The moon, the ruler of your emotions, links up with Saturn in Pisces and puts pressure on you to be emotionally mature. Use your morning to get into the right headspace and gather strength. You will find your voice as the moon and Saturn reach out to Mercury in shy Cancer this afternoon. Set boundaries even if your voice shakes.
You are steered into the comforting embrace of a loved one as romantic Venus moves in sight of Mars. This sensual synergy amplifies your desire for affection and reassurance. Make the people around you feel safe and they will return the favor.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Journaling, exercising, and napping will help you alleviate the pressure of your emotions. Don’t keep it all inside.

Even well-intended people can lead you astray. Avoid instilling too much faith in their potential or promises. If it sounds too good to be true, stay alert.

Exercise some restraint when the spotlight is on you. Humility will get you further than positioning yourself as someone with all the answers.

Don’t be too quick to assume that people are telling you the truth. Listen attentively and try to decipher why they think they hold their opinions.

Think carefully about whether you are prepared to make a commitment — especially if your money or feelings are involved. Don’t let people rush you into making a decision.

Listen to your loved ones while they vent without taking their burdens on as your own. Their dissatisfaction is not a reflection of your shortcomings.

Don’t assume you have a lot of time. Tackle the difficult tasks on your to-do list first. Respond to emails as soon as they land in your inbox.

Your date may be saying all the right things, but you must keep a level head. Don’t be sold by fantasies. Unless you’re in a relationship, think twice about their encouragement to rush your creative process or the release of a project.

Dealing with responsibilities you’d rather avoid will help you feel accomplished. Set boundaries with a family member and protect your peace of mind.

A grounded attitude will support you through important conversations. Calm your over-enthusiasm and be responsible and mature.

Handle your finances with maturity. Check your balance and review your budget before you make a purchase.

Call yourself out when you notice you are slipping into daydreams. What you do today is more important than what you intend to do tomorrow.