Sunday, February 2, 2025

August Horoscope: Mercury Retrograde Will Get Intense for These 7 Signs

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It’s everyone’s favorite time of year again. That’s right—Mercury retrograde (cue the half-hearted fanfare) will soon be upon us. Expect exes sliding into your DMs, getting stuck in traffic, accidentally double-booking plans, experiencing technological issues, and so much more. In other words, prepare to share a single collective brain cell for the next three weeks as gaffes abound.

All jokes aside, Mercury retrograde is not a time to freak out like Chicken Little, screaming that the sky is falling. Mercury is the planet of communication, information, intellect, and minutia (like scheduling, charging your cell phone, etc.); the planet stations retrograde three to four times a year. Mercury retrograde can teach us lessons in attentiveness and clarity. We are reminded to focus more, never assume, and double-check everything.

The August Mercury retrograde bounces between two signs, starting in Virgo and ending in Leo. Mercury in Virgo is typically a happy camper, approaching life through a keen lens that quickly rationalizes the information coming in and out of their daily life. When Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo, however, we can see this ordinarily rational perspective embracing the side of Virgo that worries over plans and nitpicks at everything. From August 5 to August 14, while Mercury retrograde is in Virgo, I anticipate anxieties surrounding the little things will pick up. You might feel frustrated when you or a coworker shows up 15 minutes late—or overwhelmed by the pile of clothes and dishes that never seems to go away. Doom scrolling on WebMD rather than just calling up your doctor…All these things give the tone of what Mercury retrograde in Virgo does. The first half of Mercury retrograde provides an opportunity to find awareness in the areas where we need more structure, routine, and planning, setting clear reminders for ourselves and others of what we need to ensure our circadian rhythms don’t go out of whack.

The second half of Mercury retrograde, taking place from August 14 to 28, is when Mercury slides back into Leo. The focus shifts away from external factors that might throw our work, health, or daily lives off balance, and we begin to look at how we view ourselves internally. Mercury in Leo is a confident communicator with a strong sense of self and the ability to understand who they are and their place in the world. When Mercury stations retrograde in Leo, we feel like we are in a fishbowl with all eyes on us. Our mind fixates on the ego, the sense of self, and how we interpret who we are based on the information we receive. You might find, during the second half of Mercury retrograde, you are less inclined to share your opinion. And if you do, it is often misunderstood. There might be moments of imposter syndrome or questioning yourself. Mercury retrograde in Leo allows us to examine how we communicate with ourselves, where we lack confidence, and why we should take up more space. The second half of the Mercury retrograde will be an excellent time to have daily affirmations, politely share your perspective, and remind yourself that someone else’s opinion of you is none of your business.

Before diving into the sign-by-sign horoscope, there are critical dates over the next month when the other transiting planets will influence Mercury:

Key Dates

August 5, August 7

  • You might feel lighter at the start of the retrograde, but there could be moments of miscommunication or excess judgment in relationships. Be nice to your loved ones; we are all on different journeys.

August 14, August 18

  • Don’t be surprised if you start feeling a bit more erratic around this time. Be careful when making rash decisions about changing your appearance or trying to 180° your life—this could be a time when you’re the most critical of yourself.

August 19—Full Moon

  • During a more challenging retrograde moment, our emotions will feel big, but we might not fully understand them. If needed, take some time off and detach from the world.

August 23

  • Around this time, you’ll uncover wounds you never realized existed. This is an excellent time to work with a therapist, or potentially journal about the things you’re discovering about yourself.

August 24

  • Feeling bored and stuck in a rut might result in the desire to do something major to shake up your flow. Patience is key; don’t jump into projects for which you don’t have the space.

August 28—Mercury Retrograde ends

When reading the following sign-by-sign horoscope, read for your rising sign. This horoscope has parts one and two because the shift of Mercury from Virgo into Leo changes the influence on each of our charts.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will focus on your work, health, and routines. You might notice you are overextending yourself or need motivation to be more active. You are an Aries, so movement and momentum are always essential to keep as a regular practice. Consider what makes work and healthy habits more enjoyable; your gift is your ability to make life a game so it’s more bearable.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde has the potential to inform how you have been letting yourself live life to its fullest. Are you fully embracing life’s pleasures or overindulging, taking in more than your fill? Use this second half of the Mercury retrograde to examine how you let your desire for immediate gratification influence your decision-making. It would be best to enjoy life’s pleasures, but not so much that they lose their luster.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will help you understand how judgment might impede your happiness. Are you too critical to let yourself indulge in the things that spark your curiosity, just because of what others might think? You might feel tension in your love life if there is too much of this critical judgment, so take time to remind yourself and your partner(s) of why you love each other in the first place.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde can stir up some emotions. Maybe you feel lost or abandoned by your family, or even feel out of place at home. For Taurus, the key is to make your environment a sanctuary, especially the home. Don’t throw anything “new” into the fold right now—instead, focus on reconnecting with your foundations and let that be your security blanket.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will raise questions about where you stand with your family. You can see that the first half of this retrograde brings ample miscommunications, misunderstandings, and unnecessary drama within the family unit. You have a lot of thoughts and a sharp tongue, so watch out for saying something you might regret. Avoid discussing contentious topics right now, but keep a record of where judgment comes from at home.

Retrograde Part 2: In the second half of Mercury’s retrograde, you might ask, “Was I silent, or was I silenced?” You have the gift of gab, but you might feel like no one is hearing you right now. Don’t force your voice onto people who aren’t willing to listen. Take time to acknowledge your intelligence and wit rather than fixating on how others interpret your words. If you only say what everyone wants to hear, are you saying anything?


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of Mercury’s retrograde will be a bit of an anxious time for you. You might worry more about the things you’d typically give a quick glance. Double- and triple-check your calendars to ensure you stay two steps ahead. There could be some drama between you and your siblings, so proceed with patience if they do not understand what you are trying to tell them.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde will shift focus to matters of ego. The biggest question will be, do you value yourself as much as you say you do? You might feel sad and as if you aren’t worthy right now. To counter this, prioritize experiences and surround yourself with things that highlight your gifts. Mercury retrograde is trying to give you the confidence to say, I am worth it.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will help you put your finances in line—if you’re smart about it. I tend to see Leo individuals go overboard during retrograde seasons, so be careful and attentive to where money is coming in and out. Practice simplicity and minimalism for the first two weeks to ensure you invest in only what you need right now.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde will help you to realign with yourself. You might sometimes feel like work, family, or other relationships are bogging you down and clouding your vision of yourself. The second half of this retrograde is trying to remind you of who you are when you stand alone, not when the rest of the world praises you. Who are you, and do you effectively share that with the world around you?


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will bring awareness to your sense of self. You might feel like you are confused about your place in the world, or that you feel disconnected from the person you see in the mirror. Don’t make drastic aesthetic changes; you might regret those later ones. Focus on how the interior can be reflected externally, and if necessary, do some reintroductions to those who still hold a former image of yourself.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde will let you dig up your most profound anxieties and insecurities. If you don’t have a therapeutic, meditative, or reflection routine, I recommend implementing one sooner rather than later. You might fear being seen or heard truthfully, so you prefer only to show the best. Find peace with your demons so you can be in control of them.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde has the potential to keep you up at night, asking what if? That is normal for you, though, as you always weigh the pros and cons. These what-ifs might feel heavier, making you examine past, present, and future outcomes. Please don’t get caught thinking about every path that could present itself, but rather solutions to your current path. Take it one day at a time.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde will let you see where you fit into various social groups and communities. You might find that your goals and aspirations for yourself aren’t aligning with the people around you, so you have to go out looking for new connections. Passive people-pleasing will do you no favors right now—if you feel you are being pushed in a direction you aren’t happy with because of peer pressure, that is your cue to bounce.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will bring awareness to how you plan your world domination! Maybe it won’t be that dramatic, but it will allow you to reassess how you have been looking toward the future. You go in 1000 percent with everything you do, so I have no doubts you will get to where you want to end up. But you might find that this first half of the retrograde will throw some roadblocks your way, forcing you to approach your goals with a new strategy.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde will challenge you professionally. Be careful of lashing out if you notice you are not receiving the credit you desire for projects, or people aren’t listening to your feedback and suggestions. You might feel numb toward your work, but that allows you to ask, “Is this the work that I want to be doing?”


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will require a systematic approach to your work if you want to survive. If you let your naturally impulsive side take over, you might be swamped with miscommunications, missing deadlines, and mishaps that impede your standing. Make sure that you take the work seriously. You can always mentally check out when you physically clock out, but when you are there, stay focused.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde will allow you to let your mind wander a bit. You might start questioning your faith or personal philosophies, which could lead to an existential crisis. Rather than fixating on that, remember that the world is ever-changing, as are you, and it is a sign of growth that you are challenging yourself to think outside of the box you made for yourself.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of Mercury’s retrograde will give you an opportunity to reflect on your learning. You might feel frustrated with the world’s development, but that opens a door for you to learn why it functions that way. This would be an interesting time to go back to school, whether literally or figuratively, through listening to podcasts, reading books, or having conversations that encourage you to understand a broader lens of the human experience.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde might uncover bits of your past that you buried deep. A bruised ego might be part of the narrative as information challenges you to relinquish baggage and transform into a more authentic version of yourself. Be careful of holding onto resentment during the second half of the retrograde—there are always two sides to every story!


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of Mercury’s retrograde will provide opportunities to look at your shadow side. You might feel frustrated if old wounds challenge your ability to be open to others, and if you don’t have all the answers to solve the problem. Rather than looking for answers that move you forward, look backward to see the common thread that ties you to whatever you’re holding onto so you can yank it out, root, and stem.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde will force you to examine your relationships. There will be moments where you want to pop off and cut ties with people, but err on the side of caution. If you have felt for a while that you aren’t being received or supported by the people you hold closest, consider voicing that and work to find a mutual path to resolution. You can’t assume everyone knows what you’re experiencing.


Retrograde Part 1: The first half of the Mercury retrograde will allow you to rationalize your relationships—if you are patient with yourself and others. You might have moments of confusion where you question the bond’s validity or strength. Don’t let your anxiety cause a spiral; approach resolution in a rational way that clears the air rather than assuming someone has ill will.

Retrograde Part 2: The second half of Mercury’s retrograde might reveal that you haven’t been putting yourself at the center of your routine. Pisces tends to prioritize the needs of others, but the second half of this retrograde will force you to realize what you need for yourself. It is essential to ensure you flow on your terms.

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