Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ashfield voters to consider 911 infrastructure, tennis court rehab spending requests

Must read

Ashfield Town Hall.
Staff File Photo/Paul Franz

ASHFIELD — Voters are asked to convene at Town Hall on Monday at 7 p.m. to consider three Special Town Meeting warrant articles pertaining to 911 infrastructure at the schools and a tennis court rehabilitation project.

Articles 2 and 3 ask for $6,812 and $2,591 to upgrade the phone systems at Sanderson Academy and Mohawk Trail Regional School, respectively, to support “enhanced 911 emergency communications,” the warrant reads. These spending requests come in the wake of a state mandate seeking to improve 911 systems in public schools.

“The new system will now pinpoint where in the building the call originates from among other features,” the warrant explanation reads.

Both of these warrant articles require a majority vote and were put forward by the School Committee.

Article 1 asks to transfer $20,000 from the Grant Match Stabilization Fund to the Park Tennis Court Rehab Account. The warrant explains that the town was given $100,000 to replace the tennis courts and $58,900 was pulled from American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to cover the balance of the replacement.

However, the warrant notes that project bids “came in higher than expected,” meaning more money must be allocated to move forward with the project. The warrant mentions that the Grant Match Stabilization Fund was created from federal grants and the project will be able to continue at no cost to taxpayers.

To view the full Special Town Meeting warrant, visit

Erin-Leigh Hoffman can be reached at or 413-930-4231.

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