Monday, February 3, 2025

Dunkirk’s Pet Pantry celebrates 15 years

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OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen
The Pet Pantry of Dunkirk is located at 855 Main St., adjacent to the Hazelton Dog Park.

No animal should go hungry. The Pet Pantry of Dunkirk has had that goal in mind for the past 15 years while serving the northern Chautauqua County community.

The Pet Pantry is located at 855 Main St., which also serves as the site of the city of Dunkirk Dog Shelter, adjacent to the Hazelton Dog Park. It is a registered non-profit organization that provides dog and cat food assistance to low-income families. The Pet Pantry also offers Spay/Neuter Assistance to its clients, and also assists with local Rabies Clinics.

The Pet Pantry is open every other week, Tuesdays from 6 to 8 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. until noon. Dates are posted on the group’s Facebook page: The Pet Pantry, Dunkirk, and the Pantry door.

Clients of the Pantry must meet the Federal poverty guidelines to qualify and must show proof of income and residency in Chautauqua County. All pets must have a current dog license, while clients may not breed their dogs and must not add new pets. If clients meet those requirements, they are then provided with 50% of their pet food per month.

Julie McFarland founded the Pet Pantry in 2009. McFarland currently serves as Co-President, along with Karen Kushel Gardner. Linda Zielinski serves as Vice President. The organization is supported by volunteers and backed by donations from the community, through annual fundraisers and food donations, as well as monetary contributions.

The Pet Pantry raises funds through its annual Mother’s Day Craft Show, now in its 10th year, as well as its annual Fall Craft Show. Both shows take place at the Chautauqua County Fairgrounds. Additional fundraising efforts include an annual Christmas Card mailing, which solicits monetary donations. Contributions are also welcomed via Chewy, with details available on Facebook.

The Pet Pantry is also grateful to the Purina corporation for its faithful contributions of food throughout the years of the Pantry’s operation.

Volunteers for the Pet Pantry are welcomed, as help is needed for the food distribution process during open hours. Volunteers also assist in packaging dog and cat food, and may need to lift up to 20 pounds of food.

To become a volunteer or with any other inquiries, contact Judy at or visit The Pet Pantry Dunkirk on Facebook.

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