The original Journey to the Savage Planet spent much of its runtime satirizing corporate overreach, which makes the ultimate fate of developer Typhoon Studios...
Fire at Detroit MulchFire at Detroit Mulch continues to burnDetroit — Thick clouds of smoke billowed over neighborhoods on Detroit's northwest side Wednesday as...
A new agreement between Los Alamos National Laboratory and the National Science Foundation's Artificial Intelligence Institute for Advances in Optimization, or AI4OPT, at Georgia...
What do the Bradlee Shopping Center, Winkler Botanical Preserve, and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office all have in common?
Well, the headline sort of...
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a new directive mandating inspections of Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft, a move that could potentially disrupt...
Google has unveiled a series of enteprise-focused security features designed to enhance protection through the power of "convergence" – the integration of physical and cybersecurity...
Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD), whose Max streaming service is the exclusive host to Eurosport, the leading sports broadcaster in Europe, announced that it plans...