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Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On September 4, 2024 — The Moon Opposes Neptune

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The Moon in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces for September 4 horoscopes. If you feel like you haven’t seen much progress in your creative tasks, you might experience an added level of commitment and devotion that can help move things forward sustainably. Recognize your limitations and avoid piling up your to-do lists if it could lead to burnout.

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Your zodiac sign’s horoscope for Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)


Do you treat yourself like you are your own BFF? Celebrate yourself and your small wins, as sometimes you may think you’re not doing enough. 

How often do you genuinely celebrate your achievements, both big and small? What can you do to be more intentional about recognizing and applauding your own successes, just as a best friend would?

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)


Respect the flow of the tides, and before you know it, your feet will land on the sea-shelled shores in no time. Where in your life do you find yourself trying to force outcomes or control situations? 

How might releasing this need for control allow you to better align with the natural flow of events? Sometimes, we just have to let fate take its course and know we can always course correct.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)


As Sir Shakespeare penned it, “Be not afraid of greatness.” Your keen eye for detail sets you apart from the average, but just be mindful that your glasses aren’t foggy today. 

How comfortable are you with receiving praise and acknowledgment, and even criticism? What do you do when everyone tells you to choose another way when you know you’re on the right path for you?

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Cancer (June 21 – July 22)


Choose the “soft life,” and you’ll see how quickly those self-imposed boundaries that may have turned into personal defenses will dissolve into thin air. What are some practical ways you can incorporate more softness into your routine? 

Consider mindfulness practices, self-compassion exercises, or ways to foster gentleness when you speak to yourself as well as in your interactions with others.

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Leo (July 23 – August 22)


Cross your T’s and dot your I’s so that there’s no chance you’ll trip over any elusive stipulations. Put on your bifocal glasses to double-check that you fully agree with the terms. 

How do you ensure that you fully agree with the terms of a commitment or decision before moving forward? What strategies or tools can you use to verify that all aspects are thoroughly understood and agreed upon?

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)


Your grandest ideas may appear as upside-down hieroglyphs. Don’t expect them to make sense overnight. Sit with what comes up in your mind’s eye, and the translations will make themselves known. 

How does the process of waiting for clarity affect your approach to creative projects or problem-solving? How can you cultivate more patience and trust in the unfolding of your ideas?

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Libra (September 23 – October 22)


PSA: Think before you speak. In usual circumstances, you can seamlessly balance the scales between two parties. But it won’t take much for a word vomit episode. 

What are some effective techniques or strategies you can use to enhance your communication skills and avoid potential missteps? How can you integrate these approaches into your daily interactions? Just remember, to be honest without trying to gloss over your true feelings. 

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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)


When you truly ditch the need for an industry ‘co-sign,’ you can mark your name in stone, which can’t be washed away by the latest TikTok trends or the dying Instagram algorithm. 

When it comes to work, how can you create and nurture a platform or presence that reflects your true self and values, independent of industry trends? What strategies can you implement to ensure your influence doesn’t need to fit into trends?

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)


Self-care isn’t just a cute Instagram hashtag; it’s a soft padding to land on, particularly if you’ve been working overtime. You may find an invitation from Eros himself to enter the school of pleasure free of charge. 

The only sacrifice you have to make is your unconscious drive for competition. How can you enhance these practices to ensure they provide you with the necessary rest and rejuvenation, especially if you’ve been working overtime?

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Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)


Leave a little room for your plans to take a slight detour. Allow your intuition to take the steering wheel (even if the logical plan makes sense), as you may encounter an internal cosmic nudge to change your route. 

Trust the gear shift. Reflect on a time when following your intuition led to a significant change or decision. How did it guide you, and what did you learn from trusting your inner guidance?

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)


For the cosmic surgeons to complete the delicate operation of transformation, you need to be visible. Put on some shades if it’s a little too bright. The world is waiting to be graced by your presence. 

When the transformation process feels overwhelming or intense, what strategies do you use to manage these feelings? Phone a friend, go out dancing, and let the steam out, and you’ll feel more grounded. 

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)


Listen closely to what inspires you. Your next move isn’t based on a singular narrative read from a conventional script. Make the unorthodox choice to witness the views beyond the horizon. 

What recent sources of inspiration have resonated deeply with you? How can you harness these inspirations to guide your next steps or decisions? Your inspirations and little obsessions are yours to hold sacred; don’t feel pressured to share them for all eyes to see. 

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Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologer, writer and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.

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