Sunday, December 22, 2024


Canadiens back-to-school shopping guide | Montréal Canadiens

Speaking of surprise gifts, show this gift guide in-store at the Tricolore Sports Bell Centre location and receive a free gift with any purchase...

Gen X grocery shopping behavior surprises Datassential team

CHICAGO — A wide-ranging midyear trends report from Datassential identified several consumer insights and industry issues, along with forecasting what’s coming up in the...

East Bay shopping center adds big Japanese grocery store as new anchor

EMERYVILLE — A high-profile Japanese supermarket is slated to become a key addition to an East Bay shopping center that has been undergoing a...

SITE Center Spins Off Open-Air Orlando Shopping Mall – Connect CRE

SITE Centers has sold the Lee Vista Promenade in Orlando for $68.5 million. Dundas Real Estate Investments acquired the 313,000-square-foot open-air shopping mall. On 74.2...

Las Cruces police investigate wrongful shopping cart retrieval claims

LAS CRUCES, N.M. (KFOX14/CBS4) — For the first time we are hearing publicly from Las Cruces Police Chief Jeremy Story after last week a...

Watch: How to save money back-to-school shopping by thrifting

How to thrift shop like a proShop like a pro at thrift stores with these hacks.ProblemSolved, ReviewedWhether you’re shopping for back-to-school clothes or items...

Back-to-school supplies that every student needs for the 2024-2025 academic year

Ocean City Elementary students slime and ice PE teachersStudents at Ocean City Elementary students slimed and iced PE teachers, Tracy Drocella and Mark Engle.Lauren...

Back-to-school-shopping 2024: See which 17 states offer sales-tax holidays

Back-to-school shopping tips for parentsConquer back-to-school shopping with these tech tips.Problem Solved, USA TODAYSchool kids will likely groan about back-to-school shopping, but several states...

Li Ka-Shing’s CK Group Adds $450 Million U.K. Wind Farms To Energy Portfolio Amid Shopping Spree

CK Group, the business empire of Hong Kong’s wealthiest person Li Ka-shing, is buying a portfolio of wind farms in the U.K. from British...

Breaking down online shopping’s silent threat

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have long served as the invisible backbone of online retail. They empower retailers to seamlessly integrate the intricate web of...

Back to school anxiety, school supply shopping tips and bad career advice

(WLOS) — Back to School mode has been activated for many parents and students across the country. It's a time that can be stressful...

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