OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen
The Forestville Fall Festival will be held Saturday and Sunday at Forestville High School. Decorations have been placed around the area for weeks, including at the side of the new downtown mural.
FORESTVILLE — The halls of Forestville High School will be buzzing this weekend, as the Forestville Fall Festival will be hosted at the school this Saturday and Sunday.
The event begins at 10 a.m. each day, running until 4 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. There will be a craft show, along with various children’s activities, including pumpkin painting.
Produce and food vendors will be filling the halls and the gymnasium each day, while there will also be plenty of other ways to leave the festival with a full stomach.
A Chili Cook-Off contest will be on Saturday, of which anyone can enter. Contestants should name their chili and bring a five-quart crock pot by noon Saturday to participate. Guests will judge the chili before a winner is crowned late Saturday afternoon.
Saturday’s festivities also include a pork dinner at St. Rose of Lima Church, starting at noon. Sunday, the Forestville Fire Department will be holding a chicken barbecue, starting at noon.
Forestville’s newly enhanced Main Street has been decorated for the season well in advance, as the newly unveiled mural and horse trough were each surrounded by seasonal displays more than a week prior to the event.
The hamlet of Forestville always comes together for community events. From Imagine Forestville, the local Boy Scouts, and the Fall Festival Committee, which supports local causes with the profits of its annual event, this weekend is another example of how everyone comes together to support its tight-knit community.
“The Fall Festival donates back to our community. The Fall Festival gives money to the Fire Department, the Food Pantry, and we give scholarships,” Fall Festival Committee member Carol McEntarfer said. “That’s the reason we do this.”