Gowanda’s Chase Bolen competes in CCAA cross country Tuesday at the Martin Road Athletic Complex in Jamestown.
OBSERVER Photo by Christian Storms
JAMESTOWN — Frewsburg’s Cody Kent won in 16:29, but Clevon Wofford’s second-place finish in 17:10 led Jamestown to a first-place team finish with 39 points in Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Athletic Association cross country action at the Martin Road Athletic Complex.
Gowanda was second with 56 points, led by fourth-place Chase Bolen (17:27). West Valley was third with 86 points, paced by third-place Jack Tharnish (17:14). Frewsburg was incomplete.
West Valley’s Olivia Harmony won the girls race in 20:23. Jamestown was the team winner with 25 points, led by second-place London Hamilton (20:47). Gowanda was second with 70 points, paced by 12th-place Helena Wallschlaeger (27:56). Frewsburg and West Valley were incomplete.
1. Cody Kent (F); 2. Clevon Wofford (J); 3. Jack Tharnish (WV); 4. Chase Bolen (G); 5. Cashis Montour (G); 6. Wyatt Olmstead (J); 7. Noah Klahn (WV); 8. Daniel Peterson (F); 9. Julian Himes (J); 10. Finn Caswell (J). T–16:29
Gowanda’s Cashis Montour competes in CCAA cross country Tuesday at the Martin Road Athletic Complex in Jamestown.
OBSERVER Photo by Christian Storms
1. Olivia Harmony (WV); 2. London Hamilton (J); 3. Grace Gilevski (F); 4. Nora Bailey (J); 5. Julia Stormont (J); 6. Kater Hockenberry (J); 7. Madison Lawrence (WV); 8. Nolah Hamilton (J); 9. Teghan Trocki (F); 10. Gabriella Knight (J). T–20:23
WEST ELLICOTT — Donavin Brown finished in 18:27 to lead the Southwestern boys to a team victory with 25 points.
Southwestern also won the girls team race with 23 points, led by third-place Tryniti Card in 22:36.

Gowanda’s Lilly Pierce competes in CCAA cross country Tuesday at the Martin Road Athletic Complex in Jamestown.
OBSERVER Photo by Christian Storms
Salamanca’s Ryanna Brady won the girls race in 20:39, but the Warriors had an incomplete team. Silver Creek/Forestville’s Leah Mays was second in 20:51 to lead the Black Knights to a second-place team finish with 34 points. Allegany-Limestone was also incomplete.
In the boys race, Silver Creek/Forestville was second with 32 points, led by third-place Benjamin Bock. Salamanca and Allegany-Limestone were incomplete.
1. Donavin Brown (So); 2. Nolan Wilczewski (A-L); 3. Benjamin Bock (SC/F); 4. Aiden George (Sa); 5. Jaxon Crouse (Sa); 6. Ethan Lohnes (So); 7. Trent Lack (SC/F); 8. Nathan Cross (SC/F); 9. Kellan Brown (So); 10. Tristan Taylor (So). T–18:27
1. Ryanna Brady (Sa); 2. Leah Mays (SC/F); 3. Tryniti Card (So); 4. Lillian Weikel (So); 5. Emma Golembieski (SC/F); 6. Kaylin Lemon (Sa); 7. Mackenzi Swafford (So); 8. Larissa Raak (So); 9. Alyssa Karl (A-L); 10. Addison Shaw (So). T–20:39
RANDOLPH — Ethan Verbosky finished in 15 minutes, 55 seconds, to lead Maple Grove to a boys team win with 22 points.
Fredonia/Westfield’s Meredith Lendt won the girls race in 20 minutes, 12 seconds, but Maple Grove won the girls team race with 25 points. Presley Haines took third for the Red Dragons in 21:05. Fredonia/Westfield was second with 36 points, while Randolph, Franklinville/Ellicottville and Cattaraugus-Little Valley were incomplete.
Fredonia/Westfield was second in the boys race with 48 points, led by third-place Trenton Krenzer (16:52). Franklinville/Ellicottville was third with 62 points, led by fourth-place Grant Cornell (16:54). Randolph and Cattaraugus-Little Valley were incomplete.
1. Ethan Verbosky (MG); 2. Jacob Lewis (MG); 3. Trenton Krenzer (F/W); 4. Grant Cornell (F/E); 5. Jack Sherry (MG); 6. Liam Price (MG); 7. James Fagan (F/W); 8. Brennan Muecke (MG); 9. Rhys Kelly (R); 10. Owen Erlandson (MG). T–15:55
1. Meredith Lendt (F/W); 2. Izzie Czekanski (F/W); 3. Presley Haines (MG); 4. Evalyn Fessel (MG); 5. Mae Benedetto (MG); 6. Svea Winchester (MG); 7. Gracyn Rowland (R); 8. Sydney Simmons (MG); 9. Kadence Durow (R); 10. Genevieve Herman (F/E). T–20:12
FALCONER — Solki Martin-Lacayo won the girls race in 22:06 on her birthday to lead Clymer/Sherman/Panama to a 15-point victory at Breezewood Links.
Falconer/Cassadaga Valley’s Gabe Lundmark took the boys race in 18:54, but Clymer/Sherman/Panama won the team race with 24 points. Second-place Flynn Fadale led the Wolfpack in 18:58. The Golden Cougars were second with 33 points, followed by third-place Olean with 74 points. Dunkirk was incomplete.
In the girls race, Olean was second with 52 points and Falconer/Cassadaga Valley was third with 72 points.
1. Gabe Lundmark (F/CV); 2. Flynn Fadale (C/S/P); 3. Brent Troutman (F/CV); 4. Finn Fadale (C/S/P); 5. Christopher Phelps (C/S/P); 6. Max Guzman (C/S/P); 7. Ely Smith (C/S/P); 8. Seth Carr (F/CV); 9. Declan Boutillette (O); 10. Anson Miller (F/CV). T–18:54
1. Solki Martin-Lacayo (C/S/P); 2. Tess Flikkema (C/S/P); 3. Grace Cooke (C/S/P); 4. Brooke Warner (C/S/P); 5. Caitlyn Kriner (C/S/P); 6. Hanan Mohamad Narvaez (D); 7. Baya Oehlbeck (C/S/P); 8. Rachael Dulmus (O); 9. Bria Palmatier (C/S/P); 10. Abbi Malecki (C/S/P). T–22:06
Gowanda’s Cashis Montour competes in CCAA cross country Tuesday at the Martin Road Athletic Complex in Jamestown.
OBSERVER Photo by Christian Storms
Gowanda’s Chase Bolen competes in CCAA cross country Tuesday at the Martin Road Athletic Complex in Jamestown.
OBSERVER Photo by Christian Storms
Gowanda’s Lilly Pierce competes in CCAA cross country Tuesday at the Martin Road Athletic Complex in Jamestown.
OBSERVER Photo by Christian Storms