Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Capricorn, February 2025: Your Monthly Horoscope

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For loyal, hard-working, and idealistic Capricorn: Here’s what you can expect to enjoy, work through, and receive throughout the month of February.

The cosmos spends the first few days of the month pushing you toward planning and preparing for future goals as the waxing crescent Moon conjoins with Saturn in Pisces. Your ruling planet’s ongoing placement in Pisces helps lock your attention on placing and reinforcing emotional boundaries. Saturn’s disciplinarian attitude tends to be more pragmatic and no-nonsense than moody, dreamy Pisces. But even paradoxes have their merit. Rather than focusing on the feeling of being pulled in two different directions, focus on finding balance.

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The potential to prosper increases on February 4 when Jupiter retrograde returns direct in Gemini. When this gas giant is retrograde, it encourages us to search for ways to expand our minds via education, empathy, or a little bit of both. It’s a period of internal growth and evolution. But now that Jupiter is resuming its normal path through mutable Gemini, the stars are aligning in our favor to promote external success. Good fortune returns, and motivation increases.

The following week, on February 9, your ruling planet forms a challenging square with Mars retrograde. The latter red planet’s retrograde period has been highlighting pitfalls, draining energy, and making it more difficult to find your footing and assert yourself. Saturn’s placement in this cosmic mix suggests a gap between where you want to be and where you actually are. Despite what Saturn might be trying to convince you, you can’t rush your progress. The universe operates on its ideal timeline, even if it doesn’t always feel like it on an individual level. Remember that a challenge isn’t the same as a dead end, Capricorn.

February 9 also ushers in an identical aspect between Saturn and the waxing gibbous Moon. Again, moving forward might seem difficult or impossible during this time. Pay attention to the parts of your life that feel the most stagnant. Consider what you would need to feel better about it. As the waxing gibbous Moon calls you to assess your progress thus far and determine whether to adjust or proceed as normal, its negative aspect with Saturn indicates an inability or unwillingness to be honest with yourself about your reflections. You owe it to yourself to engage in authentic internal dialogue. Talk to yourself the same way you would talk to a close friend. Blowing smoke isn’t helpful, but neither is kicking yourself when you’re already struggling to get by.

On February 12, the full Moon reaches its peak strength in Leo. Even without the Moon’s Leo placement, this celestial event would heighten emotions, increase sensitivity, and strengthen the connection between our subconscious and conscious minds. But with the celestial body flying through proud Leo, this full Moon, in particular, serves as a sort of heavenly mirror. Relationships, situations, and other happenings will act as a reflection, beaming the energy you put out into the world straight back to you. Make sure you’re radiating something you’d be willing to soak in, Capricorn. Now’s a great time to practice the golden rule of treating others the way you would want to be treated.

A subsequent opposition between Saturn and the waning gibbous Moon on February 14 suggests that the images conjured by the reflective full Moon might not be pleasant to take in. It might be tempting to hide from these issues or pretend they’re not there. Rest assured, Capricorn: these challenges will find their way to you one way or another. You can either take up the cause now so that you can keep their arrival contained and controlled. Or you can roll the dice and let the chips fall where they may. The latter option could save you work in the beginning. But you run the risk of creating even more hardship and grief later on. The double-edged sword of the cosmos is that only you get to decide which route to take.

Starting on February 19, your ruling planet and the emotion-driven Moon go through several notable alignments with one another. This celestial series begins with a last-quarter Moon trine with Saturn, indicating good vibes and positive energy within matters of closure and goodbyes. The last-quarter Moon offers an invaluable opportunity to let go of that which no longer serves you before the end of this lunar cycle. Think of it as early emotional spring cleaning, Capricorn. You’ve always been the kind of person to work ahead when possible. This type of proactivity is useful in endeavors of the heart, too, not just work or friendships.

On February 22, the waning crescent Moon enters your celestial domain as it forms a challenging square with Saturn. The waning crescent Moon gently nudges you toward a place of rest and rejuvenation. Find a good stopping point so that you can take a breather. Avoid taking on new responsibilities or piling obligations onto your already full plate. If the task is still there following the darkest, most introspective phase of the lunar cycle, then by all means, start up the cause again. But more often than not, these pressing issues resolve themselves without much effort.

Two days later, on February 24, the cosmos undergoes another major shift as Mars retrograde returns direct in Cancer. This fiery planet’s retrograde period zapped energy, stalled progress, and increased the likelihood of pitfalls and setbacks. Now, the tide is finally turning in our earthly favor. With Mars returning direct, energy returns, progress feels more imminent, and things start to move at a quicker pace. Pay close attention to vibe shifts during this time, Capricorn. This isn’t a sprint. It’s a marathon. Allow yourself to acclimate to this newfound motivation before rushing forward. Gather your thoughts. Get a game plan first.

Saturn and Mercury’s conjunction on February 25 offers a boost of good cosmic energy. Mental clarity increases, as does our connection to our responsibilities and obligations. Indeed, the end of the month ushers in an atmosphere ripe with transformative energy. You mustn’t stifle this celestial influence by biting your tongue, stargazer. As long as your heart is in the right place, no type of discussion should be too much to handle. If it is, then perhaps it’s time to reassess your relationship with the other person. Keep your mind and heart open.

Thus concludes your monthly highlights. For more specific celestial analyses, make sure to read your daily and weekly horoscope as well. Good luck, Capricorn! See you next month.

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