Friday, March 28, 2025

Digital Infrastructure Boom Creates 280,000 Jobs, GoDaddy-UCLA Study Reveals | GDDY Stock News

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A joint study by GoDaddy and UCLA Anderson Forecast reveals that improvements in digital infrastructure created over 280,000 jobs nationwide between April 2020 and March 2024. The research shows that the South and Southeast regions experienced significant growth in microbusiness activity due to digital infrastructure investments. Mississippi led with 9% growth, followed by Alabama (8%) and several states at 7%. The study found that a one-point increase in the infrastructure index correlates to 89 new jobs per county. The Microbusiness Activity Index (MAI) measures three key aspects: digital infrastructure, participation, and engagement across communities.

Uno studio congiunto di GoDaddy e del UCLA Anderson Forecast rivela che i miglioramenti nell’infrastruttura digitale hanno creato oltre 280.000 posti di lavoro a livello nazionale tra aprile 2020 e marzo 2024. La ricerca mostra che le regioni del Sud e del Sud-est hanno registrato una crescita significativa nelle attività delle microimprese grazie agli investimenti nell’infrastruttura digitale. Il Mississippi ha guidato con una crescita del 9%, seguito dall’Alabama (8%) e da diversi stati con il 7%. Lo studio ha trovato che un incremento di un punto nell’indice delle infrastrutture corrisponde a 89 nuovi posti di lavoro per contea. L’Indice di Attività delle Microimprese (MAI) misura tre aspetti chiave: infrastruttura digitale, partecipazione e coinvolgimento nelle comunità.

Un estudio conjunto de GoDaddy y UCLA Anderson Forecast revela que las mejoras en la infraestructura digital crearon más de 280,000 empleos en todo el país entre abril de 2020 y marzo de 2024. La investigación muestra que las regiones del Sur y Sureste experimentaron un crecimiento significativo en la actividad de microempresas gracias a las inversiones en infraestructura digital. Mississippi lideró con un crecimiento del 9%, seguido de Alabama (8%) y varios estados con 7%. El estudio encontró que un aumento de un punto en el índice de infraestructura corresponde a 89 nuevos empleos por condado. El Índice de Actividad de Microempresas (MAI) mide tres aspectos clave: infraestructura digital, participación y compromiso en las comunidades.

GoDaddyUCLA Anderson Forecast의 공동 연구에 따르면, 디지털 인프라 개선으로 인해 2020년 4월부터 2024년 3월까지 전국적으로 280,000개 이상의 일자리가 창출되었습니다. 연구는 남부 및 남동부 지역이 디지털 인프라 투자로 인해 마이크로 비즈니스 활동에서 상당한 성장을 경험했음을 보여줍니다. 미시시피주가 9%의 성장률로 선두를 차지했으며, Alabama주가 8%, 여러 주가 7%로 뒤를 이었습니다. 연구 결과, 인프라 지수가 1포인트 증가할 때마다 카운티당 89개의 새로운 일자리가 창출된다는 것을 발견했습니다. 마이크로 비즈니스 활동 지수(MAI)는 디지털 인프라, 참여 및 커뮤니티 내의 헌신과 같은 세 가지 주요 측면을 측정합니다.

Une étude conjointe de GoDaddy et du UCLA Anderson Forecast révèle que les améliorations de l’infrastructure numérique ont créé plus de 280 000 emplois à l’échelle nationale entre avril 2020 et mars 2024. La recherche montre que les régions du Sud et du Sud-Est ont connu une croissance significative de l’activité des micro-entreprises grâce aux investissements dans l’infrastructure numérique. Le Mississippi a mené avec une croissance de 9%, suivi par l’Alabama (8%) et plusieurs États à 7%. L’étude a révélé qu’une augmentation d’un point de l’indice d’infrastructure correspond à 89 nouveaux emplois par comté. L’Indice d’Activité des Micro-Entreprises (MAI) mesure trois aspects clés : infrastructure numérique, participation et engagement des communautés.

Eine gemeinsame Studie von GoDaddy und UCLA Anderson Forecast zeigt, dass Verbesserungen in der digitalen Infrastruktur von April 2020 bis März 2024 über 280.000 Arbeitsplätze landesweit geschaffen haben. Die Forschung zeigt, dass die Regionen im Süden und Südosten aufgrund der Investitionen in digitale Infrastruktur ein erhebliches Wachstum der Mikrogeschäfte erlebten. Mississippi führte mit einem Wachstum von 9%, gefolgt von Alabama (8%) und mehreren Bundesstaaten mit 7%. Die Studie stellte fest, dass ein Anstieg von einem Punkt im Infrastrukturindex mit 89 neuen Arbeitsplätzen pro Landkreis korreliert. Der Index für Mikrogeschäftsaktivitäten (MAI) misst drei wichtige Aspekte: digitale Infrastruktur, Teilnahme und Engagement in den Gemeinschaften.


  • Digital infrastructure improvements generated 280,000+ new jobs nationwide

  • One-point increase in infrastructure index creates 89 new jobs per county

  • Strong regional growth with Mississippi showing 9% infrastructure index increase


  • Uneven digital infrastructure development across regions indicates geographical disparities


The collaboration between GoDaddy and UCLA Anderson reveals significant economic implications from digital infrastructure investments. The creation of 280,000+ jobs through improved digital connectivity represents a substantial economic multiplier effect, with each infrastructure index point generating 89 new jobs per county.

The regional disparity in growth rates, particularly favoring the South and Southeast, indicates untapped market potential and business development opportunities. Mississippi’s leading 9% infrastructure index growth suggests a transformative shift in previously underserved markets. This trend could benefit GoDaddy’s core business of web hosting and domain services, as improved infrastructure typically leads to increased demand for digital business solutions.

The Microbusiness Activity Index (MAI) framework provides a robust methodology for tracking the relationship between digital infrastructure and economic growth, offering valuable insights for market expansion strategies and investment decisions.

TEMPE, AZ / ACCESSWIRE / November 8, 2024 / GoDaddy
New Data Shows the Link Between Digital Infrastructure and Nationwide Job Growth

Originally published on GoDaddy

  • Improvement in digital infrastructure leads to increased microbusiness activity, engagement, and job creation.

  • It’s now a baseline to have strong connectivity and proper infrastructure in your community, which wasn’t the case pre-COVID-19.

  • Investment in infrastructure can level the playing field

Job creation due to digital infrastructure investment skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic. Recent data from GoDaddy and UCLA Anderson Forecast shows that digital infrastructure improvement created 280,000+ jobs nationwide – equivalent to the population of Reno – between April 2020 and March 2024.

Growth in infrastructure index, April 2020 and March 2024

























New Mexico
























West Virginia






South Carolina












However, not all regions are created equal. The South and Southeast regions of the United States, in particular, experienced unparalleled growth in microbusiness activity and job creation due to investments and improvements in digital infrastructure. The states with the highest growth in the infrastructure index over the last four years include:

These findings stem from GoDaddy’s Venture Forward research initiative and UCLA Anderson Forecast. The organizations jointly publish the Microbusiness Activity Index (MAI) report every year to quantify, measure, and compare microbusiness activity across communities and nationwide over time. The Microbusiness Activity Index is comprised of three subindices: Digital infrastructure (how easy it is to access internet and computers and the availability of local human capital), Participation (how many microbusiness entrepreneurs and ventures there are), and Engagement (how active the websites are). The data also shows that a one-point increase in the infrastructure index, which encompasses human capital and digital elements like broadband and computer accessibility, corresponds to an increase of 89 jobs in a county.

“Reliable access to strong broadband connectivity is really the key to greater economic opportunity and prosperity, particularly when combined with the skills to use it for business ventures,” said Alexandra Rosen, Global Head of Venture Forward. “The research captures how investment made in digital infrastructure further levels the playing field for entrepreneurs across the country.”

“The correlation between increased digital infrastructure and microbusiness activity further points to the pivotal role good connectivity plays in economic growth,” said William Yu, UCLA Anderson Forecast economist. “Nationwide, regions are prioritizing their broadband investment, and as a result, creating more jobs.”

To learn more about the Microbusiness Activity Index and how microbusinesses influence local and national economies, visit

About GoDaddy Venture Forward

GoDaddy’s Venture Forward research initiative analyzes more than 20 million online businesses with a digital presence (measured by a unique domain and an active website). Most of these businesses employ fewer than ten people, categorizing each as a microbusiness. To find out more about GoDaddy’s Venture Forward research, visit:

About GoDaddy

GoDaddy (NYSE:GDDY) helps millions of entrepreneurs globally start, grow, and scale their businesses. People come to GoDaddy to name their idea, build a professional website, attract customers, sell their products and services, and accept payments online and in person. GoDaddy’s easy-to-use tools help microbusiness owners manage everything in one place, and its expert guides are available to provide assistance 24/7. To learn more about the company, visit

About UCLA Anderson Forecast

UCLA Anderson Forecast is one of the most widely watched and often-cited economic outlooks for California and the nation and was unique in predicting both the seriousness of the early-1990s downturn in California and the strength of the state’s rebound since 1993. The Forecast was credited as the first major U.S. economic forecasting group to call the recession of 2001 and, in March 2020, it was the first to declare that the recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic had already begun.

About UCLA Anderson School of Management

UCLA Anderson School of Management is among the leading business schools in the world, with faculty members globally renowned for their teaching excellence and research in advancing management thinking. Located in Los Angeles, a gateway to the growing economies of Latin America and Asia and a city that personifies innovation in a diverse range of endeavors, UCLA Anderson’s MBA, Fully Employed MBA, Executive MBA, UCLA-NUS Executive MBA, Master of Financial Engineering, Master of Science in Business Analytics, doctoral and executive education programs embody the school’s Think in the Next ethos. Annually, some 1,800 students are trained to be global leaders seeking the business models and community solutions of tomorrow.

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How many jobs did digital infrastructure improvements create according to GoDaddy’s study?

According to GoDaddy and UCLA’s study, digital infrastructure improvements created over 280,000 jobs nationwide between April 2020 and March 2024.

Which state showed the highest digital infrastructure growth in GoDaddy’s study?

Mississippi showed the highest growth in the infrastructure index at 9%, followed by Alabama at 8%.

How many jobs does a one-point increase in the infrastructure index create according to GDDY?

According to GoDaddy’s research, a one-point increase in the infrastructure index corresponds to an increase of 89 jobs in a county.

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