Monday, March 10, 2025

City raises water and sewage rates to improve infrastructure

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WALNUT RIDGE, Ark. (KAIT) – The City of Walnut Ridge is trying to improve infrastructure by raising its water and sewage rates.

The city raised its water and sewage rates in January 2025.

The city said it’s trying to improve its water and sewage system and comply with Arkansas Act 605.

Act 605 was passed by the Arkansas State Legislature in 2021.

“Act 605 requires the cities to go in and look at their water and sewer systems and make sure they are each financially sound,” Walnut Ridge Mayor Charles Snapp said.

Mayor Snapp said that the city council, the water commission, and himself looked at many ways to do an increase but he said that a rate increase on usage was the best way. He said it was not an easy decision.

“Nobody wants to raise rates. It’s a burden on everybody, but this Act 605 is actually a good act because what it’s going to do is ensure the sustainability of the water and sewer systems,” Snapp said.

Snapp said the city applied for a $2 million grant to improve sewage drains but was turned down twice because the rates didn’t comply with Act 605.

“Our pipes in the underground are old, some of the manholes are 50, 60, up to 80 years old or older and most likely have had very little if any maintenance on them over the years because the rates were never high enough for the waterworks to be able to do anything,” Snapp said.

At the beginning of January, the town’s water rates went up to $10.25 to $12 for the first 1,000 gallons and $6.50 per 1,000 gallons after that.

The sewage rate is now $7.58 per 1,000 gallons.

“We are going to have to be careful about wasting water and one thing is toilets are a bigger problem than people think, you may not even think they are seeping water but they can be,” Snapp said.

Snapp is hopeful that with the rate increase and complying with Act 605 the city can secure the funding it needs to improve its water and sewage system.

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