunity, resources, career paths, relationships or simply the opportunity to showcase what you are made of. Expecting the best will bring you the best, and expecting the worst, may as well send you spiralling down. So along with your efforts, keep your thoughts aligned.
Cosmic tip: Harness your inner strengths and release any harsh judgements.
Taurus Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
It is not for you to think of what others will think of your decisions, Taurus. It is for you to reflect on how you would think and feel about yourself if you made this decision. You will find success if you follow your established rules and inner ethics. You will find success if you decide to stay true to yourself. You will definitely find success if you keep following your inner voice. This is not to say that you must fall into old traps and expect new outcomes, it is simply to say that you must stay adaptive and alert enough to listen to your inner voice and embrace change to ride the waves.
Cosmic tip: Do you really want this, or do you think you want it?
Gemini Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
Rest before taking action, Gemini. You have played your part in a team for so long, and now that you are being recognised as a valuable asset yourself, allow yourself to graciously accept all the love and accolades pouring in. Those ideas and insights are leading the way forward for you to raise your sword, shout your war cry and jump onto the stage to play your part with utmost gusto. All these amazingly blurred happy times lie ahead for you, but for now rest before taking action.
Cosmic tip: Light your light to fire up your sword.Â
Cancer Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
Your wish fulfilled, now Cancer, this is the time for you to stand by that which you have nurtured, created and sparged with your effort and love. Ensure you make note of the motives that surround you, not everyone is all heart and not everyone is all mind. Either way, you are protected as you bring your focus back onto yourself and your main priorities. Shift your perspective a little, and you will notice that although all the teething challenges that you may face to begin anew at this point in time may feel daunting, they are all for the better. You asked for a slower, more enriching life – and here it is. Grab it, claim it and mother it.
Cosmic tip: Have courage and believe in yourself.
Leo Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
At the end of this patient wait is your imminent victory, Leo. On the other side of you wanting to micromanage the cosmos is true freedom. Trust yourself and trust the Universe to know what is best for you. Trust in your leadership skills to power through persistent setbacks. Trust in your resilience to find a way, but through it all, remember to uphold your integral values of fairness, honesty and honour. Don’t be blinded by your ego’s need to chase a particular outcome so much that you skip the most important part of fair play. Not every visitor is meant to stay and not every passerby is meant to leave. Know the difference.
Cosmic tip: Take ownership of your actions to take charge of your life.
Virgo Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
As you gaze within the mirrors you hold the power to open portals and access to realms that are relaying messages to you relentlessly. Virgo, this is the time to take action, to tune out of your persistent problems and challenges and to zip through with creative solutions. Things are looking up for you, if only you lift your gaze to look at the road ahead. You may end up leading others on to a new path, but that should not be your primary motive in the first place, what should be your foundational setting stone is your urge to break free, your urge to find a way and your urge to charge forward at jetspeed.
Cosmic tip: Let the world blur out as you zip through to the other side of this astral tunnel.
Libra Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
It has been quite a rapid journey towards healing and light for you, Libra. The past couple of months or even a few years that could have felt like an eternity, seem to have flown by pretty fast. You are now surrounded by a happy life, somewhere this inkling feeling of being left behind may creep in, but remember you are not one for rat races, and you will make your mark on your own terms. The most successful version of your life is one that makes you feel happy and you know that this does.
Cosmic tip: Have patience, make long term plans and keep on.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
It may not be where you wish to be yet, but you are surely on your way there, Scorpio. There has definitely been a spin around of some kind on the personal front – a more emotionally supportive and synergising experience, that is outpouring into your professional/ duty based life and you feel ready to conquer the world. Yes, there are fears. What if you don’t make it, what if you don’t get it right, but darling, what if you fly? Instead of looking back at burnt bridges and townships, turn around and take a good look at all that is yet to come.
Cosmic tip: Release any fears that hold you back, because you are on track.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
You are bubbling with excitement, and when are you not, Sag. You thrive in this driven energy of focus, determination, going for the kill while having a ball of a time. Now could anyone ask for more? Nope. Your guides do have a tinge of advice here – open up to life, to those who genuinely love you, who care about you and who are here to support you. Say yes to that invite, meet your tribe, and if still looking, then go find your tribe. You know life is fickle and time is short so use all that wildfire like energy that’s stored in a ball in your belly for just the right things and you will always be looking back with the biggest smile on your face, and you will be looking forward with childlike excitement in your heart.
Cosmic Tip: This pause is temporary, your time will come.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
You may have missed out on something or may feel like you are letting one beautiful part of your life go, however, Capricorn, isn’t this what is needed to strike that balance? Isn’t this what is needed to reorganise your life? Isn’t this what you really craved for? Isn’t this bringing you to that point in time where you know you don’t belong in the past anymore, but also, you have not yet stepped into your future? Isn’t this that powerfully potent time where you can clearly see where you wish to be, where you are willing to put in all that work – but only just where it feels right for you? Expect sudden positive shifts this month as you reverberate a resounding YES to the cosmos.
Cosmic tip: The sadness of releasing will soon be replaced with the joy of victory.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
What needs to change, if your situation needs to change, Aquarius. You’re faced with a complex decision and while yes, you must always choose what sparks joy, you must also choose with determination and will power that which aligns with your long term goals. Reassess the facts and your situation at hand. Follow your intuitive hits without being swamped by emotion, and most importantly choose to move in that new direction NOW. This is your time to be practical, analytical and take on an approach that helps you go forth towards your shared goals rather than simply relying on wishful thinking.
Cosmic tip: Pick wisely, because you’ve got this.
Pisces Horoscope Today: March 6, 2025
The hands that know hard work are often the roughest. Don’t you worry about external outlooks and appearances at this point, Pisces. Go all in, immerse yourself, burn your worries in the fire that gets you through the night as you toil towards your plans. There is no one way to get to where you are aiming to go. In this cycle of transformation, growth and rebirth – take your first breath as many times as you wish to and need to. As long as you follow your North star, you my dear, are not likely to go astray.Â
Cosmic tip: Don’t you shy away from hard work now.