Following the last country/language expansion at the end of April, Google’s Gemini app for Android and iOS is now coming to the UK and Europe.
Google today is starting to bring the Gemini mobile app to “more countries across Europe and the UK.” On Android, you can download the app/shortcut from the Play Store, or opt in via a card that appears when you activate Google Assistant. It has been expanding to more locations since the US launch in February.
Many voice features you loved in Google Assistant will be available through the Gemini app — including setting timers, making calls and setting reminders — and we’re working to support more in the future.
At I/O 2024, Google said it will introduce Gemini Extensions for Calendar, Keep, Tasks, and Utilities (like Android’s Clock app) in the coming months. This follows the launch of the YouTube Music integration. Last month, Google also previewed Gemini Live and other features that are soon coming to Android.
Meanwhile, on iOS, Gemini is rolling out in the Google app as a new tab “over the next couple of weeks.”
Gemini now supports the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, and Vietnamese
This is the current list of where you can “download the Gemini app from the Google Play Store”:
Åland Islands | Faroe Islands | Martinique | St. Kitts & Nevis |
Albania | France | Mauritius | St. Lucia |
Andorra | French Guiana | Mayotte | Sudan |
Algeria | French Polynesia | Mexico | Taiwan |
American Samoa | French Southern and Antarctic Lands | Micronesia | Tajikistan |
Andorra | Fiji | Moldova | Thailand |
Angola | Finland | Monaco | The Gambia |
Anguilla | Gabon | Montserrat | Tonga |
Antigua & Barbuda | Germany | Morocco | Togo |
Aruba | Georgia | Mozambique | Trinidad & Tobago |
Argentina | Ghana | Myanmar | Tunisia |
Australia | Gibraltar | Namibia | Turkmenistan |
Austria | Greece | Nepal | Turks and Caicos |
Azerbaijan | Greenland | Netherlands | U.S. Virgin Islands |
Bahamas | Grenada | New Caledonia | Uganda |
Bahrain | Guadeloupe | New Zealand | United Arab Emirates |
Belgium | Guam | Nicaragua | United Kingdom |
Belize | Guatemala | Niger | United States |
Benin | Guernsey | Nigeria | Uruguay |
Bermuda | Guinea | North Macedonia | Uzbekistan |
Bolivia | Guinea-Bissau | Northern Mariana Islands | Vanuatu |
Botswana | Haiti | Norway | Vatican City |
Brazil | Honduras | Oman | Venezuela |
British Indian Ocean Territory | Hungary | Palau | Vietnam |
British Virgin Islands | Iceland | Panama | Wallis and Futuna |
Bulgaria | Indonesia | Papua New Guinea | Yemen |
Burkina Faso | Iraq | Paraguay | Zambia |
Cambodia | Ireland | Peru | Zimbabwe |
Cameroon | Isle of Man | Philippines | |
Canada | Italy | Pitcairn Islands | |
Caribbean Netherlands | Jamaica | Poland | |
Cayman Islands | Japan | Portugal | |
Chad | Jersey | Puerto Rico | |
Chile | Jordan | Qatar | |
Colombia | Kazakhstan | Republic of the Congo | |
Comoros | Kuwait | Republic of Cyprus | |
Costa Rica | Kyrgyzstan | Réunion | |
Croatia | Laos | Romania | |
Curaçao | Latvia | Rwanda | |
Czech Republic | Lebanon | Samoa | |
Democratic Republic of Congo | Liberia | Switzerland | |
Denmark | Libya | Saudi Arabia | |
Djibouti | Liechtenstein | Senegal | |
Dominica | Lithuania | Seychelles | |
Dominican Republic | Luxembourg | Sierra Leone | |
Ecuador | Malaysia | Singapore | |
Egypt | Maldives | Solomon Islands | |
El Salvador | Mali | Somalia | |
Estonia | Malta | South Africa | |
Falkland Islands | Marshall Islands | South Korea |
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