Tuesday, March 4, 2025

BTCS Sunsets StakeSeeker Platform to Scale Core Ethereum Blockchain Infrastructure Operations

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BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) announced the discontinuation of its StakeSeeker platform to focus on scaling its Ethereum blockchain infrastructure operations, which is the company’s primary revenue driver. The strategic decision aims to concentrate resources on enhancing validator nodes, strengthening Builder+ Ethereum block-building operations, and expanding leadership in the proof-of-stake ecosystem.

While StakeSeeker provided crypto asset holders with monitoring and analysis tools, the company identified blockchain infrastructure operations as the most promising area for creating sustainable shareholder value. Despite the platform’s sunset, BTCS will continue supporting crypto asset holders who delegate their holdings to the company’s validator nodes for earning staking rewards.

BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) ha annunciato la cessazione della sua piattaforma StakeSeeker per concentrarsi sull’espansione delle operazioni della infrastruttura blockchain di Ethereum, che rappresenta il principale motore di ricavi dell’azienda. Questa decisione strategica mira a concentrare le risorse sul miglioramento dei nodi validator, rafforzando le operazioni di costruzione di blocchi Builder+ su Ethereum e ampliando la leadership nell’ecosistema proof-of-stake.

Anche se StakeSeeker forniva ai detentori di asset crypto strumenti di monitoraggio e analisi, l’azienda ha individuato le operazioni infrastrutturali blockchain come l’area più promettente per creare valore sostenibile per gli azionisti. Nonostante la chiusura della piattaforma, BTCS continuerà a supportare i detentori di asset crypto che delegano i loro beni ai nodi validator dell’azienda per guadagnare ricompense da staking.

BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) anunció la interrupción de su plataforma StakeSeeker para centrarse en la expansión de sus operaciones de infraestructura de blockchain de Ethereum, que es el principal generador de ingresos de la empresa. La decisión estratégica busca concentrar recursos en la mejora de los nodos validadores, fortalecer las operaciones de construcción de bloques Builder+ en Ethereum y ampliar el liderazgo en el ecosistema de prueba de participación.

Aunque StakeSeeker ofreció a los titulares de activos cripto herramientas de monitoreo y análisis, la empresa identificó las operaciones de infraestructura blockchain como el área más prometedora para crear valor sostenible para los accionistas. A pesar del cierre de la plataforma, BTCS continuará apoyando a los titulares de activos cripto que delegan sus tenencias a los nodos validadores de la empresa para obtener recompensas por staking.

BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS)는 회사의 주요 수익원인 이더리움 블록체인 인프라 운영의 확장에 집중하기 위해 StakeSeeker 플랫폼의 중단을 발표했습니다. 이번 전략적 결정은 자원을 유효성 검사자 노드의 개선, 이더리움 블록 생성 작업인 Builder+의 강화, 스테이크 생태계에서의 리더십 확장에 집중하기 위한 것입니다.

StakeSeeker는 암호화 자산 보유자에게 모니터링 및 분석 도구를 제공했지만, 회사는 블록체인 인프라 운영이 지속 가능한 주주 가치를 창출할 수 있는 가장 유망한 분야라고 판단했습니다. 플랫폼이 종료되더라도 BTCS는 회사의 유효성 검사자 노드에 보유 자산을 위임하여 스테이킹 보상을 받는 암호화 자산 보유자를 지원할 것입니다.

BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) a annoncé l’interruption de sa plateforme StakeSeeker afin de se concentrer sur l’expansion de ses opérations d’infrastructure blockchain Ethereum, qui constituent le principal moteur de revenus de l’entreprise. Cette décision stratégique vise à concentrer les ressources sur l’amélioration des nœuds validateurs, à renforcer les opérations de création de blocs Builder+ sur Ethereum et à élargir le leadership dans l’écosystème de preuve d’enjeu.

Bien que StakeSeeker ait fourni aux détenteurs d’actifs crypto des outils de surveillance et d’analyse, l’entreprise a identifié les opérations d’infrastructure blockchain comme le domaine le plus prometteur pour créer une valeur durable pour les actionnaires. Malgré la fermeture de la plateforme, BTCS continuera de soutenir les détenteurs d’actifs crypto qui délèguent leurs avoirs aux nœuds validateurs de l’entreprise pour gagner des récompenses de staking.

BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) kündigte die Einstellung seiner StakeSeeker-Plattform an, um sich auf die Skalierung seiner Ethereum-Blockchain-Infrastruktur zu konzentrieren, die den Hauptumsatz des Unternehmens generiert. Die strategische Entscheidung zielt darauf ab, Ressourcen für die Verbesserung von Validator-Knoten, die Stärkung der Builder+-Ethereum-Blockerstellungsoperationen und die Erweiterung der Führungsposition im Proof-of-Stake-Ökosystem zu konzentrieren.

Obwohl StakeSeeker den Inhabern von Krypto-Assets Überwachungs- und Analysetools zur Verfügung stellte, identifizierte das Unternehmen die Blockchain-Infrastruktur als den vielversprechendsten Bereich zur Schaffung nachhaltiger Aktionärswerte. Trotz der Schließung der Plattform wird BTCS weiterhin Krypto-Asset-Inhaber unterstützen, die ihre Bestände an die Validator-Knoten des Unternehmens delegieren, um Staking-Belohnungen zu erhalten.


  • Strategic focus on core revenue-generating Ethereum blockchain infrastructure

  • Continued support for crypto asset delegation to validator nodes

  • Resource optimization through platform consolidation


  • Discontinuation of StakeSeeker platform and associated services

  • Reduction in product diversity


The discontinuation of StakeSeeker platform marks a strategic pivot that warrants attention.

BTCS’s decision to focus exclusively on Ethereum validator operations represents a calculated move in the competitive blockchain infrastructure space. The company’s Builder+ Ethereum block-building operations could potentially generate more stable revenue streams compared to maintaining a portfolio monitoring platform. This aligns with industry trends where infrastructure providers are seeing higher margins and more predictable income from staking operations.

The timing is particularly noteworthy as Ethereum’s ecosystem continues to mature post-merge. With Ethereum staking yields currently averaging 4-5% APR and the network securing over $60 billion in staked ETH, the infrastructure market presents substantial growth opportunities. By consolidating resources on core validator operations, BTCS positions itself to capture a larger share of the growing institutional staking market, which is projected to expand significantly as regulatory clarity improves.

Think of this as a restaurant deciding to close its delivery app to focus entirely on its most profitable dine-in service – it’s about resource optimization and specialization in a high-potential segment. This strategic realignment could strengthen BTCS’s competitive position in the institutional staking market, though success will largely depend on their ability to scale operations efficiently and maintain high validator performance metrics.

This corporate restructuring decision reveals important financial implications for BTCS’s business model. With a market cap of $47.5 million, resource allocation is critical for small-cap companies operating in capital-intensive sectors. The sunset of StakeSeeker eliminates operational costs associated with platform maintenance, customer support and development, potentially improving operational margins.

The strategic refocus addresses a key challenge in the blockchain sector – the need for specialization in an increasingly competitive landscape. By channeling resources into Ethereum infrastructure, BTCS can potentially achieve economies of scale more efficiently. This is particularly relevant given that Ethereum infrastructure operations typically require significant upfront capital investment but can generate recurring revenue through staking rewards and validator fees.

For investors, this streamlining signals a clearer value proposition and potentially more predictable revenue streams. Rather than maintaining a diversified but potentially diluted product offering, BTCS is positioning itself as a pure-play Ethereum infrastructure provider. This could make the company’s performance more directly correlated with Ethereum’s ecosystem growth, offering investors a more focused exposure to the blockchain infrastructure sector.

Silver Spring, MD, Dec. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) (“BTCS” or the “Company”), a leader in blockchain infrastructure and technology, today announced its decision to sunset its StakeSeeker platform. This strategic shift will enable the Company to concentrate its resources on scaling its Ethereum blockchain infrastructure operations, which remain the primary driver of revenue and core to its long-term vision.

BTCS’s StakeSeeker platform has provided crypto asset holders with monitoring and analysis tools for managing their portfolios and staking activities. Despite this, the Company has identified its blockchain infrastructure operations, particularly those related to Ethereum, as the most promising area to create sustainable value for shareholders.

“After careful consideration, we have decided to discontinue the StakeSeeker platform as part of our strategy to be laser-focused on areas where we have a demonstrable chance of success,” said Charles Allen, CEO of BTCS. “Our primary goal is to position BTCS as the premier Ethereum blockchain infrastructure company, and this decision reflects our commitment to driving maximum value for our shareholders.”

Importantly, this decision does not affect BTCS’s ability to support crypto asset holders who choose to delegate their crypto holdings to the Company’s validator nodes. Delegators will still have access to BTCS’s infrastructure to earn staking rewards, further reinforcing the Company’s mission to deliver scalable blockchain services.

With the resources freed by sunsetting StakeSeeker, BTCS intends to enhance its validator nodes, strengthen its Builder+ Ethereum block-building operations, and expand its leadership in the proof-of-stake ecosystem.

About BTCS:
BTCS Inc. (Nasdaq: BTCS) is a U.S.-based blockchain infrastructure technology company currently focused on driving scalable revenue growth through its Ethereum blockchain infrastructure operations. BTCS has honed its expertise in Ethereum network operations, particularly in block building and validator node management. Its branded block-building operation, Builder+, leverages advanced algorithms to optimize block construction for on-chain validation, thus maximizing gas fee revenues. BTCS also supports other blockchain networks by operating validator nodes and staking its crypto assets across multiple proof-of-stake networks, allowing crypto holders to delegate assets to BTCS-managed nodes. In addition, the Company has developed ChainQ, an AI-powered blockchain data analytics platform, which enhances user access and engagement within the blockchain ecosystem. Committed to innovation and adaptability, BTCS is strategically positioned to expand its blockchain operations and infrastructure beyond Ethereum as the ecosystem evolves. Explore how BTCS is revolutionizing blockchain infrastructure in the public markets by visiting www.btcs.com.

Forward-Looking Statements:
Certain statements in this press release constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding our ability to drive sustained stakeholder value as we adapt and grow. Words such as “may,” “might,” “will,” “should,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “estimate,” “continue,” “predict,” “forecast,” “project,” “plan,” “intend” or similar expressions, or statements regarding intent, belief, or current expectations, are forward-looking statements. While the Company believes these forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on any such forward-looking statements, which are based on information available to us on the date of this release. These forward-looking statements are based upon assumptions and are subject to various risks and uncertainties, including without limitation regulatory issues, unexpected issues with Builder+, unexpected issues with ChainQ, and the reluctance of validators to try or utilize our Builder+ product, as well as risks set forth in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission including its Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 which was filed on March 21, 2024. Thus, actual results could be materially different. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation to update or alter statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by law.

Investor Relations:
Charles Allen – CEO
X (formerly Twitter): @Charles_BTCS
Email: ir@btcs.com


Why is BTCS discontinuing its StakeSeeker platform?

BTCS is discontinuing StakeSeeker to focus resources on scaling its Ethereum blockchain infrastructure operations, which is the company’s primary revenue driver and core to its long-term vision.

How will the StakeSeeker shutdown affect BTCS’s crypto delegation services?

The shutdown will not affect BTCS’s ability to support crypto asset holders who delegate their holdings to the company’s validator nodes for earning staking rewards.

What will BTCS focus on after discontinuing StakeSeeker?

BTCS will focus on enhancing validator nodes, strengthening Builder+ Ethereum block-building operations, and expanding its leadership in the proof-of-stake ecosystem.

What is BTCS’s strategic vision following the StakeSeeker sunset?

BTCS aims to position itself as the premier Ethereum blockchain infrastructure company, focusing on areas where it has a demonstrable chance of success and driving maximum shareholder value.

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