Sunday, March 16, 2025

From streets to wastewater, City Council to tackle infrastructure, more at Tuesday meeting | County 17

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GILLETTE, Wyo. — When Gillette City Council meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday, it will consider spending millions on various city projects.

Gillette City Council Meeting

The Gillette City Council meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday. Meetings are open to the public and can be attended in person or watched online via the livestream at

The City Council will vote on a $112,200 contract amendment with PCA Engineering Inc. for construction management and administration services related to the Enzi Practice Field Improvements Project.

Construction is expected to begin in spring 2025, with anticipated completion in the fall 2025. However, the fields won’t be ready for use until the spring 2026, the memo states.

The total project budget, including design, bidding and construction management, is $219,960. The amendment is fully funded through the city’s General Fund.

Council will also consider amending its professional services agreement with Arete Design Group from $346,7880 to $435,800 for the City Hall interior renovation/chiller plant projects. The project will be bid separately from the City Hall Chiller Plant project due to the long lead time for the chiller unit, pushing its construction to 2026, city documents state.

The city could spend $75,000 on a professional services agreement with WWC Engineering for the design and bidding services for the Sutherland Subdivision mill and overlay project. The project aims to improve the condition of residential streets and collectors that have not seen significant upgrades since the mid-1990s. The project is fully funded by the 1% Optional Sales Tax Fund.

Oedekoven Excavating and Construction LLC has submitted a quote of $45,000 for the abatement of 712 Beech St. The building, damaged by fire in 2023, has deteriorated to the point of being a public nuisance and safety hazard, a staff memo states. The demolition will include complete removal of the structure, foundation and utility connections, followed by site restoration. The project is fully funded by the city’s Abatement Fund.

The Gillette City Council will vote on a $263,450 pre-construction services agreement with Sletten Construction for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase II project. Sletten Construction will act as the Construction Manager at Risk, which includes constructability reviews, developing a procurement plan, and creating Guaranteed Maximum Price proposals for different phases of the project, such as UV disinfection and sludge management upgrades. The project is funded by a $15 million Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan, city documents state.

The council may award a $1,911,977.14 bid for the Allen Avenue Reconstruct and Drainage Project to Dan Hart Patrol LLC. The project will replace aging storm drains, water mains and sanitary sewer lines in and around Allen Avenue. It also includes street, curb and gutter and sidewalk improvements. The project aims to address drainage issues, particularly ice buildup in the existing concrete channel, and relocate sewer lines currently situated on private property, documents state. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2025 and finish by fall 2025, with funding provided by the FY2025 Optional 1% Tax Fund.

Additionally, the council is set to accept the Council of Community Services Office Remodel and Telecommunications Improvements Project, completed by Hladky Construction Inc. for $496,358.59.

JRP Enterprises LLC is returning for the council’s consideration of a new bar and grill liquor license. The council tabled consideration to approve the new bar and grill liquor license application from JRP Enterprises LLC, doing business as Expresso Lube, after discussion and a public hearing on the matter in early November.

In other council business:

  • City Streets Manager Scott Ostlund is up for recognition as the City of Gillette’s 2024 3rd Quarter P.R.I.D.E. Award recipient.
  • Two public hearings are scheduled for Tuesday night’s meeting, both involving Gillette City Code.

Tuesday’s full agenda can be viewed by clicking here.

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