WASHINGTON — U.S. regulators want a federal judge to break up Google to prevent the company from continuing to squash competition through its dominant...
Evangel's Kaleb Duncan is a 2024 Shreveport Times Athlete of the Week.Evangel's Kaleb Duncan talks about playing Alexandria Friday in the LHSAA playoffsU.S. News...
Life & Style shares your horoscope forecast for the week of November 24 through November 30!
SAGITTARIUS November 22 – December 21
No more feeling down....
ORWIGSBURG — Glancing at a supermarket checkout slip can be a shocking experience these days, but imagine seeing $925.94 on the bottom line.That’s what...
Monthly Affirmation:“My career is picking up momentum and guiding me toward success.”Work delays and other Mercury retrograde mix-ups in your professional life could make...