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Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On December 15, 2024 — The Full Moon Is Here

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On Sunday, December 15, 2024, we have a double cosmic transmission in our daily horoscopes: the Full Moon takes place in Gemini, and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius officially reaches the finish line. 

As this is the last Full Moon of the year, it’s the perfect time to sit with your end-of-year reflections and think about what you want to let go of from the past so that it doesn’t enter the new year with you. 

Pat yourself on the back for all you’ve done and for simply existing because that in and of itself deserves a celebration. Let’s see what is in store for our astrology forecast this Sunday.

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Each zodiac sign’s horoscope for Sunday, December 15, 2024:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

aries daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

The Full Moon in Gemini illuminates your house of communication, making it a potent time to reflect on your thoughts and how you’ve been expressing yourself. 

As this is the last Full Moon of the year, take this opportunity to sit with your end-of-year reflections. What beliefs, patterns, or unfinished business do you want to leave behind as you enter the new year?

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

taurus daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

As an earth sign, it’s a big deal for you to choose practical ideas that can easily materialize in the real world. However, this Full Moon in Gemini might prompt you to reflect on whether you’ve played it too safe. 

It’s time to be more daring or consider whether you’ve truly invested in things that make you feel curiously alive.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

gemini daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

You might feel a little larger than life today, which could go one of two ways: you might feel energized or restlessly lethargic. 

However, this is a great time to have major realizations about the dreams you have for yourself and what you want to experience in 2025 with full clarity. 

Listen to yourself and trust your inner voice to help you craft a new script for the days and months ahead.

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Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

cancer daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

Your dreamscape may be more colorful than usual, offering you a glimpse into your unconscious in a way that feels like you’re uncovering new secrets, making you a mystery unto yourself. 

Keep a journal by your bedside to record even the smallest details when you wake up. The soul reveals knowledge to us in many different forms, including through our dreams.

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Leo (July 23 – August 22)

leo daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

This is a prime time to gather your friends around a campfire and debate different topics. Not only do discussions bring a closer sense of intimacy to your friendships, but they can also help you work through limiting beliefs that you once held. 

Expand your mind in ways you couldn’t have done on your own. We heal in community, so open your arms wide to be held.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

virgo daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

How have your career ambitions shaped your year? When giving yourself an annual review of your ‘performance,’ remember to separate yourself from your job title, as you are a whole human being beyond it. 

Whatever conclusion you come to, you may realize that you’re curious about new things that weren’t on your career bingo card, and you might want to start being more intentional about them in 2025.

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Libra (September 23 – October 22)

libra daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

The Full Moon feels like an unveiling, where what once seemed elusive is now coming into full focus. Your higher learning sector and adventure zone are under the spotlight, encouraging you to expand your horizons. 

Whether reading a book on a completely different topic that teaches you something new or taking a different route on your way to work. We don’t need to plan a grand world tour to go on an adventure.

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Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

scorpio daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

How have your beliefs about yourself and the world shaped your year? This Full Moon in Gemini may prompt you to reflect on which beliefs are serving you and which are hindering your growth, preventing you from achieving your desired desires. 

Perhaps, beneath the desire, some fear needs to be shed for you to fully claim what you want without feeling guilty, greedy, or unworthy.

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

sagittarius daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

You need to be around people who see life as much of an adventure as you do, so you might take some time to reflect on how your relationships are each guiding you on a journey of self-discovery. 

If there have been signs of stagnancy, particularly in your intimate relationships, this is a good time to discuss it and explore new goals you can set together to add fresh fire and spark. 

Now that Mercury Retrograde is over in your sign, it’s a clear sign that the communication lines are open.

RELATED: How Your Zodiac Sign Will Experience Sagittarius Season From November 21 – December 21

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

capricorn daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

Start the day with a fresh mind and a healthy plate to keep you energized throughout the day as you may reflect on how your daily routine is impacting your work and health in the long term. 

What routines or habits drain your energy and time, often leaving you burned out or uninspired? Letting go of these will create space for healthier, more productive patterns to emerge.

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

aquarius daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

What a year it’s been! It’s likely been full of surprises and unexpected turns for you. Remember, no matter what experiences we go through, we can use them as creative fuel to create something to give back to the world. 

This Full Moon in Gemini may make you think about which creative projects you need to release to create more freely without restrictions.

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Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

pisces daily horoscope Photos: Olha ZS, Hanna Zasimova | Design: YourTango

Don’t be surprised if you find yourself randomly scrolling through old family albums, as this Full Moon might make you feel nostalgic. 

The Full Moon in Gemini highlights your zone of home, family, and inner foundations, urging you to reflect on your personal life and emotional security. 

What pastimes do you miss that you want to bring back? What does tradition mean to you in the context of legacy and family? Give yourself some space to see what answers come to you.

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Sade Jackson is a psychological astrologer, writer and energy healer. She writes about Jungian lore, creativity, feminine mysticism and astrology on Substack.

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