Sunday, February 23, 2025

August Horoscope: The 5 Signs Making Relationship Changes This Month

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Summer is steadily heating up, and astrology is following suit. As the waves of July fade into the distance, we step back onto the beach and embrace the sunny rays of August—and all the lessons she has to offer. This month holds a few very pivotal moments that might bring you anxiety now, but on the other side of it, you’ll have a much better understanding of what is needed to make you the best version of yourself.

The beginning of the month kicks off with several dynamic transits on August 4. Venus moves into Virgo, the planet of love, beauty, and creativity. Expect to feel inspired by refined simplicity, which will allow you to approach creativity and relationships more pragmatically. Venus in Virgo can be a bit critical sometimes, so watch out for moments of judgment. Remember, art is subjective, so we all have our own definition of what is beautiful. Stay in your lane and keep your world in balance.

On the 4th, the dreaded Mercury retrograde starts, and will last until August 28. By August 4, you will have been exposed to the Mercury retrograde shadow for about three weeks, beginning on July 16. Take some time to reflect on where your daily life and habits have been challenged since July 16. With this Mercury retrograde, we have two signs influencing us, with Mercury dancing between Virgo and Leo. Trends associated with our health, planning, and organization, who we are, how we share our story, and our self-talk will be at the forefront of this retrograde. You can expect a more detailed horoscope of how this Mercury retrograde will affect you soon, so stay on the lookout for that.

The last of the August 4 transits is the new moon in Leo. We are halfway into Leo, and the new moon presents an opportunity to put ourselves back in the spotlight. Leo moons are dramatic, expressive, and creative, bringing spurts of energy into our lives that help us say, “I am that bitch. I will always be that bitch.” I recommend doing some new moon rituals like vision board manifesting, dancing, and singing your heart’s desires as a form of boldly defining who you are to the world around you.

The month chills out until August 19, when a full moon and Jupiter squaring Saturn will occur. The full moon in Aquarius will help you put the future at the forefront. The moon in Aquarius has naturally detached energy, removing their emotions to consider the collective feeling. Where the Leo new moon allows us to put ourselves first, the Aquarius full moon reminds us of how we fit into, and contribute to, society. You might feel moments where you need to let go of some ego-driven desires to show up better for the people around you. Romantic ideals and humanitarian action are necessary, but shouldn’t be at the expense of your individuality. The Aquarius full moon is about realizing how we need to carve out space for ourselves and others so that our needs and emotions can safely take up the same space.

I hope the Jupiter-Saturn square is a juicy one that wakes us all up. To understand this aspect, we have to look back to when Jupiter and Saturn were conjunct, which was back in 2020, when they both found themselves in Aquarius. The previous Jupiter + Saturn conjunction was ushering in a new era, forcing us to look back at the old world and imagine what a new one could look like. Advancements in technology, health, and how we access each other in society were introduced to each other during that time, and now Jupiter x Saturn is putting forth a checkpoint on those themes. With Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces, we are encouraged to look at how our mental expansiveness can balance spiritual and emotional responsibilities. Pragmatism and logic are always great, but we must also listen to pathos, which bonds us with other humans. We have to make sure we are pushing ourselves to be more open to the ideas and experiences of others. This Jupiter-squaring-Saturn conjunct is about crisis in action—something is likely going wrong in your life, and you are being pushed to be more open to allow the change to flow in.

Virgo season comes to a close on August 22, Mercury retrograde ends on the 28th, and Venus enters Libra on the 29th. Venus in Libra puts balance and harmony back into our lives—specifically, how we express and relate to others. On the heels of a Mercury retrograde, Venus in Libra is the perfect solution to help soothe any tensions that may have arisen. Venus in Libra imbues some free-flowing, air-sign energy into the mix. This is an excellent time to assess how you have been letting yourself indulge, and where the push-and-pull in your relationships comes from. Compromise and collaboration are supported by Venus in Libra, so don’t shy away from letting yourself worry less and love more.

As always, read your rising sign for the most accurate look at the month ahead. Take it slow in August—be methodical about how you celebrate and get cerebral.


August provides a unique opportunity for you to reset and strategize. With your ruling planet, Mars, in Gemini all month, your mind is still being activated, forcing you to focus on the small details that help build the bigger picture. It’s normal for you to have your eye on the prize, rushing into the things that excite you—but what will help you ensure that the award doesn’t slip out of your fingers once you get closer to it? August reminds you of the importance of planning and the dangers of tunnel vision. You will be challenged not to avoid the less enjoyable work that needs to be done, but ensuring you have assessed every potential way to get where you want to be is essential. Toward the end of the month, you might feel your relationships start to take a more playful and exciting tone, so don’t steer away from collaboration if you find yourself at a roadblock this month.


Your ruling planet, Venus, makes some great movements this month, which should allow you to put pleasure at the forefront of August. You are known for your refined and artisanal approach to life, only letting yourself indulge in the world’s finest things. However, you will be challenged to ensure you don’t go overboard. For most of the month, Venus in Virgo will help you discern where you need to be more intentional about your joy and pleasures—and where you might be in excess. This month’s new and full moons will also help you put your home and professional life into perspective. You might find new opportunities to connect with your family and emotions while removing unnecessary work expectations.


With the upcoming Mercury retrograde and the Jupiter + Saturn square, you might feel discombobulated throughout August. Since last March, you have continually been challenged to evolve and take accountability for your future. This coming month might spark some moments that remind you of why you are on that journey in the first place. With Mercury retrograde on the horizon, you can reflect on how your upbringing has influenced you and how you can be more confident in expressing yourself. August wants you to slow down and smell the roses rather than worrying about everything that could go wrong. Reconnect with what drives you at your core and use that as the benchmark for navigating your decisions in August.


Since you are ruled by the moon, it is always important to examine how the new and full moons will impact your chart. August invites you to assess your sense of self with your shared experiences. With the new moon at the beginning of the month, you might feel more aware of your power, and more willing to prioritize your wants and needs. Your worth will be questioned, along with how you allow yourself to stand firmly in what you know you deserve. With the full moon later in the month, you will better grasp the influences of those closest to you. But remember: have you prioritized your needs so much that you lost sight of what will help you live your ideal life?


August is always the time to shine, as Leo season is in full swing. You can put yourself at the forefront of your own experience without judgment from others—hooray! This month proves promising for you, since you’ll have the chance to step forward even more confidently than you have before with the new moon. Expect to cleanse yourself of relationships that do not let you exist in your individuality. Through this month, do not forget that you, too, will need to make sacrifices and compromise at times. The world doesn’t revolve around you as much as you wish it did. August is about making sure that you prioritize yourself while not bulldozing others to make it happen.


With so much Virgo energy this month, you might feel more activated than usual. The Mercury retrograde, which rules your chart, starts in your sign, making your sense of self a big focus for this upcoming retrograde season. Who are you, what are your dreams, and what are your fears and anxieties that hold you back from embracing the highest version of yourself? The Jupiter + Saturn square offers an exciting opportunity to assess your life path and who is currently with you. You might want to work with others more, or your current relationships need refreshment. Regardless of your choice, August will remind you of who you are, where you are heading, and who supports you in that drive.


August will be an excellent time for you to get dreamy and creative, Libra. With Venus in Virgo, I expect you will find it easier to bring those more ethereal dreams and visions to the material world. The beauty of Venus in Virgo is that it will remind you of how to dream big while also keeping the necessary pragmatism to execute those dreams. Don’t let your natural indecision stop you from pursuing creative or romantic experiences you feel called to this month; rather than asking what if, challenge yourself to find the answers by doing. As the month closes out, you will be able to find comfort in expressing yourself more authentically.


August will force you to focus on your most intimate connections. The Jupiter + Saturn square poses an exciting challenge for you to think about what drives your happiness and the happiness of your closest connections. When you share, you tend to expect 100 percent from the other person—go big or go home is Scorpio’s motto, after all. Since you have been reconnecting with that passionate place in your life, you will be reminded that by loving another, you are, in turn, loving their experience. Be open to letting your shared experience be genuinely shared by letting others take the driver’s seat occasionally—you might be pleasantly surprised by the journey.


Your relationships and family dynamics might experience some bumps in the road this month. You are ruled by Jupiter, which makes a tense aspect of Saturn. These planets are currently influencing your relationships (Jupiter) and home/family life (Saturn). Jupiter is helping you to bring more people into the fold, allowing you to learn and grow through their unique perspectives and conversations. Saturn, however, reminds you of what those foundational relationships look like now—and how the new people in your life can shift your perspective. I keep thinking back to the idea of chosen vs. given family, so use that as the benchmark for how you hold space for yourself and others right now. Keep an open mind and heart, and listen to what other people say and do.


Because you are ruled by Saturn, looking at the upcoming Jupiter + Saturn square for you is essential. Saturn is helping you reshape how you process information and account for the little things in life. With Jupiter in Gemini, your daily life, routine, and health are getting the opportunity to expand and be more open to receiving advice on better ways of living. Please pay attention to what you learn about how others live and find balance and opportunities with unique circadian rhythms. You might sometimes feel confused because your judgment says to stick to the status quo. However, I trust that by the end of August, you will know how to reshape your perspective and approach to your daily life to evolve with your expanding mind.


Come August each year, your relationships take center stage. The new moon might bring some new passionate bombshells to your proverbial love island, and the full moon might help you dump those lingering thoughts and feelings that prevent you from being authentic to yourself. August will be a good time for you to dream bigger for yourself. The key here is for yourself. Aquarian energy naturally considers societal influences while sticking to their individuality, but how can you carve out more space for your singular experience to be your singular experience? You will be reminded this month that companionship is fabulous, as long as it allows for you to continue growing as rapidly as you are.


One of your ruling planets is Jupiter, which is part of a significant connection that is shifting your perspective this month. Jupiter is helping you grow and expand your home life—maybe you’ve moved recently, reconnected with family members, or added someone new to the family. However, as Saturn and Jupiter connect this month, you are reminded of who you are with the people you allow into your sanctuary. Are you creating enough space for this current version of yourself to exist at peace with the changes happening in your home? Think about where you were in 2020 and where you are now. We have all made drastic changes since then, but have you allowed yourself to entirely shift how the place where you rest your head each night reflects those changes?

Key Dates

8/4: Venus enters Virgo

8/4: Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo

8/4: New moon in Leo

8/14: Mercury retrograde enters Leo

8/19: Full moon in Aquarius

8/19: Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces

8/22: Sun enters Virgo

8/28: Mercury stations direct in Leo

8/29: Venus enters Libra

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